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Terror warning on Drudge


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true to form. Whenever a negative story comes out, that the admin. can't really explain away w/o making fools of themselves, play the terror card. At least I called it. I forget which thread I posted it in earlier this morning

The administration as in the President? If this is true, the government were the LAST ones to get their hands on this. It sounds to me like it went through some safe people, through contacts, into ABC's hands, and then into the governments hands.


I am not sure how them ending up with a videotape through a news station is playing the terror card?


It sounds to me more like an attempt to influence the elections ala Spain.

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The administration as in the President?  If this is true, the government were the LAST ones to get their hands on this.  It sounds to me like it went through some safe people, through contacts, into ABC's hands, and then into the governments hands.


I am not sure how them ending up with a videotape through a news station is playing the terror card?


It sounds to me more like an attempt to influence the elections ala Spain.

Yes, this administration. Even though news orgs like ABC might be looking into stories, the admin. can give it inside info. Or at least push a story that is waiting to be verified. If ABC just got the tape this weekend, and are trying to authenicate it, a few days is a very short time for it to be out there. That it makes it on Drudge first should set off alarm bells to anyone


At various times, though, throughout the last few years, officials, like Ridge, Ashcroft, etc, have given press conferences announcing threats. They have almost always talked of old threats, without raising the terror threat level.


I can cite numerous examples--the latest was the US schools in battle ground states being a possible terrorist target [when it was only a aid worker w/ info on schools in Iraq]; the threat to NJ, specific banks, etc a few months back that was 3 years old, and didn't rasie any levels in those states.

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Yes, this administration. Even though news orgs like ABC might be looking into stories, the admin. can give it inside info. Or at least push a story that is waiting to be verified. If ABC just got the tape this weekend, and are trying to authenicate it, a few days is a very short time for it to be out there. That it makes it on Drudge first should set off alarm bells to anyone


At various times, though, throughout the last few years, officials, like Ridge, Ashcroft, etc, have given press conferences announcing threats. They have almost always talked of old threats, without raising the terror threat level.


I can cite numerous examples--the latest was the US schools in battle ground states being a possible terrorist target [when it was only a aid worker w/ info on schools in Iraq]; the threat to NJ, specific banks, etc a few months back that was 3 years old, and didn't rasie any levels in those states.

The big difference being, ABC is the one who got this story. This didn't come from the administration. If it were Ashcroft or anyone like that making this warning it would be different, but this came from ABC.

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The big difference being, ABC is the one who got this story.  This didn't come from the administration.  If it were Ashcroft or anyone like that making this warning it would be different, but this came from ABC.

At any given time, many different news orgs are "investigating" a story. A tried and true tactic for any side to get their "message out" is to push a story through the media, ala the Valerie Plume affair. that way they don't leave fingerprints.


A question, why does ABC have a tape and the CIA doesn't? I'm sure they will. But if ABC is trying to authenicate the tape before the CIA doesn't his sound a little too strange?


But this admin. has "cried wolf" so many times that people have a hard time taking them seriously.

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Both parties have strategies for what if scenarios.


What if Bin Laden is confirmed dead or captured. (both parties have plans, both parties have layed out forshadowing. I will guarandamntee the Dems will say we Told You! Dubya was hiding him until the election and the GOP will tell you how well the fight on terrorism is going.


What is a terrorist attacks happens

GOP: See this is no time to switch jockeys we're being attacked, again.

DEM: See we are losing this war, we need a new jockey.


You name it, political strategiest have contingency plans for whatever. From now until Wednesday, if anything happens around terrorists we'll see so much spin-counterspin the planet may stop revolving.

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If you were the head of ABC News what would you do with the tape? Air it and risk getting slammed by the GOP talking heads about liberal media bias trying to destroy Bush's chances? Don't air it and not warn the American public? Imagine if they didn't and another 9/11 event happened. They would be lynched.

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At any given time, many different news orgs are "investigating" a story. A tried and true tactic for any side to get their "message out" is to push a story through the media, ala the Valerie Plume affair. that way they don't leave fingerprints.


A  question, why does ABC have a tape and the CIA doesn't? I'm sure they will. But if ABC is trying to authenicate the tape before the CIA doesn't his sound a little too strange?


But this admin. has "cried wolf" so many times that people have a hard time taking them seriously.

If you were Al Qaeda would you be dealing with the CIA or ABC? That's why ABC got the tape first. With all of the AQ that have been killed and captured, it makes total sence to me. It is self-preservation.

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If they sent it to the CIA, it would never be aired. Ashcroft would wave the orange flag or red flag or whatever damn color is next and sterilize the threat.


Terrorists rely on terror. Home movies of beheadings work, 150 page manifestos don't. Contacting ABC works, contacting the CIA doesn't. It is times like these I wish the Soviets still had some cash. With all their nuklure ;) materials in rusty storage sheds guarded 40 hours a week, I'm most worried about an atomic explosion. The holy grail of terror.



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No, no its obviously a vast rightwing conspiracy to get Bush reelected...

IMHO and I even hate the think about it, an election eve terrorist attack would mean the election for Bush. We always rally around the President.


That's why Bush hasn't caught Binny Laden

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IMHO and I even hate the think about it, an election eve terrorist attack would mean the election for Bush. We always rally around the President.


That's why Bush hasn't caught Binny Laden

I think you are right, and I think that would be a motive for an attack of that nature.


Everyone that says that Kerry is the "terrorist's choice" has been too lazy to think it through. The "Bring it On" Bush mentality gives the terrororist networks a reason for being and a clearly visible infidel enemy invader to unite against.


Four more years of Bush is a guarantee of a gangbuster terrorist/insurgent industry. Just like Israel has never seemed to figure out that every offensive mounted by them creates a new clutch of young Palastinian martyr/recruits, not enough people comprehend (or care) that we are doing the same think.


Bush was right when he said you can't actually win the war on terror. But you sure as hell can lose it.

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does matt drudge know his website sucks?  I mean strictly from a visual perspective, I've seen school district websites that look better.



That is one of the reasons his site has received high marks for being balanced and fair. No editoralizing, just links and an occassional story. Even Dems like it. ;)

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