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Guest hawaiisoxfn

Theres just something magical about Hawaii. You can go to Waikiki, where theres people, parties and beaches. There are shops and great restaurants and theres history over at Pearl Harbor. You can also go to the North Shore, where there are the best surfers in the world. Theres also some more solitude on the beaches and in the towns. Theres not that hustle bustle that there is in Honolulu. It depends on what you like. I like a little of both. If you come to Hawaii, though, dont spend all your time on Oahu. Island jump! Kauai's like a second home to me. Definitely go to Polihale Beach on the west side of Kauai. Excusing Niihau, which is government property, Polihale is the western most point in the US. It has very few people as well. So if you want to get away, go there. Try to see all the islands and decide what you like. Try to see the places that most people dont see.


One place where Ive never been but I really want to go is Sipidan Island in Borneo. I hear it has awesome scuba diving. Im definitely going there once I have some money.

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Guest hawaiisoxfn
I guess I'd pick Madagascar. Always wanted to see the lemurs...

Once you mentioned it, I searched for some Madagascar pictures, and it looked pretty nice. Ill have to try to make it there some day.

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I have a whole world list I'm trying to chip away at. Wgen I can do it on the company dime, staying over an extra week or so after conferences and whatnot, all the better.


But for the next few years I really want to concentrate on all the North American destinations I have not made it to and should have by now. Crand Canyon, Bay of Fundy in Arctic Quebec, San Francisco, Colarado, and New Mexico top the list.

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Why the Bay of Fundy? I know it has like forty foot tides, but in my book that doesnt really warrant a vacation.

We must be reading from different books. :D


It's gotta be the tides, baby. Bay of Fundy is one of those places that most everyone in the marine science professions has on their life lists, along with places like the Great Barrier Reef, the north Pacific rocky intertidal, the 1/2-mile wide mudflats in Wales...


I've made it to those other places, so Fundy is next on that list.


Edit: You can add a few places in Hawaii and around the Pacific Rim to that list as well.


So many cool places to see... so few international professional meetings to feign interest in. :D

Edited by FlaSoxxJim
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Guest hawaiisoxfn

Oh, Im not in the marine science professional area, so Bay of Fundy doesnt quite make my list. But the Great Barrier Reef and Australia in general could appeal to me. For me, its all about the tropics, baby. Beach, jungle, and big green mountains.

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