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USA Being boycotted


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Oh, that's *really* gonna hurt our economy!  They probably don't even eat fast food, and there really aren't many people living in that area, so they are a non-factor in the big scheme of things.

Well, I dunno. The economy is just like a business, and the boycott cant help. The economy still sucks. Our best solution is to end this war asap.

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i read that alot of the companies and people in the arab world has been boycotting usa products esp the fast food companies. i was trying to find the link and can't come up with one.

Actually even before this war, many Arab companies have come out with their own fast food chicken enterprises and their own soda companies to lower their dependence on western influence.

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i read that alot of the companies and people in the arab world has been boycotting usa products esp the fast food companies. i was trying to find the link and can't come up with one.

Actually even before this war, many Arab companies have come out with their own fast food chicken enterprises and their own soda companies to lower their dependence on western influence.

Yeah gimme a crab juice over Mountain Dew any day.

(Hypocritically I drink a Dew as I type this.)

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i read that alot of the companies and people in the arab world has been boycotting usa products esp the fast food companies. i was trying to find the link and can't come up with one.

Actually even before this war, many Arab companies have come out with their own fast food chicken enterprises and their own soda companies to lower their dependence on western influence.

Yeah gimme a crab juice over Mountain Dew any day.

(Hypocritically I drink a Dew as I type this.)

How bout some Kokolash?

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So ha ha ha boycotts against the US ha ha ha. I find it sad that anyone thinks that is funny and will not affect this nation.


This nation is a very small part of the world. We need international trade to keep our economy going. Jobs depend on that.


If the 1 billion people of the Islamic world, and the one billion plus of China, and Russia, with all of its needs, decide to boycott us, plenty of American jobs will be lost. Add to that any other reduction in US exports because of lagging sales of American goods in Europe and Africa, and the question will be how fast we replace the ha ha ha’s with the word depression. We are not alone in this world, not are we this world’s masters.


Thus add to the cost of war the numbers of jobs that will be lost if US exports significantly decrease.


There were many other ways of dealing with what needs to be dealt with.


I doubt you will be more safe in a world where other nations feel free to follow our lead and invade for the sake of regime change for whatever reasons, all of them "good," that they will have.


I doubt you will be more safe in a world where we have have alienated our allies who stood with us after September 11th. I doubt you will be more safe in a world where our actions have reinforced the image of America acting is Imperial Rome. We have blown off the Kyoto Accords, the ABM treaty (will you be more safe when other nations decide just to shred treaties they have made with us?), the War Crimes court in the Hague. Now again we have blown off our allies. People in other countries are enraged at us. What happens when next time we need cooperation on something vital to us? Are we more safe because as a PR spin move we have gotten Eritrea and Palau to sign a good luck card to show they are nations who supports us? Had we had real support, why didn't we go for a vote of the General Assembly? Why didn't Bush keep his promise of going for a vote for a 2nd resolution "up or down." This administration promised us dancing in the streets and rose petals. Have you seen that yet? Maybe they miscalculated by forgetting that people don't like their country being invaded.


I doubt this nation is more safe when the same people who served the two administrations that gave aid and comfort to Saddam Hussein are the ones whose corporations will now profit in its destruction. When Bob Dole went to Iraq to praise Saddam as "someone we can work with" in 1990, Saddam had already done most of the crimes charged against him now. I wonder if America would have been more safe had the peace and justice community been listened to when we objected to US dalliances with Saddam in the late 70s and all through the 80s and half way through 1990.


I wonder if we are safe when our president "looks into the soul" of Putin and thinks all is ok - what a misreading of Putin has this president committed. And you trust these people to make us safe? I tremble at the history and current policies of these people.


Saddam has been safely contained for many years outside his borders. We had many other options for bringing him down. We had many other options in this situation.


Will you feel more safe when the inevitable response comes? Are we more safe because we have angered a large part of the world? Are we more safe because we have fueled the fires of terrorism?


I wonder how many of the pro-war posters here can find our big allies Eritrea or Palau on a map. I see the polls which show that 45% of the US believes that Saddam Hussein was directly responsible for September 11th - which he had nothing to do with.


