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Whats that I hear in NYC?


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I keep hearing that the democratic party has to become more centrist, move farther right, but that's just not the case. A Majority of the world hates America, and a slim minority of America hates it's own government. This gloating that your favorite party has power only stokes the fire of hostility.


There will be a backlash to the recent trend to the right, with it's freedom-for-some attitude. You can say they're out of touch with the "heartland", but by and large the democratic party is more in touch with the world in general.


So there's four, or 8, or 12 more years of agression and intolerance draped in the cloak of patriotism. I can deal. Alienating yourself from part of the country may cost a few years in office, but that cost is far less than alienating yourself from rest of the free world.

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The sad thing is that article is exactly true.

George Bush is weak on terror and weak on defense. He can pour as much money into it that he wants but if your going to attack the wrong place and create more terrorists for no reason other then your a stubborn daddies boy then there is no way you should be able to be seen as strong on defense.

The fact is they played on fears on the ignorant and the gullible. I love how George Bush's filp flops continued right after the campaign. He wasn't going to privatize social security, Kerry was just trying to scare us. Ohh wait now he is...

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The Northeaster Seaboard area thinks they represent mainstream America.  They don't.  The heart and soul of America is geographically in the heart of the country. 


An island of the coast of Europe?  That sounds about right to me.

Well said. I resent the bi-coastal attitude that comes out of this country. As if the middle of the country doesn't even exsist. The US is more than NYC and LA. And obviously the majority of the country believes that.

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What a bunch of sniveling elitist turds these people are.  God I love seeing people like this humbled.


:crying  :crying  :crying

I can't post a link, but if you go attenuation.net there is a ranking of states by average I.Q and by who they voted for, interesting stuff.

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I can't post a link, but if you go attenuation.net there is a ranking of states by average I.Q and by who they voted for, interesting stuff.

You can trumpet that if you like but SS2K4 trumped that already.



GED/HS dropout............Kerry

HS Grad........................Bush

Some College.................Bush

Bachelors Degree...........Bush

Graduate Degree............Kerry

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The Northeaster Seaboard area thinks they represent mainstream America.  They don't.  The heart and soul of America is geographically in the heart of the country. 


An island of the coast of Europe?  That sounds about right to me.

It's true.


This quote from the Boston Globe yesterday almost made me :puke


''I just have hope that someday they'll smarten up and realize we have the right idea," said Carol Kershaw, 46, of Brockton. ''It's not that we just want our homeboys; it's that we're the epitome of the working middle class."


Somehow Boston doesn't strike me as the epitome of the working class.


Oh, and this gem was in there too.


For Chris Houghton of South Boston, though, a jaunty fatalism had already asserted itself. ''After the Red Sox victory, things are back to normal here," Houghton, 32, said with a shrug. ''From euphoria back to the norm of defeat."


:crying :crying :crying :crying


That guy needs to deal with life.


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Well said.  I resent the bi-coastal attitude that comes out of this country.  As if the middle of the country doesn't even exsist.  The US is more than NYC and LA.  And obviously the majority of the country believes that.

You think Chicago is any different? Look at the vote totals there.


Eastern seaboard, NYC, LA, crap -- the larger the city, the more Democratic. Why should I be impressed that the NYT found a few people in a city of millions who will say stupid things? In NYC, 'We're more in touch w/ other people.' In rural America, 'We're more in touch w/ God.' Yeah, thanks for the opinions.


What happened to Sox fans? What happened to good old Iowa-bashing? We're losing our core values, people.

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Well said.  I resent the bi-coastal attitude that comes out of this country.  As if the middle of the country doesn't even exsist.  The US is more than NYC and LA.  And obviously the majority of the country believes that.

I took Wednesday off work and I saw I guy that morning talking about how "We Dems need to reach out to all those red states. Look at the map and how red "fly-over" country is." I thought, "You can start by not calling us "fly-over country, asshole!" I'm so sick of that!

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Look I haven't gloated yet....and I'm not gloating now, but just who the f*** does the people think they are. It's that typical elitist attitude that if you don't agree with them you must be a moron.


I love these quotes:


"Everybody seems to hate us these days," said Zito Joseph, a 63-year-old retired psychiatrist. "None of the people who are likely to be hit by a terrorist attack voted for Bush. But the heartland people seemed to be saying, 'We're not affected by it if there would be another terrorist attack.' "


This from a shrink?? Everyone hates you?? I think this shrink needs to see his own shrink. The whole f***in country stood shoulder to shoulder with you...Volunteers from all over came and helped..people all over cried and felt your pain...and you think they hate you cause they didn't vote for your canidate....ungrateful asshole.


"I'm saddened by what I feel is the obtuseness and shortsightedness of a good part of the country - the heartland," Dr. Joseph said. "This kind of redneck, shoot-from-the-hip mentality and a very concrete interpretation of religion is prevalent in Bush country - in the heartland."


