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so what have you broken


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  Tony82087 said:
I broke 2 my fingers playing baseball. It was during practice, we were just throwing, and I had my glove off, but like in my hand, and someone threw it, and I just threw my hand up in defense kinda. I told coach it hurt, but he said just see how it feels. So I played the rest of the game, went to the hospital, and the doctor said I had a bunch of chips in the bone because I played the rest of the game.


Im such a hard ass... :lol:  :lol:

I did that too, when I did mine. We only had 9 people that day, so if I left to go to the doctor, we would have forfeited. I played with a fat blue hand.

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I broke my arm when i was 5 riding down a hill too fast on my bike and slamming into a pole.

When I was 6 i fractured by middle toe on my right foot when I fell off the monkey bars. Been relatively healthy since then though.

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I've never broken anything eigher techically.. I had osgoodsloterous (sp?) on my knees (a slight fracture; mostly the left knee) but thats about it. I've been close several times. My little bro and my little sis have had broken bones though. Sucks for them.. :lol:

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When I was a sophomore in college I was jumping into an elevator basically just being a dumbass. I fell and went to the hospital with a grapefruit sized ankle. When the doctor came in with my X-Ray he asked me when I broke my ankle last time--I said never. It turns out unbeknownst to be I once broke my ankle, walked around on it, and then it reset itself wrong--so that sucks. But it wasn't broken that time--but that is the only broken bone I know of (now at least)...

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Went in for a tackle in football two years back...tore everything cuz the guy stiffed armed me and hit my arm back...everything in my shoulder torn...did not know of what was hurting, so i played both ways and blocked with one arm on offensive line but did not play defense...


screws and all the joys inserted in it.


um...yeah, i broke 2 fingers and played with those too this year

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First broken bone came in my sophomore year of high school. It was a football injury. At the time I was the quarterback (that is, untill I stopped growing and everybody else kept going) and broke it when I stiff armed a CB and cracked it on his helmet. We were waiting for a week or two, but when the swelling didn't go down any my mom forced me in the car.


It was a pinky-cast. <_>

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Things that happened to me throughout grade school:


Broken ankle

2 concussions

Got hit by a car twice

5 separate instances when I needed stitches


I seriously don't know how I survived. Most of it was skateboarding-related. I played football for close to ten years, and I never had an injury.

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Broke my left leg in 3rd garde (got ran over by a bike, broke it in 3 places!), broke my nose in a fight in 8th grade, broke left foot playing volleyball in junior year of college, and right foot doing the same thing the next year, had surgery on both knees (also sports related), and have managed to break every finger at least once, 3 of them twice. The fingers were from everything ranging from fights to 16" softball to bowling (let's just say alcohol was also involved in that one).

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I've broken the hearts of hundreds of women....well, maybe not.


Never broken a bone. Had 2 knee surgeries, tubes in my ears as a kid, esophogus surgery (nasty, I know), sprained each ankle about 4 times as well.


Stay away from me, I'm dangerous.

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Never broke a bone (*knocks on wood*) but I had five stiches on my leg after being bit by a dog on my paper route, and I had 5 staples on the top of my head after I wacked it on a shelf at work. I think I may have suffered a little Tom Waddle syndrome after that. :blink:

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  hammerhead johnson said:
Things that happened to me throughout grade school:


Broken ankle

2 concussions

Got hit by a car twice

5 separate instances when I needed stitches


I seriously don't know how I survived.  Most of it was skateboarding-related.  I played football for close to ten years, and I never had an injury.

That explains a lot. :lolhitting

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