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Point. Set. Match.

Rex Kickass

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I'm going to take the liberty of pasting the hilights for those too lazy to check the link.


Maybe folks here getting all ticked off at Kerry for jumping on this and 'sending him a big f*** YOU' had better redirect that at someone more deserving. And the best way to send that message is with your vote on Tuesday.


Videotape shot by ABC affiliate KSTP indicates that conventional explosives missing from Iraq's Al-Qaqaa installation disappeared after the United States had taken control of Iraq. (KSTP)


Oct. 28, 2004 — The strongest evidence to date indicates that conventional explosives missing from Iraq's Al-Qaqaa installation disappeared after the United States had taken control of Iraq.

Barrels inside the Al-Qaqaa facility appear on videotape shot by ABC television affiliate KSTP of St. Paul, Minn., which had a crew embedded with the 101st Airborne Division when it passed through Al-Qaqaa on April 18, 2003 — nine days after Baghdad fell.


Experts who have studied the images say the barrels on the tape contain the high explosive HMX, and the U.N. markings on the barrels are clear....


The barrels were found inside sealed bunkers, which American soldiers are seen on the videotape cutting through. Inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency sealed the bunkers where the explosives were kept just before the war began.


"The seal's critical," Albright said. "The fact that there's a photo of what looks like an IAEA seal means that what's behind those doors is HMX. They only sealed bunkers that had HMX in them."

After the bunkers were opened, the 101st was not ordered to secure the facility. A senior officer told ABC News the division would not have had nearly enough soldiers to do so.


It remains unclear how much HMX was at the facility, but what does seem clear is that the U.S. military opened the bunkers at Al-Qaqaa and left them unguarded. Since then, the material has disappeared.

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so wait... this UN Sanctioned country holding illegal weapons, and yes, these were illegal weapons, but not the magical WMDs that the people who wrote this article will so quickly point out. There's no friggin' making you guys happy at all. Throw anything and everything at the wall and hope something will stick. If your guy wins on tuesday, great, I'll be on board and ready to turn this whole country around... I'm tired of all the s*** that's being said and ripping to shreds our country's awesomeness.


mark my words, if our guy wins, that same offer to set down the torches will not be followed. That's the left for you. f***ing misanthropes til the end. Texas it is....where you'll never be accepted.

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Hey, my big f, I guess I'll take it back, but I was pissed. He's taking shots at our soldiers and I don't appreciate it or at least thats how it comes off to me.


Anyway, from what I see in this article that airborne found the weapons not knowing they are there. They find them and realize they can't secure the area cause they didn't have the troops (remember, this group wasn't originally their to secure the region so I don't want to hear about them not being equipped properly).


I don't know what happeend after that. I'd like to hope that they passed a relay to a commander who sent something and they were going to send a crew to destory the weapons. Thats what I'd of liked to happen but right now I still don't know what happened. Did the commanders just not do anything?


I still don't know how exactly this gets directed to president Bush, since he's not actually on the battlelines, but thats me. I think now that they found out about it and how this went down (if it turns out no one ever was contacted to secure the weapons after they were found) then I'd say their is a communication problem that has to be addressed and solved, but at the same time, you expect slipups to happen. At least I do. 1/10th of 1% of all the weapons we destroyed in Iraq, thats the amount that was in this bunker.

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ah Jim, I can always count on you to miss the point of the post

I got the point of the post. The point is that you can accuse people of throwing anything at the wall and hoping something sticks when the reality is exactly opposite that. This has bbeen the teflon Adminnistration. They have stepped in it at every turn, they are brazen in their arrogance and unmatched in their ineptness - yet they manage to somehow spin the f*** up du jour over and over and over until what they say is as good as the truth for a frightening number of citizens.


If you need refreshing, heres a link to wino's list of facts about Bush's record.


And so I missed the point that I'm not lining up to throw in behind your guy if he is reelected even though we all need to put the ugliness behind us... There are already too many lemmings throwing in behind him now, and that is why we are where we are at today.

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I got the point of the post.  The point is that you can accuse people of throwing anything at the wall and hoping something sticks when the reality is exactly opposite that.  This has bbeen the teflon Adminnistration.  They have stepped in it at every turn, they are brazen in their arrogance and unmatched in their ineptness - yet they manage to somehow spin the f*** up du jour over and over and over until what they say is as good as the truth for a frightening number of citizens.


If you need refreshing, heres a link to wino's list of facts about Bush's record.


And so I missed the point that I'm not lining up to throw in behind your guy if he is reelected even though we all need to put the ugliness behind us... There are already too many lemmings throwing in behind him now, and that is why we are where we are at today.

you know what I think is quite amusing... John Kerry has had 20 years in Congress to pass legislation and write bills on all the things that are "so dear to his heart", yet he's got nothing. So why on earth do we think 4 years is going to be any different?



"because its not Bush" who's the lemming, dude?



Your guy is worthless as a legislator and administrator...

