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Great KW Quote on Mags


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"Taking him for granted? We're the ones that gave him a deal that paid him $14 million this year. We're the ones that offered to help him out of Florida when the hurricanes were hitting a few weeks ago. It's better that I don't say much more. This is one of those times where I'll just have to take it in the gut." -- GM Ken Williams on the news that OF Magglio Ordonez said back in June he felt the organization was taking him for granted.




Ok Mags hopefuls...time to call it quits.


If the Boras thing didn't nail it down, this did.

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I wrote off Maggs when he switched to Boras.

Should be interesting to see if his new team makes him

take extensive physicals, etc.

What will suck is if he has to sign a contract loaded with

incentives cause of questions about the knee and he

doesn't sign it with us cause of recent bad blood with he

and KW.


It'd suck if the Cubs or somebody gets him relatively cheap

when he should be a Sox player for life.

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This has really turned into something that I had hoped it wouldn't turn into...


I felt back in May, when Maggs was healthy, that even he didn't deserve the $14 million the Sox were handing out to him (I remember debating it with Texsox, I think... Pretty sad that I still remember, huh? :lol: ). And, I was OK to see Maggs go, he wanted what he felt he was worth, and the organization made a good offer. I respected both sides for that. But now, this is really turning into a s***-throwing contest... And, I'm not on Maggs' side, BTW. He f***ed up -- that, or he got some really, really bad advice...

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"Taking him for granted? We're the ones that gave him a deal that paid him $14 million this year. We're the ones that offered to help him out of Florida when the hurricanes were hitting a few weeks ago. It's better that I don't say much more. This is one of those times where I'll just have to take it in the gut." -- GM Ken Williams on the news that OF Magglio Ordonez said back in June he felt the organization was taking him for granted.




Ok Mags hopefuls...time to call it quits.


If the Boras thing didn't nail it down, this did.

Yeah they took him for granted... how many huge contract offers did they make him? How many concessions did they make? How many negotiation points di they give up on? GMAFB :rolly


Go to the Yankees :fyou

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Oh there is room for more than one ego in my doghouse.  Maggs just moved in right next door to Sammy.

Well I'm just saying....Frank's my favorite player, so I've got some bias there. However, this has to trump anything Frank has done. Mags has put on this HUGE front since he's been here, with the manner in which he is walking out the door. He's like a totally different person.

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It's a shame how Maggs is leaving the White Sox, it really is.

I agree and I'm very surprised. Maggs was a class act, on and off the field, through out all his years with the Sox. The Maggs quote was from June before the extent of his injury was known (even to him) and I'm sure he was disappointed at not being offered 'Vlad' money, he said so several times. I doubt they told KW it was from June, judging from the context of his reply (for example the hurricanes hadn't even happened yet.)


Looking at it from Magg's side, the knee injury had to be one hell of a wake up call. Everyone hopes he heals and comes back but it had to teach him that a career can end in a heart beat. Without a guaranteed long term, he could go from his $14 mil per year to 0 out of baseball overnight, so he better do his very best for his family this time around.


And I don't buy any of the pap about loyalty to the organization - the Sox pulled the offer off the table when he got hurt, and won't negotiate until they can examine him- how's that for loyalty. Same for a 'home town' discount. Why should a guy from Venezuela feel loyalty for an American city any more than a player from the States weighing offers from the Hanshin Tigers and the Kintetsu Buffaloes? There is no logic there.


Finally, the article says KW still has not gotten the paperwork concerning the agent change (10/15), and I don't think the team can talk to him until it is filed. Very in character for Boras to hide his player and control all the conditions for the negotiation.


I'm not surprised that Magg's will probably go, but I expected him to take the high road and say nice things before he signed somewhere else.

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Lol, I am miffed at why Maggs is saying all this crap.  He needs to shove it cause the Sox gave him an insanely fair offer, in fact, I think it was a stupid offer they made cause Maggs wasn't worth what they offered him.

Agreed. Deferred money or not, $14M/year for 5 years was a ridiculously high amount of money for what he has brought to this team over the years. As awful as it sounds, I cherish the fact that he got greedy, turned down the Sox offer, and now has a f***ed up knee that will all but eliminate any chance of seeing another offer that high again. f*** Maggs. What happened to hometown discounts and allegiance?

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It looks like KW has turned the page. I think everyone is a little stunned about Mags' rapid 180. I have no reason to think the front office mistreated Mags. The dynamic of the game now-a-days doesn't have players remaining in one city for their entire career...still though, it's Oo-Ee-Oo we are talking about here...I thought he was one of the good guys. Hopefully the squinting, money-hungry, disloyal...ugh' :rolly


You'll get your shot somewhere else Mags, so long.

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The thing is, he was offered Vlad money, 5 yr 70 mill.  Well, its not quite Vlad money, but its pretty damn close.  14 mill per season.

Yeah, but if you recall it was rumored that a big part of the offer was in 'Riensdorfian' dollars, or future payments without provisions to keep the net present value of deal equivalent to Vlads.

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I know one thing, I'm glad the Sox didn't give him that much money.  When you look at it this way, I'd rather have Contreras and Garcia then Maggs.


Plus I think the Sox will still add another pitcher, which makes me happy.

Of course on that same line of thought, I'd of much rather had Clement (Via FA) and Garcia and not even think about Contreras. If you can't tell, I'm not much of a fan of Jose and I don't like the fact were stuck with his contract.


I don't doubt his stuff, but I'm wishy washy on Coop and question whether the Sox will fix his delivery. 12 mill over the next two years was too much to risk on what I'd deem a project, imo.


I hope to hell he proves me wrong though.

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Yeah, but if you recall it was rumored that a big part of the offer was in 'Riensdorfian' dollars, or future payments without provisions to keep the net present value of deal equivalent to Vlads.

True, but I'm basing this on what I heard (rarely do I know much anything inside) and from all intents and purposes, it was a very very fair offer. In fact, I don't think their was much anything deferred from what I was told.


But take it for what its worth.

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True, but I'm basing this on what I heard (rarely do I know much anything inside) and from all intents and purposes, it was a very very fair offer.  In fact, I don't think their was much anything deferred from what I was told. 


But take it for what its worth.

It was very, very fair.

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Willie crashing into Magglio's knee was a blessing in disguise.

Not at all, they were probably going to lose him to FA anyway, but if Maggs could have played the second half they might have gone to the play offs. As mad as everybody gets about the money side, don't forget what a great player this guy is.

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