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Is anybody else feeling a little...sick?

Kid Gleason

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I voted today. Nothing to feel special about, as everybody should do it. But ya know what? I made up my mind on the way to the polls as to who I would vote for. Initially I was going to do a write in, just to show how much I disliked the candidates. But as I thought more about it, I didn't want to say I did that. I don't know why, it just doesn't seem any better to do a write in for a person not even running, than it does to just not vote. Both ways seem to make a mokery of the election process.


But now I have voted, and I wish to hell I could take my vote back. The more I think about it, the more I really wish I had done a write-in, but for a person I REALLY believe should be a leader. I think that is where I goofed, all along I was thinking of a silly write-in and never took the time to actually think about doing one for who I would really like.


So instead I placed a vote for a real candidate. Instead I chose to place a vote on a guy I really don't like. I don't like either of the two main guys.


Seriously, I think I would sleep better had I voted for the knucklehead with the Prohibition Party. :huh:


I'm so friggin' depressed right now. How dare this country only give us these two assholes to vote for. What the f*** is wrong with this country when we don't even offer up one decent choice? We need help, and I fear I will never see it in my life, and the choices will just get worse and worse as the years roll on by.


Excuse me, I'm just bummed right now.

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I understand.


Driving to the Polls I was going to vote Socialist because I like, respect, and agree with those candidates--but alas, they weren't there. So I voted for a candidate I don't feel as confident in. I think those campaigns like Voice your Choice as so unaptly named. I'm not voicing MY choice--I'm voicing a preference for one of the limited choices I had laid out for me. Not as liberating and wonderful as it should be. After this election I definitely think there should be more than 2 parties--give people more of a real choice...Yeah, this voting was defiitely a let down. It's sort of like the first time you ever have sex. You spend a long time waiting for it and thinking how great it is going to be--then poof! It's over in like 5 seconds and you think, wow, is this really all there is. Blech.

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Let me say that I understand the frustration, but I think you made the right choice. Four years ago I wrote-in a candidate who wasn't on the ballot, who was just about my ideal candidate. And I felt okay about it at the time. But now my feeling about that election is that I just wasn't willing to make a hard choice, and I regret that. Realistically, America only has 2 choices, neither one very good. I think it's more honest to make that tough decision with the rest of America than to make a statement w/ your vote that the process is too flawed for you to participate.


Now I know, I really do, that many people feel very strongly o/w. And I have a lot of sympathy with that group. I would much, much prefer a multiparty system. But a vote like this will go nowhere towards realizing that goal (protest votes are by and large ignored, reported as "Other", on a par with votes for Mickey Mouse). That's something to work on over the next few years; for today it's best to choose the lesser of 2 evils. (Or bads, to not be overly dramatic.)

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I understand.


Driving to the Polls I was going to vote Socialist because I like, respect, and agree with those candidates--but alas, they weren't there. So I voted for a candidate I don't feel as confident in. I think those campaigns like Voice your Choice as so unaptly named. I'm not voicing MY choice--I'm voicing a preference for one of the limited choices I had laid out for me. Not as liberating and wonderful as it should be. After this election I definitely think there should be more than 2 parties--give people more of a real choice...Yeah, this voting was defiitely a let down. It's sort of like the first time you ever have sex. You spend a long time waiting for it and thinking how great it is going to be--then poof! It's over in like 5 seconds and you think, wow, is this really all there is. Blech.

well thats what happens in a two party system which is what we have. and i believe that it is the most effective way. right now, im taking a comp. politics class and studying countries like germany, japan, russia. in those countries they have a proportional representation system which allows small parties to win easily. they have like 30 different parties in their congress, which is ridiculous! they hardly ever got any legislation passes since everything is so polarized. i think that is stupid. our system is by far the best IMO

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought write-in candidates have to be declared as such. So, writing in "Mickey Mouse" or "Mike Ditka" is just throwing away your vote and will be disqualified.

Hu...?? So my vote for MM isn't going to count?? :huh





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I voted my conscience and went with Badnarik since this state is going to Kerry anyway.  So, the only way I'll feel sick is if Bush gets another 4 years.

That's kinda what i did. There was no way i would vote for Kerry, but I really am somewhat disgusted with Bush. I didagree a lot with what Badnarik stands for but of everyone else I do agree with a couple of his main ideals and where he stands. So, since NY is gonna easily vote Kerry and Bush wont win NY anyways, i decided to vote Bednarik as an insignificant voicing of my displeasure with the only two "real" candidates

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Too many people settle for the choices offered by the two parties because no one else has a snowball's chance in hell of winning. However, if more people would refuse to accept only those choices and vote for another candidate it could possibly eveolve into a third party. If nothing else, it sends a message. I voted, but not for either of the main party candidates. If John Kerry had taken a stand on any issue besides raising taxes I might have considered him. But his platform was "I'm not Bush". I believe that strategy may have also cost the Dems in House and Senate since they potentially lost a lot coattail votes.


When the Democrats realize they are too leftwing for mainstream America, they will be able to get back in power but until they do it's going to be more of the same. I wish they'd steer the party toward a more moderate stance because we do need a change in ideology in Washington. I hope they wise up before '08.


God Bless America!

we're gonna need it


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