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If Everett works out and gives us the year he gave Texas two years back (even if he gives us one great 1st half of the year), it should solve a lot of our problems


We get a RF that can produce and reduce the loss of #s from Maggs, especially the power #s....with Rowand and Lee, that solidifies our OF for next year


We can spend all of our money on a stud pitcher, a solid BP arm and one solid IF'er (either 2nd or SS)

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Hoping Everett comes back to that high of level is dreaming if you where to ask me. Also, can someone explain to me how a guy who is supposed to be so competitive, such a great influence on other players, such a "gamer and grinder", lets himself get so heavy and out of shape? I know he had some injuries, but if you can't work out, you could always put the fork down. Counting on Carl Everett is very risky business.

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Hoping Everett comes back to that high of level is dreaming if you where to ask me. Also, can someone explain to me how a guy who is supposed to be so competitive, such a great influence on other players, such a "gamer and grinder", lets himself get so heavy and out of shape? I know he had some injuries, but if you can't work out, you could always put the fork down. Counting on Carl Everett is very risky business.

Two words: Les Expos. I understand that this is their job, but if the team doesn't put any effort into it, it sure as hell would seem to me that the players wouldn't either. Not that it's right to do that, but that's the way it is.


I agree...yay to Big Frank, yay to Shingo, meh to Jurassic.

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Hoping Everett comes back to that high of level is dreaming if you where to ask me. Also, can someone explain to me how a guy who is supposed to be so competitive, such a great influence on other players, such a "gamer and grinder", lets himself get so heavy and out of shape? I know he had some injuries, but if you can't work out, you could always put the fork down. Counting on Carl Everett is very risky business.

Playing for the Expos was part of the reasoning behind it, and him getting hurt had a little to do with it too.

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He won't be to start the year most likely. He will still be recovery from his sugery

If that's the case, let's hope Anderson or Sweeney make a BIG impression at camp (that is, if they are still here)...or else it's the sweet swing of "The Borch" in right.

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If that's the case, let's hope Anderson or Sweeney make a BIG impression at camp (that is, if they are still here)...or else it's the sweet swing of "The Borch" in right.

I want them do really well in spring training and get a shot in the majors. But at the same time they both need at least another year if not a year and a half more in the minors i feel..

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I think the Sox are hyping Anderson too much, he's not major league ready. He doesn't have near the at bats or the plate discipline, imo. His numbers took at drop as the Southern League came to an end and to be honest, I'd like to see him start the year in Bham for a little longer.


I think they would be a disservice starting him anywhere else at this point. However, I would expect an early promotion to Charlotte and their is the outside possibility that he could produce at the major league level this year.


In terms of Sweeney, I expect him to make major striders and to be rated as one of the best outfield prospects in all of baseball this time next year. However, it would be ludicrious to expect him to produce at the majors at this point.


He doesn't have the experience of facing good, more experienced, minor league pitching yet. He's gonna be really good though....I mean really good.


I still see him as a better defensive Garret Anderson. I think he'll be one of those guys that rakes the ball and eventually develops power.

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I'm happy that Everett is coming back. Without looking at any numbers it seems to me that every time he comes off a down or inury filled year he lights it up, I could be wrong, but I thought that was the scenario two years ago when we got him in the trade with Texas. If Everett is healthy he isn't going to hurt The Sox. Besides, at least now we know he won't be coming back in a midseason trade next summer.


What is everyone's opinion on Roberto Alomar. I've seen some bashers on here. I think he should be resigned to a minor league deal and given a shot to win a utility job, I just feel like this guy has got to have a little bit left in the tank. I think he could be a spark off the bench, IMO. Then we would know he wasn't coming back in a midseason deal either.

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What is everyone's opinion on Roberto Alomar. I've seen some bashers on here. I think he should be resigned to a minor league deal and given a shot to win a utility job, I just feel like this guy has got to have a little bit left in the tank. I think he could be a spark off the bench, IMO. Then we would know he wasn't coming back in a midseason deal either.

He wants to get his 3000th hit. He will find a starting job some where.

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