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If you are Poll Crazy


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Here are the latest 2 days of polls that I've found. I've bolded the battleground states.


This will cause a man to drink!


New York- Kerry by 16% (Marist College)

Maryland- Kerry by 17% (Baltimore Sun)

Florida- TIE (Quinnipiac Univ.)

USA- Kerry by 4% (Economist/YouGov)

USA- Kerry by 3% (Greenberg Quinlan Rosner)

Oregon- Kerry by 4% (American Research Group)

Wisconsin- Kerry by 1% (American Research Group)

Iowa- Bush by 1% (American Research Group)

Illinois- Kerry by 12% (Research 2000)

New Jersey- Kerry by 4% (Quinnipiac Univ)

Minnesota- Kerry by 4% (St. Cloud St. Univ)

Pennsylvania- Kerry by 3% (LA Times)

Ohio- Kerry by 4% (LA Times)

Pennsylvania- Kerry by 3% (CNN/USA Today)

USA- Bush by 1.9% (ICR)

Minnesota- Bush by 3% (Univ of Minnesota)

Missouri- Bush by 3% (Research 2000)

New Mexico- Bush by 4% (Rasmussen)

Florida- Bush by 8%- (LA Times)

Nevada- Bush by 2% (Rasmussen)

Virgina- Bush by 6% (Mason-Dixon)

Arizona- Bush by 5% (Rasmussen)

North Carolina- Bush by 9% (Mason-Dixon)

Louisiana- Bush by 26% (SLU)

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There were 4 polls taken in Indiana in October.


Bush by 19%- SurveyUSA (10/3-10/5)

Bush by 13%- Research 2000 (10/10-10/12)

Bush by 22%- Survey USA (10/17-10/19)

Bush by 16%- Research 2000 (10/22-10/24)

I knew that, but thanks! ;)

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the way i look at it is this:

a. vote for some dumb ass dick head named bush who i know is a f***ing moron that will mess up our country and the world even more then he has over these last 4 years.




b. give someone else a chance to prove that the political system in america needs to be changed because it only produces dumb ass dick heads who f*** up the world


personally, i think its about time for americans to follow what the decloration of independace says and rise up against our government because it isnt cuttin it anymore



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I've spent the last week volunteering after work everyday... I had to take today off, after I missed the game last night, and dozed off at the wheel on my way home last night. (thank god for rumble strips)


I slept until 3:30pm today.


I don't know if I'll voluteer again tomorrow, but I know I'm headed to Iowa for the weekend. My vote in Illinois doesn't make a difference, but I'm gonna make sure my voice is heard another way.


/the electoral college is bulls***.

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I've spent the last week volunteering after work everyday... I had to take today off, after I missed the game last night, and dozed off at the wheel on my way home last night. (thank god for rumble strips)


I slept until 3:30pm today.


I don't know if I'll voluteer again tomorrow, but I know I'm headed to Iowa for the weekend.  My vote in Illinois doesn't make a difference, but I'm gonna make sure my voice is heard another way. 


/the electoral college is bulls***.

It is and it isn't.


A lot of states would be forgotten if they're electoral college votes didn't make a difference.


Without the electoral college candidates would be spending a lot of time in big states.


Honestly, I don't know what the solution is...


I do know however that on Nov. 2nd I will be pulling for Kerry.

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the way i look at it is this:

a. vote for some dumb ass dick head named bush who i know is a f***ing moron that will mess up our country and the world even more then he has over these last 4 years.




b. give someone else a chance to prove that the political system in america needs to be changed because it only produces dumb ass dick heads who f*** up the world


personally, i think its about time for americans to follow what the decloration of independace says and rise up against our government because it isnt cuttin it anymore



I see our public schools are doing a wonderful job teaching our kids how to make intelligent, well thought out arguements. :rolly

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It is and it isn't.


A lot of states would be forgotten if they're electoral college votes didn't make a difference.


Without the electoral college candidates would be spending a lot of time in big states.


Honestly, I don't know what the solution is...


I do know however that on Nov. 2nd I will be pulling for Kerry.

Seriously, do you think any of these guys would be in Wisconson, Iowa, Nevada and New Mexico at this stage of the election, if it were just about the popular vote? No way.

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I've often stated that the best way to do this is to end the "Winner take all" system of counting electoral votes and make it so that the winner of a congressional district gets that EV and the overall statewide winner gets the 2 EV's for the senators. That forces the contenders to compete for much more of the country rather than ignoring "Red" and "Blue" states and focusing on a handful of swing states.

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Seriously, do you think any of these guys would be in Wisconson, Iowa, Nevada and New Mexico at this stage of the election, if it were just about the popular vote?  No way.

at the same point, dont you think the citizens of Iowa, Wisconsin, New Mexico, etc are tired of seeing these guys every damn week?


At the same point, many small states are being ignored too. Like Nebraska or Wyoming or Connecticut or Delaware.

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at the same point, dont you think the citizens of Iowa, Wisconsin, New Mexico, etc are tired of seeing these guys every damn week?


At the same point, many small states are being ignored too. Like Nebraska or Wyoming or Connecticut or Delaware.

Who knows. But it means the process is working. If it were just popular vote you would only see the canditates in populous states.

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Who knows.  But it means the process is working.  If it were just popular vote you would only see the canditates in populous states.

Yeah but as it is, Iowa and NH are among the most powerful states in the union, despite only having about 4M(roughly 1.35%) in population combined, they carry 11 Electoral votes (roughly 2%), and are both among the most influential in the primary process. Dean was toast, by Iowa, and that was more than a month before they got anywhere near Illinois. Isn't that's the small states deciding more than the large ones?



Oh and for once I agree with Nuke, I've advocated exactly the same plan as his for a while now.

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