Thanks Doc, so pretty much you're saying if I voted for Bush I'm stupid. I hate to bust this guys balls, but there ARE smart, educated Republicans. Republicans are not all redneck shoot from the hip types. Talk of shortsightedness, this person can't see beyond his own beliefs. He thinks it's impossible that educated people would vote for Bush. This is why these people don't see the media bias...It's cause they can't even fathom any other view point...they dont see anything wrong cause it's they're view they are watching. If there is another view point...it must just be because those people are dumb. They don't see it like I do...They must be rednecks. Sorry buddy....that's not how it works!!!


"New Yorkers are more sophisticated and at a level of consciousness where we realize we have to think of globalization, of one mankind, that what's going to injure masses of people is not good for us," he said


Don't confuse sophistication with popmosity. I'm quite sure my level of consciousness and sophistication is right along lines with you...I JUST DON'T SHARE YOUR POLITICAL BELIEFS. Why is it so hard to get?? I am not below you in any way cause I don't believe what you believe. This country has different opinions...it's part of what makes it great.


"New Yorkers are savvy," she said. "We have street smarts. Whereas people in the Midwest are more influenced by what their friends say."


"They're very 1950's," she said of Midwesterners. "When I go back there, I feel I'm in a time warp."


You're not savvy lady. Let me give you a definition... sav·vy - Well informed and perceptive. That is definitely not you if you think that Bush supporters don't have street smarts. We are not all hillbilly's that get our information from friends at the Winn Dixie. Just in Illinois, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry all went Bush. These aren't 1950's towns with a population of 3000. Heck, I'll bet if you check most people in those counties are pretty dam smart. Can you believe it?? A smart person that doesn't share your opinion.


If you can't see the arrogance of these people then you are blind!!!

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B/c noone on the coasts has a heart or a soul?  Or is this just "They are in the majority."  Explain this.

Because the coasts think they are the opinion of the country. That no one else exsists but them. They just assumed if they all went out and voted that they would have their way, and that their way was the best for the country.


So many went out and vilified anyone who didn't think that way as ignorant. That the rural people are less smart because they don't live like urbanites and have different value systems.


Hollywood thought that because a bunch of music and screen stars went out and told us how to vote, that we would do it, just because they are famous I guess. Just because we pay for them to entertain us, doesn't mean we share their same values.


The New York newspapers are shreading 60 million people because they thought George Bush was a better choice than John Kerry. That they are somehow less of people, because the issues the midwest thinks are important aren't the same as what the studio actors guild thinks are important.


Yeah to me that looks elitist. I don't look at New Yorkers as hedonistic sadists because they have a different value system, why do they have to make assumptions about us?

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The Northeaster Seaboard area thinks they represent mainstream America.  They don't.  The heart and soul of America is geographically in the heart of the country. 


An island of the coast of Europe?  That sounds about right to me.

Yeah and didn't Kerry win Minn., Ill., Wisc and Mich.?

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Because the coasts think they are the opinion of the country.  That no one else exsists but them.  They just assumed if they all went out and voted that they would have their way, and that their way was the best for the country. 


So many went out and vilified anyone who didn't think that way as ignorant.  That the rural people are less smart because they don't live like urbanites and have different value systems.


Hollywood thought that because a bunch of music and screen stars went out and told us how to vote, that we would do it, just because they are famous I guess.  Just because we pay for them to entertain us, doesn't mean we share their same values.


The New York newspapers are shreading 60 million people because they thought George Bush was a better choice than John Kerry.  That they are somehow less of people, because the issues the midwest thinks are important aren't the same as what the studio actors guild thinks are important.


Yeah to me that looks elitist.  I don't look at New Yorkers as hedonistic sadists because they have a different value system, why do they have to make assumptions about us?

Let them do it. I hope they do it. I want them to do it.


Go on leftist elite. Go on calling Republicans and anyone else who dared to disagree with you stupid and ignorant. You are accomplishing nothing but motivating our side more and digging your own grave deeper and deeper with every asinine comment like that you make.

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Because the coasts think they are the opinion of the country.  That no one else exsists but them.  They just assumed if they all went out and voted that they would have their way, and that their way was the best for the country. 


So many went out and vilified anyone who didn't think that way as ignorant.  That the rural people are less smart because they don't live like urbanites and have different value systems.


Hollywood thought that because a bunch of music and screen stars went out and told us how to vote, that we would do it, just because they are famous I guess.  Just because we pay for them to entertain us, doesn't mean we share their same values.


The New York newspapers are shreading 60 million people because they thought George Bush was a better choice than John Kerry.  That they are somehow less of people, because the issues the midwest thinks are important aren't the same as what the studio actors guild thinks are important.


