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Election Night is here...


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  KipWellsFan said:
What are these people's  reasoning behind claiming Ohio will be democratic?  Do they no know math or is there something we are all missing?

So much depends on the models they're using -- I'm not saying Ohio will go Dem, I have absolutely no idea -- but if the missing precincts are strongly Dem, it may be a fair prediction.

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  jackie hayes said:
I just don't think this is cool.  Don't ever tell someone to leave the country for f***ing politics.

It really had nothing to do with politics, its just that registering for the draft is part of being and american and if you dont want to do it you can just move. Everyone has to do it so why should you be exempt.

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  SoxAce said:
Well, since I'm the oldest and one of two brothers, me (and others) were sent a letter to fill out to register for the army (most of them got marines) If I don't sign it, consequences are taken..

Some Army recruiter is doing a hell of a job of scaring you into signing some s*** you shouldn't sign.

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  mmmmmbeeer said:
Some Army recruiter is doing a hell of a job of scaring you into signing some s*** you shouldn't sign.



Yeah, tell me about it.


Over 3 million names have been referred by the Selective Service System to the Justice Department for possible prosecution for violation of the Military Selective Service Act (failure to register). 3 million. They have prosecuted 13 people since 1980. What are they going to do, build concentration camps? Your chances of being struck by lightning are better than your chances of being prosecuted for refusing to register. The 3 million men referred to the Justice Department are called 'hard core' resisters by Selective Service. They received 3 or 4 warning letters (bluffs) from the Selective Service and still blew them off. Millions more are in violation of the law for moving and not re-registering. This law has the highest rate of non-compliance since the prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s. Many young men register in the belief that it is their only way to get their student aid for college, but that is a fallacy. The Fund for Education and Training (FEAT) will give you money for college if you refuse to register. So don't register! FEAT address: 1830 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington DC 20009-5732 202 483 2220 fax: 202 483-1246 | Additional Resource: Student Aid Fund for Non-Registrants
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  whitesoxfan56789 said:
It really had nothing to do with politics, its just that registering for the draft is part of being and american and if you dont want to do it you can just move. Everyone has to do it so why should you be exempt.

I wasn't exempt. I did not serve, but I signed up and I was willing. (My girlfriend was none too happy about my willingness, either.) I'm probably ineligible now (depending on the details of the draft).


But if someone wants to eliminate the draft, or even if someone wants to turn the US socialist (and I would prefer even Bush to a socialist), you don't tell them to leave the country. These are legitimate opinions, that's the whole point of democracy.

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  jackie hayes said:
I wasn't exempt.  I did not serve, but I signed up and I was willing.  (My girlfriend was none too happy about my willingness, either.)  I'm probably ineligible now (depending on the details of the draft).


But if someone wants to eliminate the draft, or even if someone wants to turn the US socialist (and I would prefer even Bush to a socialist), you don't tell them to leave the country.  These are legitimate opinions, that's the whole point of democracy.

I don't think his point was, "If you don't like how it works, then leave." But more like, "If you are afraid of being drafted, you could always go to Canada."

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