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obese man


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I saw this story and was amazed on how a person can allow himself to get to that weight..and was wondering if you guys actually think obesity is a "disease?"


Of course your first reaction is to say hell no!!! Stop stuffin your mouth with McDonald's and take a f***in walk..

But when you see cases like this you think when he weighed 500 lbs and his name wasn't Andre the Giant you get a little self-conscious and maybe cut down on the whoppers...


What do ya guys think..is obesity a disease or entirely on the persons will power

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(tell me if the link works or not)


I saw this story and was amazed on how a person can allow himself to get to that weight..and was wondering if you guys actually think obesity is a "disease?"


Of course your first reaction is to say hell no!!! Stop stuffin your mouth with McDonald's and take a f***in walk..

But when you see cases like this you think when he weighed 500 lbs and his name wasn't Andre the Giant you get a little self-conscious and maybe cut down on the whoppers...


What do ya guys think..is obesity a disease or entirely on the persons will power


The link works.


A little from column a and a little from column b. I understand that there are people that have genetically are more inclined to gain weight. But there are no people that can't do anything about it if they decide to get help. There are surgeries that limit how much you can eat and I repeat, if you burn calories then you take in you will lose weight no matter who you are.


I blame the obesity problem in this country mostly on parents. If you see your kid is becoming overweight do something about it. Don't keep sweets around the house, don't get fast food, and cook smaller meals. Then I hear parents say that they don't want to change their lifestyles, well too f***ing bad you have kids you put their needs before your own end of story. If parents would introduce healthy eating to kids at an early age you will develop better eating habits as you get older.


And we have to improve gym classes in this country. The teachers don't make kids do nearly enough to improve what kind of shape they are in and no one works hard and takes advantage of the opportunity to work out and improve their conditioning. Fact of the matter is, most of the over weight people I know are some of the least active people I know and most of them don't have a very healthy diet. There are exceptions but that seems to be the majority.

Edited by whitesoxfan99
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I don't think "Obesity" is a disease, but there are medical problems a person can have which makes him or her become obese. If I ever came near 300, I would go to the doctor. Find out if it is health or you can help yourself out.

Luckily, I'm not even close to it.

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I disagree.  You can't do anything to change your sexual orientation but you sure as hell can do something about your weight and appearance.

Not everyone can. My wife has an uncle that is 500+ pounds. He cannot stop eatting. He knows it is killing him, and he eats almost perpetually. It is one of the saddest things I have ever seen. The guy is a selfmade millionaire who has a huge construction company. They have done famous work, but it all doesn't matter. He eats obsesively.

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Not everyone can.  My wife has an uncle that is 500+ pounds.  He cannot stop eatting.  He knows it is killing him, and he eats almost perpetually.  It is one of the saddest things I have ever seen.  The guy is a selfmade millionaire who has a huge construction company.  They have done famous work, but it all doesn't matter.  He eats obsesively.

Addicted to Food


Good article talking about the cause of that.





Couple more articles on overcoming this.


I realize there are people that become addicted to eating but this can be overcome. The person has to really want to do it and have a lot of support though.


This goes back to my point about parents watching their childrens eating behaviors because if this is checked at a young age it is much more easy to overcome than it would be as an adult. I do believe it is possible that there are people born with lower dopamine levels making them more susceptible to addictions like this but I also don't believe anyone is born addicted to food.

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Guest hawaiisoxfn

Some people, like Deuel, have genetic problems. Others are just pigs who have no motivation to take care of themselves. Its harsh, but its true. I feel sorry for the genetic ones, but just like the other guy who mentioned it, I have no sympathy for the ones who are just lazy.

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Obesity is not a disease but it can become a disease only if you let it get the best of you. If you see yourself gaining weight, get your fat ass out of the house and exercise. No one stays thin without working at it.


As for the half-ton man..... f*** him. He didn't get that way unless he made himself that way. Piece of s*** did nothing but eat and drink and plant himself wherever he was prior to the surgery. He deserves all the ridicule he gets. Lazy f***.

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Obesity is not a disease but it can become a disease only if you let it get the best of you. If you see yourself gaining weight, get your fat ass out of the house and exercise. No one stays thin without working at it.


As for the half-ton man..... f*** him. He didn't get that way unless he made himself that way. Piece of s*** did nothing but eat and drink and plant himself wherever he was prior to the surgery. He deserves all the ridicule he gets. Lazy f***.


Have you ever though in going into the psychiatry field??? :bang

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I hate when show like maury or sally jesse raphael have litte kids on the show, say 6 and under. The kids are like 190 pounds at the age 4 and the parents do nothing but laugh about it and say well he/she is just being a kid and having a good time. Parents that let there kids get away with eating everything and anything need to be b**** slapped. One mother said she let her daughter eat daisies when they were in the park because she was hungry. :headshake

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There are a few factors that contribute to people being overweight and obese. We are sold convenience which is just a way to make you lazy and inactive.

Another factor is income and poverty. A saw a list recently where states were ranked by the number of obese people living there. The list was almost the same when states were ranked by the poverty line.

You might think that poor people can't afford to eat, so that it would be impossible for them to be overweight. The problem is that crap, like fast food is cheap. You can take $5.00 to McDonalds and get 5 burgers for your family, or with the same $5.00, but 1 salad.

Check out 'super size me'.

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