Are we more secure when the promise to get bin Laden dead or alive has not been kept but we go after a nation that did not attack us, was contained, and was supported in power by the same people who sit in our government now?


Are we more secure when the nation has a $350 billion annual deficit for this fiscal year, and in the news coverage of war tries to force a budget through Congress that has huge tax cuts and does not address the cost of the war? Will you be more secure when we hit a $1 trillion annual deficit?


Do you feel more secure when a Wag the Dog is raised to disguise economic failure and the failure to have adequate intelligence and the failure to destroy al Queda?


If so - feel secure.


The al Queda response to the Gulf War came 11 years later. Whether it comes sooner or later, it will come for this, and if anything, we have strengthened the recruiting base for al Queda.


There were other ways.


The first time that I personally myself spoke in a public forum about the tyrant Saddam Hussein was the late 70s. I was not alone in the Christian peace and justice community, I was just one of many. He was a wacko then as he is now. And the powers that be dismissed us as being naive. And because Saddam was the enemy of our enemy, US administrations kissed his butt and gave him support even as he gassed the Kurds. Rumsfeld decries that now but when it was happening, he sold more weapons to Iraq so they would fight Iran. These weapons were turned on Iraq's own people and still Dole goes to Iraq to shake Saddam's hand and say we can work with him.


Who are the naive ones? The administration is filled with those. Policy is made by the chief of all naiveté right now.


I would suggest that anyone interested find Sojourners on the internet, or Jim Wallis of Sojourners, and see what we have been testifying to for decades and the solutions and responses that we have been proposing for decades. But as it happens due to PR spin, those who aided Saddam and acted with short sided naiveté make up this administration and those of us who decried Saddam and pointed to the evil he represented, we who offer ways other than violence and war, we are derided when we protest this unneeded and un necessary war.


It makes no sense, but rationalizations for war never do.


Is it possible to win this war?


The overwhelming superiority of American personnel and material makes the final outcome certain. The only question is to length and number of casualties and amount of devastation that will occur.


No one wishes their country to be on the losing side but the questions are what do we win - what will happen when the actual battlefield/bombing hostilities cease.


We will be left with a major rebuilding job for which cost may have to be borne by this country and England in that we did not have UN sanction - and then we'll see how much the so-called "coalition of the willing" are actually willing to put up in real money.


We will be left with a lot of increased hostility on the world towards this nation. Unnoticed in all the hoopla is that our own neighbors Canada and Mexico are conspicuously opposed to this war and many nations in the world are angered with what has happened without UN sanction. The struggle for who will control Iraqi oil assets and other assets when this war is over may cause further breech amongst the nations of the world against Britain and the US. The line to speak in the open sessions of the General Assembly today may reveal the potentials for whole new chasms over what is being termed the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Iraq. The anger of Russia and China - and their attitude, you fought it without approval, you pay for it but don't try to claim oil money for your use, pay for your war out of your own pocket - is something that we will have to reckon with, especially in that they are not alone in the world but with France comprise 3 of the 5 permanent Security Council seats.


We may or may not be left with continued guerilla actions inside occupied Iraq. If Afghanistan is any indication, where only Kabul is concerned and the warlords continue to militarily vie for control of the rest of the country, occupation is going to be a real headache and require intensive military occupation (which has its own dangers) and the world may make us pay attention to the aftermath of this action unlike the way the situation in Afghanistan long ago disappeared from our concerns.


We will be at far greater risk for terrorism from those who will feel al Queda's view of the US has been vindicated.


The the Turkish-Kurd situation has not played out. If we have to militarily intervene, or if territory is lost to Turkey, we will either be fighting against a NATO ally or publicly reneging on our guarantee of Iraqi liberation. The potential is awesome in its problematic nature.


This is not WW2 where Admiral Karl Doenitz or the Imperial Japanese government will sign a surrender. There will no flag raising end to hostilities. This is unlike any other military situation in which we have been involved.


When the end to hostilities happens, al Queda will still be out there. N Korea is threatening to withdraw from the armistice. India and Pakistan are test firing nuclear missiles. And Iran - the third member of the so-called axis of evil - will have the nation that called it an axis of evil occupying Iran's hated rival Iraq on its border - no guessing what may happen there.


