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Red Sox Going For The Sweep

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  redandwhite said:
I don't know you as a person, so all I can base my opinion on is what you say on this board.  With that being said 99.9% of your 10 billion posts are crap.  I mean if there is ever anyone who states the obvious its you.


Atleast only 99.8% of my posts are crap.



I state facts, stats if someone asks or to prove a point, or my opinion on the situation. Just like everyone else does but i guess that is wrong. ;)

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  redandwhite said:
Normally I won't post when under the influence, and normally you don't see jealous fans making baseless comments, that have no relevance to do with the World Series or Game Four.


It's not too much to ask for, is it?  I think there have been more posts regarding the Red Sox in the last month, than the White Sox.  Every thread, every single one has some snide remark that each and everyone of you knows will get under my skin.


Place yourself in my shoes for a change, and tell me, after being ripped on and pretty much all around abused by a good portion of soxtalk how you would feel.

Redandwhite...I don't mind you...but look at the banner, look at the fans on this board....




There's no reason we have to like the Red Sox just because you're here.

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I am so glad someone pointed that out, it seems I wasn't the only one who couldn't tell when you consider how many threads were Red Sox related.


Hey man. Thats fine, I understand, but White Sox fans on a White Sox message board should not be more inclined to talk about the Red Sox, which is what it seems most of you are.

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If the Cards had swept Boston, we would be talking about the Red Sox's curse continuing. If the Yanks had won, we would be talking about them.


It's a sports board in the sports bar.


The Red Sox are not the White Sox, so most baseball fans here would not care whether the Sawks won or not because the Sox are still without a championship after 87 years.

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  redandwhite said:
I am so glad someone pointed that out, it seems I wasn't the only one who couldn't tell when you consider how many threads were Red Sox related.


Hey man.  Thats fine, I understand, but White Sox fans on a White Sox message board should not be more inclined to talk about the Red Sox, which is what it seems most of you are.

Look at the board last time at this year...There's numerous threads about the Marlins. We're not doing this to cater to you.... :rolly

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  greasywheels121 said:
Look at the board last time at this year...There's numerous threads about the Marlins.  We're not doing this to cater to you.... :rolly

No doubt, thats fine, but I like I have said and done all along, I'll stick up for what I know and believe in. Am I wrong for doing so?


Wait a minute, I thought you guys didnt watch the World Series or even the playoffs for that matter unless the White Sox were in it?

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  redandwhite said:
It's not too much to ask for, is it?  I think there have been more posts regarding the Red Sox in the last month, than the White Sox.  Every thread, every single one has some snide remark that each and everyone of you knows will get under my skin.

WOW! Spoken like a true Cubs fan! Every thread has a reference to the Blow Sox? :bang

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  redandwhite said:
Wait a minute, I thought you guys didnt watch the World Series or even the playoffs for that matter unless the White Sox were in it?

Some may feel that way definitely not all of us. I watched every game of the world series and it was not the most exciting world series. Unless you are a red sox fan.

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  redandwhite said:
Thanks for chiming in.  Real Classy.



Seriously, every thread has a reference to the Red Sox? :rolly


I seen enough posts from Cubs fans that say "the White Sox message board talks more about the Cubs than the White Sox."


The Red Sox/Cubs resemblence is very similar.


And you ought to be the one to talk about classy,

because they are hypocrite. Fix the ebonics jackass, best day of my f***ing life and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.





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  redandwhite said:
Okay I am not going to get in another argument over nothing with some jerk.  I'll do the right thing, realize how childish you sound when you refer to the Red Sox as the "Blow Sox" and laugh it off.

I have called them the BloSox before their rude fans came to USCF last August, before you started posting here, and before I learned of their association with the Cubs. I always thought it was stupid to have two teams with "Sox" in their name.


And thanks for the compliment. When are you planning to make your last post at Soxtalk again?

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  santo=dorf said:
I have called them the BloSox before their rude fans came to USCF last August, before you started posting here, and before I learned of their association with the Cubs.  I always thought it was stupid to have two teams with "Sox" in their name.


And thanks for the compliment.  When are you planning to make your last post at Soxtalk again?

Shut the f*** up...

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