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Thank you John Kerry


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I want to give John Kerry a whole s***load of credit for running a very spirited campaign. He held the Bush administration to task for the mistakes it made and reallt made the incumbent sweat a lot in the last days and weeks.


I didnt agree with nearly all of Kerry's platform but he certainly was a worthy opponent.


I also want to thank Kerry for having the integrity to concede the race when the outcome was clear and not listen to his bomb throwing surrogates who urged him to litigate to the bitter end.

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I'm no democrat, I'm an admitted commie pinko son of a b**** but I really liked John Kerry. He was a real stand up guy who was maybe just too nice to win the presidency. As a frontline documentary I watched the other day explained, his difficulty in explaining himself and being to much of a professional may have oddly enough killed him. I hope he goes on and continues to do great things in America.



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I hope this isn't considered s***-talking, but I feel 100% confident in saying that if Kerry had won, GW's "bomb-throwers" would have exhausted every legal opportunity and avenue to challenge the results.

But it was rather noble, for lack of a better word, for Kerry to let it go despite the urging of Edwards to keep the fight alive.

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I hope this isn't considered s***-talking, but I feel 100% confident in saying that if Kerry had won, GW's "bomb-throwers" would have exhausted every legal opportunity and avenue to challenge the results.

But it was rather noble, for lack of a better word, for Kerry to let it go despite the urging of Edwards to keep the fight alive.

I have no doubt the Karl Rove wing would have tried everything. It would have been interesting to see if Bush could have said no to them. Especially if it looked as dire as it did for Kerry.


And I am definately am respectful of the fact that Kerry took the highroad, in spite of what he was being told.

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I hope this isn't considered s***-talking, but I feel 100% confident in saying that if Kerry had won, GW's "bomb-throwers" would have exhausted every legal opportunity and avenue to challenge the results.

But it was rather noble, for lack of a better word, for Kerry to let it go despite the urging of Edwards to keep the fight alive.

Who has been saying Edwards was pushing him to not concede?

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Barkley said on PTI yesterday if Bush won, he'd run for governor in Alabama....


Barkley is a funny guy, but he doesn't kid about these things....This will be interesting.

Yah I saw that as well. But on today's PTI they were talking about how he needs to have lived in Alabama for 7 years, and they didn't think he actually qualified. Maybe down the road it could happen.

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i find it funny that you GOPs liked kerry. i from the beginning thought that kerry was a TERRIBLE choice for us. he doesnt not appeal to the base that he has to appeal to, the hardcore liberals. f*** the moderates. this party has to get back to appealing to its base, not the center. i hope they come up with a better candidate in 08. (Clinton, anyone?)

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You know the best thing about Kerry? He didn't need a recount but he said he'd make sure every vote was counted, and he waited til every vote that could change the election was counted. He kept his word to the American people, and he stepped aside - even though he could have conceivably fought. That's being completely honorable and full of class.

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You know the best thing about Kerry? He didn't need a recount but he said he'd make sure every vote was counted, and he waited til every vote that could change the election was counted. He kept his word to the American people, and he stepped aside - even though he could have conceivably fought. That's being completely honorable and full of class.


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What exactly does Edward's do now?

He is giving up his seat. Will he run for Senate again in 2 years? Will he run for president?

He's got way too much charisma and common sense to just go away.

What bothers me is that I didn't even like Kerry but I voted for him. I can't help but feel that if Edwards had been the presidential candidate the results would of been much difference because of the lack of material to be able to attack him with. (Lack of long voting record.)

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What exactly does Edward's do now?

He is giving up his seat. Will he run for Senate again in 2 years? Will he run for president?

He's got way too much charisma and common sense to just go away.

What bothers me is that I didn't even like Kerry but I voted for him. I can't help but feel that if Edwards had been the presidential candidate the results would of been much difference because of the lack of material to be able to attack him with. (Lack of long voting record.)

In my opinion Edwards is toast. His seat was up this year in North Carolina and the republican ended up winning. Despite some reports on how loved Edwards was in North Carolina, quite a few polls showed that he was no guarantee to win in fact I heard a few stations yesterday say he wouldn't of won his seat back anyway (hard to say though).


I honestly don't think Edwards is going to get re-elected in the senate and I think he'll end up going back to working on law (he is a practicing trial lawyer). Kerry is a lawyer, but I don't think he's a practicing one nor has he been one for a long time (someone can correct me on this if I'm wrong).


As far as Edwards goes, he had a lot of momentum in the primaries, but that momentum really seemed to go the other way, especially the more Edwards talked. Remember though, I'm not a democrat so I don't know how their parties supporters feel in regards to Edwards.

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i find it funny that you GOPs liked kerry. i from the beginning thought that kerry was a TERRIBLE choice for us. he doesnt not appeal to the base that he has to appeal to, the hardcore liberals. f*** the moderates. this party has to get back to appealing to its base, not the center. i hope they come up with a better candidate in 08. (Clinton, anyone?)

That's why the Dems got b****slapped. They FAILED to appeal to the moderates.

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i find it funny that you GOPs liked kerry. i from the beginning thought that kerry was a TERRIBLE choice for us. he doesnt not appeal to the base that he has to appeal to, the hardcore liberals. f*** the moderates. this party has to get back to appealing to its base, not the center. i hope they come up with a better candidate in 08. (Clinton, anyone?)

Based on this map of how the election went nationwide by county and based on the fact that we are a center-right country and becomming more so every election cycle I sincerely hope the Democratic party makes another mistake by nominating Hillary.

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Down here there seems to be the view that John Kerry killed John Kerry in this election. Over 65% of Australians thought Kerry would win this election, but he did not. Although I will say voters on the last days before the polls who are "flip - flopping" between parties tend to vote with the party that is currently in government.

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Down here there seems to be the view that John Kerry killed John Kerry in this election. Over 65% of Australians thought Kerry would win this election, but he did not. Although I will say voters on the last days before the polls who are "flip - flopping" between parties tend to vote with the party that is currently in government.

....that is so me.

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Based on this map of how the election went nationwide by county and based on the fact that we are a center-right country and becomming more so every election cycle I sincerely hope the Democratic party makes another mistake by nominating Hillary.

I wouldn't get so excited about that nuke.

If the economy keeps going south (5 dollar an hour jobs at McDonalds will get old fast) and the war on terrorism (Iraq) keeps going bad then I think people will be more then happy to long for the days of Bill Clinton when they had jobs and their kids weren't dying in the wrong country. If Hilary is the closest to that then she could possibly win. Plus the republicans are going to have the same problem in for years that the dems had when clinton left. Who is left to run for them?

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