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Bruce Levine Reports (Speculation)


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On Comcast Sports Nite, Gail Fischer was speaking with Bruce Levine (he was just on minutes ago). Bruce Levine reports -- well, he has a hunch -- that Steve Stone, in some capacity, will end up within the White Sox organization.


What was basically said was that he has some roots within this organization (which I don't know, I'm not very up-to-date on White Sox history), and that he (Bruce) wouldn't be surprised if Stoney ended up with the White Sox.


I've never met the guy personally, but he knows his baseball. He's really, really smart -- just from what I see on TV -- so that could definitely be wrong, but that's just what I've seen and heard from him. I'd love it if he were one of our announcers (though I don't know how he and Hawk would mix) -- but I also think he'd be one hell of a talent evaluater within the organization.




And -- Steff, have you heard any rumblings about this? Is there any chance that this could be a possibilty?


EDIT: And I do realize that there is already a thread in the Sports Bar, but I thought I'd put this in here, cause, well -- it's alittle Sox related, I suppose. But if you (mods) don't feel the same way, you can move it.

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Holy crap, someone pinch me if this happens. First off, Stone in the booth is fine by me. Although Stoney can get a little boring at times, he absolutely adds a great amount of knowledge to the game.


But lets hire him as the pitching coach, his knowledge of pitching is fantastic and I'd love him in our organization on that level. He also has some interests in the front office and I wouldn't mind him involved and helping with the minors or whatever else.


Steve Stone's baseball knowledge is more then welcome on the South Side of Chicago.

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Holy crap, someone pinch me if this happens. First off, Stone in the booth is fine by me.  Although Stoney can get a little boring at times, he absolutely adds a great amount of knowledge to the game.


But lets hire him as the pitching coach, his knowledge of pitching is fantastic and I'd love him in our organization on that level.  He also has some interests in the front office and I wouldn't mind him involved and helping with the minors or whatever else.


Steve Stone's baseball knowledge is more then welcome on the South Side of Chicago.

I don't think they'll be firing Coop just yet. Personally I think if Stone was hired in some capacity, it'd be in some sort of role like Dave Wilder has overseeing the minor leagues.

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:pray every night that Coop with be canned. It would be very interesting to see Stone by the pitching coach.

I think they give him a bit of a leeway because of the amount of runs scored at the Cell. Plus he's definitely done a better job than Nardi did. If we sign a bonafide top starter next season though, Coop needs to bring out the best in all of them for us to be a playoff team. Whether that will happen or not, I don't know. I'll be very interested to see what Jose Contreras does next season, after Coop has been in his ear for spring training.

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:pray every night that Coop with be canned. It would be very interesting to see Stone by the pitching coach.

I highly doubt he'd accept it, but I remember when Nardi was ousted I was a huge proponent of landing Stoney. I've long thought the guy has an uncanny ability to know and understand pitching.


Just watch the games, when he tells a pitcher to throw a pitch and the pitcher throws the pitch stoney called at the location it works out time in time out.


I don't know whats up with Coop, but I have had a full 180 degree tilt on the guy, but I do hope he proves me wrong. Their are some things I like about him, but I think I liked him a lot more just beause we were going from Nardi, who was an absolute butcher to young pitchers (the way he treated them).

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Does anyone think they'd remove DJ? I know a few people made some posts that Hawk didn't like DJ, but I have always thought they got along.


Don't ask me though, but I do think Hawk and Stoney would get along quite well. Me, I like DJ. Their are some things he says I don't like, but he seems like a swell guy and he can make me laugh when he's in the booth.


But Stone is awesome. Maybe they could try out the three man booth like they do in New York (I'm thinking Boston does it too, but I'm probably wrong on that one).

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Does anyone think they'd remove DJ?  I know a few people made some posts that Hawk didn't like DJ, but I have always thought they got along. 


Don't ask me though, but I do think Hawk and Stoney would get along quite well.  Me, I like DJ.  Their are some things he says I don't like, but he seems like a swell guy and he can make me laugh when he's in the booth.


But Stone is awesome.  Maybe they could try out the three man booth like they do in New York (I'm thinking Boston does it too, but I'm probably wrong on that one).

This past season they got at each others throats more than ever. At points it was quite humorous.


Anyone know when d.j.'s contract negotiations are next?

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Is there anything better than when DJ goes on some sort of vague 3 minute diatribe where not even he knows where he's going and then Hawk will say something like "I don't know about all that" and make DJ look foolish. It's pretty funny stuff when they go at it. I do like how Hawk calls him Darrin "3-putt" Jackson. Speaking of golf stories, I really miss Whimpy.

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