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so what have you broken


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have had my share of medical problems including 16 surgeries but the only bone i ever broke was one of my small toes. was in tae kwon do when i was young teen and at end of this particular practice we ended with 100 straight leg kicks. the dojo was small and i was younger so got stuck doing my kicks by the door. got a few in before i accidently kicked the door knob. hurt like a mofo...

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I was pushed down the stairs by a retarded (literally) cousin when I was two. My mom didn't notice that I wasn't using my arm for a few days.


I cut off my left big toe in a lawn mower in '96. It's a great conversation piece at the bars. :lol:

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I remember playing sandlot football in high school i got tackled by the two fat guys we normally played with. The doctor told me i had a ;esser compression fracture of my 3rd verterbrae. needless to say.....my season was over.




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  Goldmember said:
:o  :lol:


my dad ran a riding lawnmover up a tree. before it fell back on him. luckily it had auto shutoff when you get off seat... :ph34r:  :lol:

The Doctor that worked on me told me all kinds of funny lawn mower stories. About guys pick up a push mower and walking down either side of a row of hedges and using it as a trimmer and one guy tripping and the mower fell on his chest.


Two other guys doing the same thing and put their fingers underneath to pick it up and both of them lost the tips of all eight fingers.


I didn't feel so dumb after hearing all that.

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  mreye said:
The Doctor that worked on me told me all kinds of funny lawn mower stories. About guys pick up a push mower and walking down either side of a row of hedges and using it as a trimmer and one guy tripping and the mower fell on his chest.


Two other guys doing the same thing and put their fingers underneath to pick it up and both of them lost the tips of all eight fingers.


I didn't feel so dumb after hearing all that.

wow. i would bet that beer was involved... :lolhitting

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  mreye said:
The Doctor that worked on me told me all kinds of funny lawn mower stories. About guys pick up a push mower and walking down either side of a row of hedges and using it as a trimmer and one guy tripping and the mower fell on his chest.


Two other guys doing the same thing and put their fingers underneath to pick it up and both of them lost the tips of all eight fingers.


I didn't feel so dumb after hearing all that.

And we are still smarter than Illinois? :lol: :P

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  hammerhead johnson said:
Got hit by a car twice

I should add that neither instance was too painful.


The first time I got hit, I was on my way to baseball practice, and an illegal immigrant from Mexico (cops told me as much) made an illegal right turn on a red and nailed me while I was on my skateboard. I had a deep bone bruise on my left leg, but nothing too serious. Still though, I was limping around for more than a month.


The second time I got hit, I was skating with my buddies in a hospital parking complex. The security guards spotted us, so we were trying to get the flock outta there & I ended up getting nailed by a car coming up the ramp. Deep bone bruise on my right leg. :headshake


In retrospect, god damn was I dumb.

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Just hearing some of these stories, I heard a story about a kid my dad knew he high school.


My dad played a little football in like 8th and 9th grade. Anyways, during a game that had gotten out of hand, the RB was running a play and the 2nd stringers were in. The RB got absolutely mauled because the second string OLine men were just absolutely terrible and the ball came out when he got hit. The ball ended up under his elbow, and the DLine men all jumped on him after he had gotten knocked down. Needless to say, his elbow got seriously f***ed up.


What's worse is that the kid's dad was a lawyer. I bet the coach was feeling real good knowing that :D

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Let's see here....I broke my ring finger trying to bunt when i was 10 and the pitcher threw a 65-70 mph fastball right at me from 45 feet...


Sprained ankles a few times, the worst was when I had a breakaway in basketball, went up for the layup and got pushed from behind and crashed into the wall behind the basket. I had a sprained ankle on top of a sprained wrist.


My tooth splintered through my lip during baseball practice for All-Stars, that hurt. I guess you could say I got a broken lip?


The last one would be a seperate shoulder while throwing a snap throw to first base while catching this summer. Nothing too serious has happened to me. *Knock on wood*

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