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President Bush takes other countries off-line


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GEORGE W. Bush doesn't trust the outside world to view his US election campaign website, and that includes close ally Australia.


The US President's re-election aides said today it had cut off access to its website from certain foreign countries "for security reasons", but declined to elaborate.


"The measure was taken for security reasons," campaign spokesman Scott Stanzel said.


The President's campaign office said earlier it had received telephone calls about access failures.


Mr Bush's campaign aides would not offer any more details, but last week the site went down for about five hours after a "denial of service" attack.


When the web address "www.georgewbush.com" was typed from NEWS.com.au's office, the following message appeared:


"You are not authorized to view this page. You might not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied.


"If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please try to contact the website by using any e-mail address or phone number that may be listed on the www.georgebush.com home page."


Obviously, without access to the homepage, finding e-mail addresses or phone numbers is impossible, leaving millions of interested users around the world without access.


British website "www.netcraft.com", which analyses Internet traffic to detect fraud and count the most visited sites, said the Bush campaign website had been inaccessible from London, Sydney and Amsterdam since Monday, although Canada was apparently not affected.


The website was down and inaccessible for several hours on Tuesday in what campaign officials said could be the work of hackers.

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"You are not authorized to view this page. You might not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied.


"If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please try to contact the website by using any e-mail address or phone number that may be listed on the www.georgebush.com home page."


I'm having a slow brain day. How can you get the email/phone number if you can't get to the webpage? Are they assuming you've been there before?

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I'm having a slow brain day.  How can you get the email/phone number if you can't get to the webpage?  Are they assuming you've been there before?

This is georgewbush.com. I'm not sure if u can access georgebush.com from down here or not.

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Well of course. He can't hide his failure from the outside world like he can here.

He is such a f***ing fraud. If he was in charge of some other country we would be prosecuting him for war crimes right now.

I'm probably going to start a huge s*** storm for asking this, but Jeckle, are you eligible to vote this election?

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Mock me if you want but i'm a hell of alot more informed then any voter who thinks Bush has this countries best interests in mind.

I think the question most foreigners around the world would be asking about Bush is does he have the world's best interests at heart, even thought he probably has America's?

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Not only am I but I voted last election too. It was my first.

I was pissed he stole the election then. I voted for McCain in the primary and Gore in the election.

Thank you.


Now, with all due respect, you may think GWB is an ass clown, which so do I on a lot of things, but to run around here saying that he is a "war criminal" without acknowledging that John Kerry is as well, kind of makes you look silly. Hell, John Kerry admits it!


Stand up for your beliefs, cool, but you're using a tone and rhetoric that's dangerous.


I think all presidents, including this one, try to do their best for the country. Kerry will too. I sure as hell won't go around b****ing about President Kerry the with the same tone you do about Bush - I'll b**** to be sure but I won't HATE the guy like you HATE GWB (your words, not mine). It scares me when people run around saying some of the things you do - but it's your right.

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But, the Bush-ordered unilateral American offensive in Iraq is against the agreements of the Geneva Convention we are supposed to adhere to. By definition, that technically makes him a war criminal according to international law.


I'm not suggesting America doesn't have a right to defend herself from an imminent -- and I'm most certainly not saying Iraq was anything that could have even been remotely considered an imminent threat (unless you are in the Bush Administration).

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But, the Bush-ordered unilateral American offensive in Iraq is against the agreements of the Geneva Convention we are supposed to adhere to.  By definition, that technically makes him a war criminal according to international law.


I'm not suggesting America doesn't have a right to defend herself from an imminent -- and I'm most certainly not saying Iraq was anything that could have even been remotely considered an imminent threat (unless you are in the Bush Administration).

Thank You!

Thats what i'm saying.

I don't like Kerry one bit but I won't lose any sleep electing him if it means that jackass Bush is gone!

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