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ill f***ing cool it when someone else doesnt start it... till then I dont need to be seeing "cool it" pointed in my direction...


Its a two way street, your an admin, do your job

i'm doing my "job". i can do it even better if you'd like.

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So by your logic a 16-0 team isn't a good team at all.. :rolly I don't care if Miami had big stars on their team if they have the worst record in the NFL they are the worst team.

im not saying that, what I am saying is there are other one win teams right now, even two win teams that are just as bad if not worse than Miami.. SF and CHI both fit worse.. If you couldnt tell that from the game yesterday night then wow

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Then im gonna need to hear better excuses then your "injury" excuses


No Ricky Williams STARTING RB

No David Boston STARTING WR


No Larry Chester STARTING DT


Maybe its their 4th ranked defense... nope, couldnt be that



You have absoloutley no basis for your argument except look at their record... which what completely flaws your whole argument...

LOL! So now you give me the injury excuse.


Let me think here, who the Bears have missed, for some time this season...




QB Rex Grossman

HB Thomas Jones

LG Rex Tucker

TE Desmond Clark

RG Ruben Brown




S Mike Brown

CB Peanut Tillman

CB Jerry Azuuuuuuuumah

LB Brian Urlacher

LE Adewale Ogunlye

DT Alfonso Boone


But go right ahead and use the injury excuse. Obviously, the Bears have been a healthy bunch this season so the Bears couldn't use an excuse like that, thus making the Bears the worst team in the NFL...


//Backwards, No sense logic.

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Young team and no cap space is no reason to make them EXEMPT from being the worst team in the league... man, you guys are ridiculous

Guys......both teams suck ass. Does it really matter who the worst team in the nfl is. MoS they have a good point with being young, basically they're trying to rebuild that wasn't our goal. However when our pot head running back leaves the team that changes things. I still think we'd be f***ing terrible even with Ricky, it's more the offensive line then anything else, we f***ed up in the offseason, ricky f***ed us over, those two things combined=very bad team.

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Yeah, Miami is one player away from being the best team in the NFL guys.  Can't you see that by the game tonight?


Oh, look-ee here.  41-7 J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS!  :)

haha ok man.... 1, no one on here claimed them to be one player away from best in the NFL


But if your trying to say Ricky Williams would not make a difference as opposed to Travis Minor and Sammy Morris, then I dont know what else to tell ya

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Miami is the worst rushing team in the NFL


you think that has something to do with the poor record?? Maybe the fact they had a pro bowl RB, the FOCUS of their offense, quit RIGHT before the season?


A young team, Salary Cap Problems, Retirement..... none of those make a team exempt from being considered the worst..

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Guys......both teams suck ass.  Does it really matter who the worst team in the nfl is.  MoS they have a good point with being young, basically they're trying to rebuild that wasn't our goal.  However when our pot head running back leaves the team that changes things.  I still think we'd be f***ing terrible even with Ricky, it's more the offensive line then anything else, we f***ed up in the offseason, ricky f***ed us over, those two things combined=very bad team.

That pretty much sums it up right there for me.

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That pretty much sums it up right there for me.

If Miami has Ricky Williams they would not be 1 - 7 right now, they would at least be 3 - 4


Miami has had absoloutley no run game at all this season, and thats because the entire running game quit on us

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haha no i wasnt trying to give you the injury excuse, you used it and I was just saying the same thing to it..

OK - so wait.


Miami isn't the worst team in the NFL, because they have the 4th ranked defense (41 points tonight), had a guy quit two weeks before the start of the season, and injuries (minimal damage compared to the Bears).


But the Bears ARE the worst team in the NFL because.... I haven't even seen a valid reason for that yet... You discount the Bears injuries, their tough schedule (besides two games), and young team - yet use that in your argument for the Dolphins?




(And don't think I'm propping up the Bears to be anything special, because they are one of the worst teams in the NFL, and I really don't mind it. I just find it funny how you think the 'Phins are the greatest thing since sliced bread, despite their obvious crappy team.)

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OK - so wait.


Miami isn't the worst team in the NFL, because they have the 4th ranked defense (41 points tonight), had a guy quit two weeks before the start of the season, and injuries (minimal damage compared to the Bears).


But the Bears ARE the worst team in the NFL because....  I haven't even seen a valid reason for that yet...  You discount the Bears injuries, their tough schedule (besides two games), and young team - yet use that in your argument for the Dolphins?




(And don't think I'm propping up the Bears to be anything special, because they are one of the worst teams in the NFL, and I really don't mind it.  I just find it funny how you think the 'Phins are the greatest thing since sliced bread, despite their obvious crappy team.)

When have I ever claimed them to be great?


All I am saying is, Miami is not the worst team in the NFL

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I take back what I said.  The Bears are the second worst team in football behind the Dolphins.  This is not a professional football team, I wouldn't be surprised if the USC's and Oklahoma's of college couldnt beat this team.


It truly is pathetic.

I think it's pretty clear that the Pats are the worst team in the NFL. :D

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If Miami has Ricky Williams they would not be 1 - 7 right now, they would at least be 3 - 4

You mean 3-5. And that's still bad. According to what you were saying earlier how good they could be with Ricky they should have at least a .500 or above record. That still proves no point on what your trying to say. You are very lackachesical and an imbesslie. So I'll leave this to you....



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When have I ever claimed them to be great?


All I am saying is, Miami is not the worst team in the NFL

A couple weeks ago in a thread I recall you saying something about how the Dolphins are like 3-4 plays away from being .500. And I still haven't heard a valid reason why the Bears are worse than the Phins, but I'll just drop it right now. This isn't going anywhere but in a bad direction...

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A couple weeks ago in a thread I recall you saying something about how the Dolphins are like 3-4 plays away from being .500.  And I still haven't heard a valid reason why the Bears are worse than the Phins, but I'll just drop it right now.  This isn't going anywhere but in a bad direction...

yes I did say that...


Back when they lost 3 games due to INT being returned for TD's


I didnt say it SHOULD happen I just said Miami COULD be .500 if it werent for a couple of def TD's


but I never claimed them to be great, and if I would I would clearly be wrong because Miami is terrible... but the worst? no way

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