There will be no victories here. This will not be like the determining game of the World Series or the Super Bowl with winner and loser and all is peaceful afterwards. There will be a cessation of active hostilities with the government of Saddam Hussein. That will not be "victory" and anyone who claims that as such is delusional. We will have huge problems if we even capture Saddam alive - it is this nation under this president that withdrew from the World Court - what do we do with a captured Saddam? The whole world will be watching and not very kindly disposed towards our acting unilaterally or with Anglo-Saxon action when we have rejected the World Court under Bush.


I have no concept of the US "winning" or "losing." I have only the concept that we are entering into one of the most treacherous periods of our and world history with WOMD on all sides and terrorists everywhere out there in a hostile environment to the US which will suffer tremendous financial strain as huge budget deficits grow closer to the 1 trillion annual mark. And I greatly fear that the current administration, having gotten us to this place, lacks the skills and attitudes to work us out with abilities whatsoever that will have good outcomes for the US and the world.


If this were the Olympics I'd be all for the US to win. This not being a game; this being this situation, there is no winning. There is only what is next.


The US will prevail against Saddam's government. Then what? That is the period that I very greatly fear and I have real fears that the country that I love will look back at this episode and harshly judge the Bush administration for creating this particular war situation and the morass we have made that we may emerge from safely with only the greatest of care, that I totally feel this administration is not up to.


The time of diplomacy is over, Colin Powell said, and I fear his words are more prescient than he intended.

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wow..thats alot to digest :o


as far as a botcott goes....doesnt the effectiveness of a boycott have alot to do with trade deficiet between the two countries involved?????....like france for example....we import alot more french products then they import american..so if both countries bopycotted each other and bought goods from their own country intead of each others wouldnt that improve our economy while hurting theirs???

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Oh and cw, Im prowar, and I can find Eritrea on a map. I cant find Palau (Im pretty good at geography, just little island states give me trouble). Eritrea was part of Ethiopia until very recently. It broke away and formed its own country after a long civil war. This "defection" took all of Ethiopias coast away.

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OK, I didnt look at any maps but Palau is in the Southeast Pacific. Its an island, which I cannot pinpoint, but Im pretty sure its an island in the southeast Pacific.


Next time, given that quite a few Americans cant locate the Pacific Ocean, ya might wanna ask that before ya ask if they can find Eritrea and Palau... ;)

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There should be a law. The United States can't go bomb a country if the majority of Americans cannot point it out on a map.


The American media sucks. The American public is so vastly uneducated. It's sickening. We are "the world's superpower" and we have so many uneducated people. It's pretty disheartening.

Sure, everybody knows what celebrities are getting divorced etc. etc. etc. but what about the actual things that matter? It's like getting a longer more elaborate version of Provda in the American news today.

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Better yet, just make it so they can point the place out. Cut off tv for certain hours and have taped geography classes on every channel. Have stuff about the war on mtv. Were in the middle of a darn war and my friends go home and learn about how Fred Durst is screwing Britney Spears. On a side note, if you told everyone who Im screwing, Id kill ya. And the others go out and get high or drunk. We need to cut down on drugs for everyone, alcohol for minors and put a little more emphasis on learning. But there are a good bunch a kids out there too who take AP classes (like myself) and dont drink or smoke. They get good grades and they are the future of this country. And I think this good bunch, given they make righteuos decisions, can continue to keep us a powerful nation. But the others, I worry about em...

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Better yet, just make it so they can point the place out. Cut off tv for certain hours and have taped geography classes on every channel. Have stuff about the war on mtv. Were in the middle of a darn war and my friends go home and learn about how Fred Durst is screwing Britney Spears. On a side note, if you told everyone who Im screwing, Id kill ya. And the others go out and get high or drunk. We need to cut down on drugs for everyone, alcohol for minors and put a little more emphasis on learning. But there are a good bunch a kids out there too who take AP classes (like myself) and dont drink or smoke. They get good grades and they are the future of this country. And I think this good bunch, given they make righteuos decisions, can continue to keep us a powerful nation. But the others, I worry about em...

