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Election Night is here...


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Yah that's pretty much what I thought.  I don't think the winner takes all thing is very smart, but I'm no expert on the subject.



When the constitution was written, the desire was for strong state rights. Basically the states are getting together and electing a leader. It makes sense in that context. After all we are the United *States* of America. It is more than a name, it describes our government.

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When people are talking about the negatives associated with the electoral college they might be forgetting some of their history. When you look back on the Consititution Convention many of the biggest issues were big states vs small states.


The Great Compromise was done to insure that small states had a realative voice in the United States. And still to this day, the GC is insuring that their voices are heard. Look no further than the fact that states like IA, WI, NM, HI, and others with under 10 EV's, are getting Presidential visits and having their issues addressed at this state of the election. Without the GC I would doubt that the United States would exsist today in its present form. I honestly doubt the union would have survived into the 19th century, and probably would have broken down into at least a slave holding/non slaveholding divide, if not further divides in the northeast. Even if the union did exsist the protections and programs for small states would be muted vs the more valuable urban votes. I could see programs for farmers and the like disappearing.


I would be interested to hear from others on this.

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I think the GC saved the Union. But we are a different union now than we were in the 1700s. We aren't viewing ourselves as separate states anymore, our federal system has been consistently weakened. States rights just aren't respected anymore and it hasn't hurt our meta-state because we have become Americans and not New Yorkers, Michiganders and Illinoisians. Our president has so much power that it shouldn't be up to only 538 people to pick the president. It should be up to everyone.


One person, one vote. No more. No less.

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I think the GC saved the Union. But we are a different union now than we were in the 1700s. We aren't viewing ourselves as separate states anymore, our federal system has been consistently weakened. States rights just aren't respected anymore and it hasn't hurt our meta-state because we have become Americans and not New Yorkers, Michiganders and Illinoisians. Our president has so much power that it shouldn't be up to only 538 people to pick the president. It should be up to everyone.


One person, one vote. No more. No less.

And I think that has gone a long way to contributing to the waste, and the misguidedness of our federal system. There are so many things being done at the federal level, that have no business being done there. Things like education should be deterimined on a state-by-state basis, and not on a federal level. I honestly believe it would go a long way towards improving individuals lives if we addressed problems more locally.

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agreed, Voter Turnout will be at record highs in Ohio, and Florida, states where your vote actually counts, but here in Illinois, where both the presedential race and the Senate race have both been decided months ago, There is a ton of voter apathy.  I spent part of the Weekend in Iowa, it was amazing to me the number of political ads that I saw while watching a football game. I don't see more than a couple during a 3 hour game at home.

Even with voter apathy in IL there are a record number of people registered to vote, and huge lines early in these elections.

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Vote for Bush you damn idiots. You're all friggen jackasses if you don't vote for Bush and on top of that, you're a moron if you don't vote for Bush. So just do yourself a favor, vote for Bush.


No but seriously, I agree. Keep it civil. And yes, I am voting for Bush.

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I just got back from working the polls since 6 a.m. Where I was, the polls were busy from 6-9 and then again from about 10-12. It was really slow after noon, but maybe more voters will get out later this evening after work. Where I was, they were on pace to break the old attendance record of 66%. The estimate was at 75%.

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