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Kerry Concedes


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Viva la Bushernator!!!

Screw Arnold. That jackass ain't getting my vote for the governship. I'll vote democrat if I have to.


I know, no reference to you steve, i'm just pissed at my states governor :)


And yep, I got off my ass and voted, even though it took a freaking hour.

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Screw Arnold.  That jackass ain't getting my vote for the governship.  I'll vote democrat if I have to.


I know, no reference to you steve, i'm just pissed at my states governor :)


And yep, I got off my ass and voted, even though it took a freaking hour.

Jas, why so pissed at the Governator?

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Jas, why so pissed at the Governator?

Mainly I'm pissed at myself when I didn't stick to my guns and vote McClintock. I just think he's down a lousy job, especially when it came to not supporting Bill Jones in the senate race and to be honest I don't think he's done that great of a job in the state.


I feel McClintock would of been the better guy. I will say this, Arnold has done a good job working with the democrats, but at the same time, I just don't think he's accomplished what should of been accomplished.


That and I was heavily against the 3 billion government stem cell bill which Arnold supported. I have nothing against Stem Cell research, in fact I think its the future, but I have a big problem with the state financing it. This is when the state is already incredibly in debt.

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I want to quickly say something. I finally got to see Kerry's concession speach and I really want to commend him. I thought it was a very classy speach and I give him a lot of credit.


I remember reading somewhere on this thread that Kerry's political career is now over, and that Edwards still has one. If you ask me Kerry handled this appropriately and I gained a lot of respect towards him for the way he did it. I think he has ensured that when his seat is next up for re-election that he'll have a good shot at it.


As far as John Edwards goes, I think his political career is over with. He did an incredibly lousy job after gaining so much support in the primaries. He also, imo, did a terrible job in the elections and for a guy that is a trial attorney, he should be a much better public speaker (I guess this is kind of blah, because i'm more then willing to admit the fact that Bush is a horrible public speaker, but to me he makes up for it with his uncanny ability to connect with people on a one to one basis).


Anyway, thats just my stance on it.

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I want to quickly say something.  I finally got to see Kerry's concession speach and I really want to commend him.  I thought it was a very classy speach and I give him a lot of credit.


I remember reading somewhere on this thread that Kerry's political career is now over, and that Edwards still has one.  If you ask me Kerry handled this appropriately and I gained a lot of respect towards him for the way he did it.  I think he has ensured that when his seat is next up for re-election that he'll have a good shot at it.


As far as John Edwards goes, I think his political career is over with.  He did an incredibly lousy job after gaining so much support in the primaries.  He also, imo, did a terrible job in the elections and for a guy that is a trial attorney, he should be a much better public speaker (I guess this is kind of blah, because i'm more then willing to admit the fact that Bush is a horrible public speaker, but to me he makes up for it with his uncanny ability to connect with people on a one to one basis). 


Anyway, thats just my stance on it.

I agree Jas, from what I was hearing John Edwards was supposed to bring so much to the campaign, but I think it was Kerry who was much stronger.

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