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AGH! Bad profs suck....


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So, I'm working on a stupid take home test in my computational neuroscience class...My professor pretty much reads the textbook to us in class. And then she gives us this example to clear up confusion on these stupid Hopfield Model compution--but she messes up! So, we never learn it and she says to figure it out on our own...Then what does she put on the exam? The stupid modelling computation that she DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO DO! Incredibly frustrating.


Anyone else have any awful stories? Or just want to vent?

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Last semester I had a greek civ professor who would give us 100 pages to read a week, and half of every test dealt solely with the reading, which he never ever ever ever ever talked about in class. So basically we were supposed to read and remember it all. Consequently, I failed.

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My stats lecturer was the worst one I had this year. He'd ask real stupid questions in lectures, and wouldn't continue on with the lecture until we answered his Yes or No question. Like when did Elvis die? Was it at 2 a.m? 2:01 a.m? 1;59 a.m?

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Last semester I had a greek civ professor who would give us 100 pages to read a week, and half of every test dealt solely with the reading, which he never ever ever ever ever talked about in class.  So basically we were supposed to read and remember it all.  Consequently, I failed.

i had a gen ed science teacher like that. he was a real a$$hole too. he b****ed at a student for leaving after a test was done humiliating him in front of class because "if he isn't there he won't be able to pass the tests, blah, blah, blah..." found out afterward the kid got a 98 on his test (he got a 'a' in the class; i failed :sleep ) and he left early that night cause a family member was taken to er...

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Where's southsider? aw damn it, let me draw this here graph... OOOOOOOOOPS...


damn, those meds got me all messed up again...




We had a prof for Micro Econ in college who would go out with his bud at lunch and have a few too many to drink, so by the 2 class, he was in rare form. That's probably why I got a 95% in his class... :ph34r:

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So, I'm working on a stupid take home test in my computational neuroscience class...My professor pretty much reads the textbook to us in class. And then she gives us this example to clear up confusion on these stupid Hopfield Model compution--but she messes up! So, we never learn it and she says to figure it out on our own...Then what does she put on the exam? The stupid modelling computation that she DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO DO! Incredibly frustrating.


Anyone else have any awful stories? Or just want to vent?

computational neuroscience class.

When I took that course in 5th grade, it was a b****.... :huh:


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computational neuroscience class.

When I took that course in 5th grade, it was a b****.... :huh:


Isn't it though? I hate it like I have hated no class before. Not interesting, relevent, or easy. No fifth grader should suffer like this. ;-)

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Where's southsider?  aw damn it, let me draw this here graph... OOOOOOOOOPS...


damn, those meds got me all messed up again...




We had a prof for Micro Econ in college who would go out with his bud at lunch and have a few too many to drink, so by the 2 class, he was in rare form.  That's probably why I got a 95% in his class... :ph34r:

That wasn't a horror story, that class was great!


Oh wait, let me erase that... oh shoot I missed. Damned Bertheran's... :angry:


:P Those were the days.


Now my freshman year math class guy was the worst. He only knew the names of the first four people on the attendance sheet (that was the class where I met my radio show parther as he was on the top of the list with an A last name)


Once he asked me for an answer in class, and after I gave it he proceeded to tell the class he didn't think my answer was right. (It was on Eulerizing a circuit) So he went through a whole long elaborate process to try and prove me wrong. Well he gets to the end of the this 15 minutes worth of work, and it turned out I was right. So on top of that the next question he asked for my answer again "since I was so smart". I gave the asshole the wrong answer on purpose, and made him f*** up the rest of the problem.


I finally remember the class was Survey of Mathmatical thought.... :bang

Edited by southsider2k4
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So, I'm working on a stupid take home test in my computational neuroscience class...My professor pretty much reads the textbook to us in class. And then she gives us this example to clear up confusion on these stupid Hopfield Model compution--but she messes up! So, we never learn it and she says to figure it out on our own...Then what does she put on the exam? The stupid modelling computation that she DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO DO! Incredibly frustrating.


Anyone else have any awful stories? Or just want to vent?

Ah, yes, got to love the liberal teachings at institutions of higher learning.

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I have 2 this semester.


One for "Professional Issues for Teachers" -- In this class, we've learned such bombshells as "The federal government and court cases influence education.", "School boards make policy for the school district., etc. The professor so boring as well and we have these 2 50 year olds in our class who try answering rhetorical questions, laugh at bad jokes etc.


My other is in "Immigrant America" -- I have gone to this class since August and I still have yet to learn one thing that I didn't already know. The Professor acts like his position is the only correct one and nobody can possibly have a differing opinion. Plus, I've had such new perspectives like "Immigrants were discriminated against."


The scary thing is that these are 400 level classes.

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That wasn't a horror story, that class was great!


Oh wait, let me erase that... oh shoot I missed.  Damned Bertheran's... :angry:


:P Those were the days.


Now my freshman year math class guy was the worst.  He only knew the names of the first four people on the attendance sheet (that was the class where I met my radio show parther as he was on the top of the list with an A last name)


Once he asked me for an answer in class, and after I gave it he proceeded to tell the class he didn't think my answer was right.  (It was on Eulerizing a circuit)  So he went through a whole long elaborate process to try and prove me wrong.  Well he gets to the end of the this 15 minutes worth of work, and it turned out I was right.  So on top of that the next question he asked for my answer again "since I was so smart".  I gave the asshole the wrong answer on purpose, and made him f*** up the rest of the problem.


I finally remember the class was Survey of Mathmatical thought.... :bang



Who was the prof?

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