Just remember...some of these people vote. :o


f***, some of those people even run for President...like Georgie Dubya.


http://homepage.mac.com/leperous/PhotoAlbum1.html I think you guys may like these, hehehe.

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There should be a law.  The United States can't go bomb a country if the majority of Americans cannot point it out on a map.


The American media sucks.  The American public is so vastly uneducated.  It's sickening.  We are "the world's superpower" and we have so many uneducated people.  It's pretty disheartening.

Sure, everybody knows what celebrities are getting divorced etc. etc. etc. but what about the actual things that matter?  It's like getting a longer more elaborate version of Provda in the American news today.

its not up to the american media to educate the american people..its up to the people themselves...the media only follows the people's lead...if people didnt waste their time watching "survivor" or "who wants to marry a millionaire" then the networks wouldnt put it on...


i would look at the education system as to why 20% of high school kids cant identify canada on a map...

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There should be a law.  The United States can't go bomb a country if the majority of Americans cannot point it out on a map.


The American media sucks.  The American public is so vastly uneducated.  It's sickening.  We are "the world's superpower" and we have so many uneducated people.  It's pretty disheartening.

Sure, everybody knows what celebrities are getting divorced etc. etc. etc. but what about the actual things that matter?  It's like getting a longer more elaborate version of Provda in the American news today.

In the long run, this may very well lead to the downfall of the United States.

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its not up to the american media to educate the american people..its up to the people themselves...the media only follows the people's lead...if people didnt waste their time watching "survivor" or "who wants to marry a millionaire" then the networks wouldnt put it on...


i would look at the education system as to why 20% of high school kids cant identify canada on a map...

George W. Bush is supposedly "The Education President" yet he is making drastic cuts in education to finance military actions. The GAO said that to fix all the failing schools, it would only take around $212 billion and we can find a s***load of money to build MOABs. It's nice to know where our country's priorities are.

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There should be a law.  The United States can't go bomb a country if the majority of Americans cannot point it out on a map.


The American media sucks.  The American public is so vastly uneducated.  It's sickening.  We are "the world's superpower" and we have so many uneducated people.  It's pretty disheartening.

Sure, everybody knows what celebrities are getting divorced etc. etc. etc. but what about the actual things that matter?  It's like getting a longer more elaborate version of Provda in the American news today.

In the long run, this may very well lead to the downfall of the United States.

Oh yasny, I think there are plenty of kids that will grow up and turn out great so they can run the country. But there are also a number of kids who wont help with anything. They skip the finals and go outside to smoke. So great job, you failed out of school but you felt good. Real smart. But then there are plenty of people who will someday lead this country. And its up to us to get these stoning schmucks off their butts and get them to do something...

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There should be a law.  The United States can't go bomb a country if the majority of Americans cannot point it out on a map.


The American media sucks.  The American public is so vastly uneducated.  It's sickening.  We are "the world's superpower" and we have so many uneducated people.  It's pretty disheartening.

Sure, everybody knows what celebrities are getting divorced etc. etc. etc. but what about the actual things that matter?  It's like getting a longer more elaborate version of Provda in the American news today.

In the long run, this may very well lead to the downfall of the United States.

Oh yasny, I think there are plenty of kids that will grow up and turn out great so they can run the country. But there are also a number of kids who wont help with anything. They skip the finals and go outside to smoke. So great job, you failed out of school but you felt good. Real smart. But then there are plenty of people who will someday lead this country. And its up to us to get these stoning schmucks off their butts and get them to do something...

you are going into an area that i will get very defensive about. i grew up in an area where some will not have survive.. do not go into this area where you put down these kids who are a product of the area and economics.

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Actually ldf, I live in a rich white neighborhood and most of the stoners Im referring to are rich and white. There are other stoners at my school but there are also plenty of stoners who come from rich families. They will survive yet unfortunately they are making stupid decisions and it will affect them later in life...

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Actually ldf, I live in a rich white neighborhood and most of the stoners Im referring to are rich and white. There are other stoners at my school but there are also plenty of stoners who come from rich families. They will survive yet unfortunately they are making stupid decisions and it will affect them later in life...

i have defended you in the past in your right to post anything you want. so pls let this subject die. i really do not know where you are going in this.

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