Yeah to me that looks elitist.  I don't look at New Yorkers as hedonistic sadists because they have a different value system, why do they have to make assumptions about us?

Yeah, you're not stereotyping NYers at all... They're all just like the people in the article, right?


If Kerry had won, there would be people (some in small towns, some not) who would be whining just as much. 'I don't know what's happening to our country, it's all going to hell. These big-government ( :lol: ) liberals just want all our kids to be indoctrinated in evolution by homosexuals. As if our high schools weren't already dangerously overrun by lesbians...' Thanks, heart and soul.


Republicans who actually want to combat stereotyping should start in their own party, w/ this 'Elitists...' reaction. And Dems should shut up w/ all this 'Rednecks...' crap. Until I see that, I don't believe either side gives a f*** about having a serious discussion.

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Yeah, you're not stereotyping NYers at all...  They're all just like the people in the article, right?


If Kerry had won, there would be people (some in small towns, some not) who would be whining just as much.  'I don't know what's happening to our country, it's all going to hell.  These big-government ( :lol: ) liberals just want all our kids to be indoctrinated in evolution by homosexuals.  As if our high schools weren't already dangerously overrun by lesbians...'  Thanks, heart and soul.


Republicans who actually want to combat stereotyping should start in their own party, w/ this 'Elitists...' reaction.  And Dems should shut up w/ all this 'Rednecks...' crap.  Until I see that, I don't believe either side gives a f*** about having a serious discussion.

It's not really sterotyping when 83.3% of people in Manhattan and the Bronx feel that way.

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It's not  really sterotyping when 83.3% of people in Manhattan and the Bronx feel that way.

Exactly -- you're saying that everyone who voted Democratic is an elitist who converses w/ their European friends while sipping a latte and reading Le Monde. Including people who live in housing projects, and in the poorer Latino neighborhoods, and union members who live in the other boroughs. Yeah, I'd call that stereotyping.

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Exactly -- you're saying that everyone who voted Democratic is an elitist who converses w/ their European friends while sipping a latte and reading Le Monde.  Including people who live in housing projects, and in the poorer Latino neighborhoods, and union members who live in the other boroughs.  Yeah, I'd call that stereotyping.

It's hard not to feel that way when these are the only type of people you ever hear from on your side.

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Exactly -- you're saying that everyone who voted Democratic is an elitist who converses w/ their European friends while sipping a latte and reading Le Monde.  Including people who live in housing projects, and in the poorer Latino neighborhoods, and union members who live in the other boroughs.  Yeah, I'd call that stereotyping.

No I'm not saying that...I'm saying that they all feel the same way toward republicans and they all have that "there is no way somebody thinks differnt from me" attitude. Elitist, poor or otherwise....

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It's hard not to feel that way when these are the only type of people you ever hear from on your side.

Moderates don't sell papers.


I don't know about "your side". Historically, I've voted Republican. But if this election represents the face of Republicanism going forward, as it seems to, then yes, I'm changing sides.

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No I'm not saying that...I'm saying that they all feel the same way toward republicans and they all have that "there is no way somebody thinks differnt from me" attitude.  Elitist, poor or otherwise....

I've never heard of the "elitist poor", and the phrase sounds pretty funny to me.


You say that all Dem voters are elitists who think that noone could disagree with them, except idiots. I could just as well say that Repub voters are all rednecks who think that noone could disagree with them, except immoral people. (I don't say that.) These are both absurd statements. There's a lot of heterogeneity on each side.

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I've never heard of the "elitist poor", and the phrase sounds pretty funny to me.


You say that all Dem voters are elitists who think that noone could disagree with them, except idiots.  I could just as well say that Repub voters are all rednecks who think that noone could disagree with them, except immoral people.  (I don't say that.)  These are both absurd statements.  There's a lot of heterogeneity on each side.

The big difference is simple. Where do you see people writing that 56 million people who voted for John Kerry are some kind a of a human subspecies for their opinions? You don't.

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Let them do it.  I hope they do it.  I want them to do it. 


Go on leftist elite.  Go on calling Republicans and anyone else who dared to disagree with you stupid and ignorant.  You are accomplishing nothing but motivating our side more and digging your own grave deeper and deeper with every asinine comment like that you make.

It's kind of hard to take your position on stereotyping seriously when your avatar...


"He likes guns, he likes destruction...It's Nuke_Cleveland"


...seems to answer to the very stereotypes that Dems associate with Republicans.


Either way, even though I am a self-proclaimed liberal, I do think those selected New Yorkers are taking the wrong approach. I am concerned with the direction of this country and think we made a huge mistake by electing a divisive president who answers to one side of the country. But we just have to suck it up.


But what do I know...I'm just an elitist.

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