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The winner of this bout............


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After all the smack the Dems talked about how they were going to kick our ass and how stupid and moronic Bush was I do think my side is entitled to a short period of s*** talking and gloating.

what the f*** are you talkin about? what dems said that they were gonna kick your ass? EVERYBODY knew that this would be a close election no matter who won.

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it isn't a f***ing game ... it's the presidency of the U.S.!


I'm not talking about you directly, but I hate how all this has become is a god damn sporting event for so many people.

It ain't a sporting event. Its the fact that those of us that do support George W. Bush feel this was a huge huge election. Not only do we get our guy back in the white house for another 4 years, gain seats in the senate, pick up in the house, and hopefully get the DNC chairman out of dodge (I can't stand Terry McCulloh, I think he's ruined the democratic party and has really been one of the key people thats pushed them so far left).


The fact is this president was completely trashed by some in the media and of course the other side holds true. I don't think I've seen a president more trashed, yet he seemed to stay away from cheap shots and stuck with his character (imo) which to me is a classy individual.


I'll also give John Kerry credit for bowing down, despite (reported) attempts at John Edwards to tell him otherwise (I don't know how true that is, cause I was listening to a conservative talk show that mentioned this).


Like I said before the election, I wanted a decisive winner and that was what would be best for the country. I told my friends if Bush loses, I'll support Kerry and call him the commander and chief and hope he does a good job. I also said I wouldn't in any way support a protest of the electoin (unless the winner was by like 1 vote and their were tons of reports of fraud, which never happened, thank goodness).


I think when you go out and your into politics and follow the system, you have the right to quietly rejoice when your guy and your ideaologies are going to be ensured as best as possible for another 4 years.


We'll see what happens two years from now. But I'm feelling very confident in the direction America is heading.

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With all due respect to all of you that have posted to this thread: this isn't about the candidates or the parties, this is about the American people. The American people don't like two things...change and candidates without personality. We are familiar with Dubya and Kerry isn't warm like Dubya is. Or Clinton was. Or Reagan was. Or Bush Sr. was.


I read a really interesting article in Newsweek this last week. It was using George Washington's policies as related to todays problems. The last paragraph said something like this (and I'm paraphrasing): To be the president, you can't pander to the people, you have to deal with what's best for the PUBLIC. In other words, a president has to do what's best for the COUNTRY as a whole, not the people. I don't think Iraq was good for the country. i don't think changing the Constitution to ban anything is good for the country (we tried it once, it's called Prohibition, and it didn't work).


Unfortunately, that's what the state of politics is these days...pandering to the people. But, I definitely think Bush is dealing with the people and I was ready for a change. I hope to God that Bush (since he's a lame duck prez now) will try to work with the Democratic party, leaders overseas, etc. and not go into another "Axis of Evil" country unilaterally. Cuz, no one is going to help us the next time around.


I will support Dubya as the Commander in Chief of our country, but honestly, as a voter, I have earned the right to b****.


Anyone know the way to Canada?

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The fact is this president was completely trashed by some in the media and of course the other side holds true.  I don't think I've seen a president more trashed, yet he seemed to stay away from cheap shots and stuck with his character (imo) which to me is a classy individual.

He would be a lot classier in my book if he had more quickly repudiated the Swift Boat garbage that even McCain, his very public supporter, instantly condemned.

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