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I still don't know how exactly this gets directed to president Bush, since he's not actually on the battlelines, but thats me.  I think now that they found out about it and how this went down (if it turns out no one ever was contacted to secure the weapons after they were found) then I'd say their is a communication problem that has to be addressed and solved, but at the same time, you expect slipups to happen.  At least I do.  1/10th of 1% of all the weapons we destroyed in Iraq, thats the amount that was in this bunker.

Jas, he is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces. If he wants to take credit for "Mission Accomplished" and all the good things then he gets to take credit and take a bite out of the giant s*** sandwich as well.


And Jas -- the amount is immaterial -- the "terrorists" now have 380 tons of explosive, an explosive which only 1 pound took down the entire Lockerbie plane.

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This whole political year is nothing but one big f*** up after another.  That's about all that can be said about it.

Well hold on to your seats..come Tues..all hell is gonna break loose..

I wonder if Richard Branson is still taking passengers in his space shuttle this Tues.... :lol:

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I understand its just 1/10 of 1% of the weaponry. The problem is that this was the most powerful weaponry there was. And now its gone.


1 pound of this stuff cost several hundred lives when Pan Am's 747 went boom over Scotland. 380 tons equal 760 thousand pounds.


760 thousand Pan Am 103's. Think about that.

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On Arron Brown, David Kay concludes definitively from ABC video:


-at least one bunker was intact on April 17 - one of very few, and he identified the wire they cut as an IAEA seal.

-after opening it, the military has an implicit obligation to guard it. "You break it, you own it" he said

-the protection of these facilities SHOULD have and COULD have been anticipated. Both he and Aaron had a hard time swallowing that pill. They both then said, "I'm trying not to be political here." "Me, too!"

-this would NOT be classified as a "WMD" in and of itself. I think Kay's words were "No way!"

-the contents of the containers could be nothing besides HMX or RMX. Kay has never seen anything else that looks like this.




I'm waiting for the "space aliens took it" as the next excuse for the explosive securing failure.

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Want to say something cause I haven't seen it posted and I don't know whether I should make a seperate thread or not.


But the Pentagon has released and is going to release more sat photos showing that Iraq was moving something from that base prior to the US's involvement.


At this point its nothing definitive, but thus far I haven't seen any definitive evidence on either side.


By the way, I don't know if anyone else saw this but last night on Fox News on Greta they had someone on with the UN list of what actually went missing and they reported it to be 200 tons, not the reported 360 or 380.


Also APU, I do agree that yes still some of it got away. Right now its ridiculous how much spinning is going on when the facts aren't out there. Thats my stance on it and I've stuck to it most of this time. I'm pissed at the way Kerry blamed the troops and the military and APU, I haven't seen what Giuliani said, but if he indeed blamed the soldiers then right now I'd say thats the wrong thing to do unless he has more info then I do at this point (maybe he does, but I don't think anyone has the whole facts right now).

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I'm pissed at the way Kerry blamed the troops and the military and APU, I haven't seen what Giuliani said, but if he indeed blamed the soldiers then right now I'd say thats the wrong thing to do unless he has more info then I do at this point (maybe he does, but I don't think anyone has the whole facts right now).

Giuliani blamed the troops before the video came out, but he blamed them for not searching well enough, so it doesn't look like he had much extra info.

"No matter how you try to blame it on the president, the actual responsibility for it really would be for the troops that were there," Giuliani said on NBC's "Today" show. "Did they search carefully enough? Didn't they search carefully enough?"

A USA Today story w/ the quote. Where has Kerry blamed the troops for this?


EDIT: I've read through the articles on this issue on NYT, CNN, and ChiTrib, and all I can find is Kerry saying the troops were "magnificent". So unless you can show me something else, I'm convinced that "Kerry blamed the troops" is baseless.

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I think you're a bit premature, or highly selective, in your evidence gathering there Perry Mason. The video shot was inconclusive according to.........


"Michael Lysobey, a former U.N. weapons inspector, told CNN it was unclear from the videotape whether the barrels contained the high-grade explosives.


Because al-Qaqaa was a depot for explosives, the barrels and explosives caps on the videotape are "what we would expect to see.""




Point...Set....Match indeed. Come see me when you find some real proof.

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Want to say something cause I haven't seen it posted and I don't know whether I should make a seperate thread or not.


But the Pentagon has released and is going to release more sat photos showing that Iraq was moving something from that base prior to the US's involvement.


At this point its nothing definitive, but thus far I haven't seen any definitive evidence on either side.


By the way, I don't know if anyone else saw this but last night on Fox News on Greta they had someone on with the UN list of what actually went missing and they reported it to be 200 tons, not the reported 360 or 380.


Also APU, I do agree that yes still some of it got away. Right now its ridiculous how much spinning is going on when the facts aren't out there.  Thats my stance on it and I've stuck to it most of this time.  I'm pissed at the way Kerry blamed the troops and the military and APU, I haven't seen what Giuliani said, but if he indeed blamed the soldiers then right now I'd say thats the wrong thing to do unless he has more info then I do at this point (maybe he does, but I don't think anyone has the whole facts right now).

Its like I said before, who cares about the facts when they have something they can turn into a cheap soundbite. Too bad for Kerry that national polls have not moved an inch in response to this nonsense.

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