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My Game Three WS Tickets

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Alright ya'll...


I'm Dugout Box



Section 150 Row E Seats 1,2



Pretty damn good seats.




I'll give everyone a report when I'm done. As of now, it doesn't look good. Lots of rain, no signs of letting up.


I'll be wearing red, I should be the only one, so I'll be pretty easy to find. :lol:

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One word can sum up that sporting experience...incredible.


Now, I consider myself lucky to have been to as many great sporting events as I have.


-Last game at the "Real" Solider Field

-All-star game at USCF

-Homerun Derby at USCF

-Notre Dame v. BC (Tyrone's magical season)

All-star game Miller Park


But nothing can match the excitement I felt in the stands last night. The energy was amazing, the place was electrified.


My first visit to Busch

-That stadium is awesome: a sea of red. Clean, roomy concourses. Good food (nowhere near a polish at Comisky ;) ). Excellent seating. An overall top-notch baseball atmosphere. Although St. Louis does not NEED a new stadium, I'm sure the Busch of 2006 will also be fantastic.


The fans

-Going in I have always held BoSox fans and Cardinal fans in high regard; after having visited Busch, my stance has not changed. The Cardinal fans are VERY knowledgeable baseball people. No cell-phone yanking, rooftop watching chumps here. The Boston fans were also very respectable. Very knowledgeable and die-hard. No one can question the heart of both the Boston and St. Louis fans...they live and die with their respective ball clubs.


The game

-Masterful performance by Pedro. He started off a little shaky, clearly not having the command and velocity he was hoping for; but as the game went on, he seemed to get stronger and stronger...his confidence was clearly through the roof.


Manny's shot was a bomb. Larry's got out in a hurry.


The Suppan blunder was enormous. I thought the guys behind me were going to s*** themselves. He could have crawled home, but instead got caught and had nowhere to go...I know I know, you guys have all seen it. Suppan never recovered, I think his confidence was shattered and he wasn't able to settle in afterwards.




What a great time, if anyone ever has a chance to go to the WS PLEASE DO SO. It’s worth missing your next class Wednesday morning. Anyone that has been to Busch knows what I'm talking about.

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