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The Cell (launch pad)

Whitewashed in '05

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I know the cell has become more of a launching pad every year so is there anyway that they can tweak that? I mean it would be easier on our pitchers and we all know pitching wins games so have they ever considered making more foul ground space and/or moving the fences a little bit more back. I think it could help our pitchers a lot but would it be a great idea? I haven't heard anything like this before so that's why I am wondering could this benefit us?

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Like I said before. This was the first year with the renovations and I think its pretty safe to say they made it more of a hitters park. But at the same time I think we should see what another year does.


I expect it to still be a hitters park, but maybe it won't be quite as drastic. And at the same time the Sox offense did have quite a few good hitters. Of course opponents ripped the crap out of us too, then again our pitching wasn't what I'd call stellar.


However, if it plays out the same way, I wouldn't mind seeing the fences in left moved back, although realistically I don't know if they could do it with the bullpens over there.

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We can't afford to lose more seats I'd imagine. I think that right now we have one of the better parks in the game (for a fan anyways). I would keep the park how it currently is and just tweak personnel. I however worry about our "grinder" fixation which I fear could lead to teams out-homering us at home which would be unacceptable.

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We can't afford to lose more seats I'd imagine. I think that right now we have one of the better parks in the game (for a fan anyways). I would keep the park how it currently is and just tweak personnel. I however worry about our "grinder" fixation which I fear could lead to teams out-homering us at home which would be unacceptable.

As long as we win, I don't care who outhomers who where.

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We can't afford to lose more seats I'd imagine. I think that right now we have one of the better parks in the game (for a fan anyways). I would keep the park how it currently is and just tweak personnel. I however worry about our "grinder" fixation which I fear could lead to teams out-homering us at home which would be unacceptable.

Move home plate back.

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