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Dam I can only have 1 wish (politics)

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I want Kerry to win the election. But I relize that if he wins Hiliary most likely won't ever be president, because she'll have to wait untill 2012 and she won't wait that long. If Kerry loses, Hiliary is the front runner for the 2008 Dem Nomination.


Well i'm still voting for Kerry and pulling for him, even though I like Hiliary much better.

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The problem is that this country can't survive four more years of Bush. We will all be dead from his stupidity and creation of more terrorists.

People like you said Reagan was going to blow up the world and we're still here.



I shudder to think about the situation we'd be in right now under a weak jellyfish like Al Gore or John Kerry. After we got hit in 2001 those 2 clowns would probably have done nothing more than lob a few cruise missiles into Afghanistan just like Slick Willie did and as history teaches us, weakness makes the aggressor more aggressive. We'd have thousands more dead and a lot more tall buildings reduced to rubble.

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I want Kerry to win the election.  But I relize that if he wins Hiliary most likely won't ever be president, because she'll have to wait untill 2012 and she won't wait that long.  If Kerry loses, Hiliary is the front runner for the 2008 Dem Nomination.


Well i'm still voting for Kerry and pulling for him, even though I like Hiliary much better.

Ya know. If Kerry winning means Hillary will never be President...Hmmmm......

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The problem is that this country can't survive four more years of Bush. We will all be dead from his stupidity and creation of more terrorists.

Sometimes I get pissed at some of the things you say and sometimes I just laugh. Either way, I always sigh and :rolly

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People like you said Reagan was going to blow up the world and we're still here. 



I shudder to think about the situation we'd be in right now under a weak jellyfish like Al Gore or John Kerry.  After we got hit in 2001 those 2 clowns would probably have done nothing more than lob a few cruise missiles into Afghanistan just like Slick Willie did and as history teaches us, weakness makes the aggressor more aggressive.  We'd have thousands more dead and a lot more tall buildings reduced to rubble.


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People like you said Reagan was going to blow up the world and we're still here. 



I shudder to think about the situation we'd be in right now under a weak jellyfish like Al Gore or John Kerry.  After we got hit in 2001 those 2 clowns would probably have done nothing more than lob a few cruise missiles into Afghanistan just like Slick Willie did and as history teaches us, weakness makes the aggressor more aggressive.  We'd have thousands more dead and a lot more tall buildings reduced to rubble.

Nuke, it was the policies of Reagan that brought us the highly trained terrorists we all know and hate today [remember the Afghan civil war with us using OBL and the Moujhadeen as proxies to fight Russia?]


Actually Clinton was hampered in his efforts by Congressional Republicans who were railing about him getting blown. Also, at least Clinton/Gore would have had a terrorism task force meeting at least once (unlike Bush/Cheney) and wouldn't want to cut anti-terror funding (like Ashcroft wanted)


But nice partisan hackery Nuke.

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The problem is that this country can't survive four more years of Bush. We will all be dead from his stupidity and creation of more terrorists.

The problem is that your stupidity and creation of more stupid posts is killing me. :bang

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I shudder to think about the situation we'd be in right now under a weak jellyfish like Al Gore or John Kerry.  After we got hit in 2001 those 2 clowns would probably have done nothing more than lob a few cruise missiles into Afghanistan just like Slick Willie did and as history teaches us, weakness makes the aggressor more aggressive.  We'd have thousands more dead and a lot more tall buildings reduced to rubble.

Jeeze I wouldn't even want to begin to question this statement.

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OK, then I will.


Clinton put together a bi-partisan panel to study the most effective ways to combat terror in the new millenium. Ruddman and Hart were in charge. They couldn't get Congressional Republicans to return their calls before 9/11.


Bill Clinton wanted to go after Iraq in 1998, Congressional Republicans said no. They were too busy chasing a cigar and a dirty blue dress.


Bill Clinton tried to retalliate against OBL in 1998 after the Embassy bombings. Congressional Republicans said "wag the dog." Because they were chasing a cigar and a dirty blue dress.


During the Clinton watch, there was less violence in the Middle East. The intifada really escalated in late 2000, when it became obvious that the US was pulling out of the process under the new Bush administration.


In 2000, Clinton repeatedly talked about trans-global terror being THE biggest threat to security, and Sandy Berger was quoted as saying to Condoleeza Rice that terrorism is the biggest threat you'll face.


But, I guess you're right, he never thought about any of this stuff. If only Bob Dole had been president.


On September 10, 2001, George Bush threatened to veto a defense spending bill that would have rerouted about 100 million dollars from the multi billion dollar missile defense shield to counterterrorism purposes. His messenger: Donald Rumsfeld.

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The problem is that this country can't survive four more years of Bush. We will all be dead from his stupidity and creation of more terrorists.

no one pays attention to your meaningless anti-bush drivel...so why don't you just stop?

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People like you said Reagan was going to blow up the world and we're still here. 



I shudder to think about the situation we'd be in right now under a weak jellyfish like Al Gore or John Kerry.  After we got hit in 2001 those 2 clowns would probably have done nothing more than lob a few cruise missiles into Afghanistan just like Slick Willie did and as history teaches us, weakness makes the aggressor more aggressive.  We'd have thousands more dead and a lot more tall buildings reduced to rubble.

If I could have 1 wish....


it would be that nuke finds that mother f***er bin laden taking a nap in his cave and ends his sorry excuse of a life.


Sorry, the whole hilary thing sounds great but I think taking out the most evil mother f***er on this planet out sounds a little better.

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If I could have 1 wish....


it would be that nuke finds that mother f***er bin laden taking a nap in his cave and ends his sorry excuse of a life.

I'm sure Nuke wouldn't mind that either (nor would I particularly...).

Although I am sure (no sarcasm) that Nuke would follow the proper military proto on it. Maybe I would enjoy bin Laden getting some REAL justice a little more than an easy death in a cave...

Edited by ChiSoxyGirl
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