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The Governator is Expected to Hit the Campaign Tra


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As far as I'm concerned its about damn time. You have Clinton out campaigning for Kerry and Arnold is one of the heavy hitters from the Republican Party and should help their chances in Ohio (if I recall Arnold has some connections in Colombus, Ohio).


Now I want to see McCain hit the trial hard. The two of them and of course Giuliani could really help swing the election Bush's way.


Also, some new states appear to be in play. You have Ohio, PA, FLA, Wisconsin, New Jerseys (i'll be freaking shocked if Kerry loses here), Mich (I expect Bush to win...I think he'll end up rallying his religious base there, many of which are still undecided in Michigan, well according to Aaron Brown last night), Hawaii (this would be a shocker if it went towards GW), Minnesota, Iowa.


Also New Mexico and Arkansas should be mentioned in this list as well.

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As far as I'm concerned its about damn time.  You have Clinton out campaigning for Kerry and Arnold is one of the heavy hitters from the Republican Party and should help their chances in Ohio (if I recall Arnold has some connections in Colombus, Ohio). 


Now I want to see McCain hit the trial hard.  The two of them and of course Giuliani could really help swing the election Bush's way. 


Also, some new states appear to be in play.  You have Ohio, PA, FLA, Wisconsin, New Jerseys (i'll be freaking shocked if Kerry loses here), Mich (I expect Bush to win...I think he'll end up rallying his religious base there, many of which are still undecided in Michigan, well according to Aaron Brown last night), Hawaii (this would be a shocker if it went towards GW), Minnesota, Iowa.


Also New Mexico and Arkansas should be mentioned in this list as well.

I was equally shocked to see Hawaii in play at this stage. Normally the democrats win that state by double digits, same goes for NJ.



New Mexico looks like Bush has a good grip on it and Arkansas looks the same.

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As far as I'm concerned its about damn time.  You have Clinton out campaigning for Kerry and Arnold is one of the heavy hitters from the Republican Party and should help their chances in Ohio (if I recall Arnold has some connections in Colombus, Ohio). 


Now I want to see McCain hit the trial hard.  The two of them and of course Giuliani could really help swing the election Bush's way. 


Also, some new states appear to be in play.  You have Ohio, PA, FLA, Wisconsin, New Jerseys (i'll be freaking shocked if Kerry loses here), Mich (I expect Bush to win...I think he'll end up rallying his religious base there, many of which are still undecided in Michigan, well according to Aaron Brown last night), Hawaii (this would be a shocker if it went towards GW), Minnesota, Iowa.


Also New Mexico and Arkansas should be mentioned in this list as well.

I also heard that Red Sox pitcher, Curt Schilling, is campaigning for Bush.


I can tell you this. Both Schilling and the Terminator are supporting the right person. :headbang

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Schwarzenegger is making one stop for Bush on Friday. Whoopdees***.


Polls at this point are meaningless. And sadly, there's fraud on both ends. There are some fraudulent voter registration problems in Ohio, yes. Part of the problem are counties, some of which republican, some of which democrat, failing to purge out duplicate registrations. It makes the system harder to manage.


Flyers have been mysteriously distributed in Milwaukee to black people saying if you got a traffic ticket or anyone in your family got a traffic ticket, you can't vote and if you do, your family will be taken away from you.




Nearly 60,000 absentee ballots were never delivered to Broward County residents in Florida. The county is heavily democratic.


The Republican party will be sending 8,000 people to polls in minority precincts in Ohio to challenge every ballot they can. I remember when this was a real popular thing to do in minority districts. It was before 1960.


The Florida Secretary of State, the person who certifies the vote in Florida, was a member of the Republican electoral college in 2000.

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