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Gay Marriage


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I know this has been talked about a bunch, but I read this and are my thoughts exactly..

just wanted to post it..anyway



A loss for true conservatism (David Shuster)of MSNBC


On Tuesday, eleven different states outlawed gay marriage.


The basic argument I heard was not about marriage (more on that below) but about being gay. And a majority of voters seem to believe that homosexuality is an "immoral lifestyle choice."


Hmmmm. The problem is that anybody who has a relative or friend who is gay also knows it is not a "choice." It is something wired into the genes of approximately 3 or 4 percent of the human population in every single culture on the planet. Secondly, when it comes to morality, consider this: While the Bible does suggest homosexuality is an abomination (Leviticus 18:22), The Bible also says in Leviticus 25:44 that we may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations; Exodus 35:2 says that my neighbor who works on the Sabbath should be put to death; Lev. 19:27 expressly forbids men from getting their hair trimmed; Lev. 11:6-9 states that touching a dead pig makes us unclean (Are you ready for some football?) and Lev. 19:19 forbids us from planting two different crops in the same field or wearing garments made of two different kinds of threat. The penalty? Lev. 24:10-16 suggests we stone people to death.


Maybe some Americans want to return to the days of slavery, devout observance to the Sabbath, long hair, all cotton clothes, and stoning people... I would prefer that our society move forward.


And the best way to move any society forward is to strengthen the family. I adore my family and consider them to be the greatest best part of my entire life. And I'm absolutely convinced that "marriage" fosters social cohesion, emotional security, and economic prudence. That's why I'm baffled as to why we would keep such an institution away from anybody. (I'm not talking about "religion-sanctioned marriage," I'm referring to the civil institution of marriage—the kind that involves a "state-sponsored" license.)


The fact is, the couple down the street... whether they are straight or gay, has no bearing what so ever on my marriage or yours. Gay marriage could only undermine or delegitimize straight marriage if it were a real alternative. But, do you know any heterosexuals who could be persuaded by law (or anything else for that matter) to have sex with or marry someone of their own sex? I don't.


Any intelligent and logical thinking person must know that gays are not going away. So why not coax these human beings into traditional values? Marriage reinforces a healthy social trend... and it provides stability. Isn't that what conservatism stands for?


If we really want to improve and strengthen the institution of marriage, instead of passing laws that exclude couples, shouldn't we be focused on why 50% of all marriages end in divorce? Why not pass a law that requires all couples (as some churches do) to meet with a pastor and talk about hundreds of issues before the marriage. Or how about a law that says you can't marry anybody you met in the last 24 hours?


Unfortunately, logic and common sense to be in short supply these days. Instead, we have an endless supply of hatred and fear. Why is that?

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I know this has been talked about a bunch, but I read this and are my thoughts exactly..

just wanted to post it..anyway



A loss for true conservatism (David Shuster)of MSNBC


On Tuesday, eleven different states outlawed gay marriage.


The basic argument I heard was not about marriage (more on that below) but about being gay. And a majority of voters seem to believe that homosexuality is an "immoral lifestyle choice."


Hmmmm.  The problem is that anybody who has a relative or friend who is gay also knows it is not a "choice."  It is something wired into the genes of approximately 3 or 4 percent of the human population in every single culture on the planet.  Secondly, when it comes to morality, consider this: While the Bible does suggest homosexuality is an abomination (Leviticus 18:22), The Bible also says in Leviticus 25:44 that we may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations; Exodus 35:2 says that my neighbor who works on the Sabbath should be put to death; Lev. 19:27 expressly forbids men from getting their hair trimmed; Lev. 11:6-9 states that touching a dead pig makes us unclean (Are you ready for some football?) and Lev. 19:19 forbids us from planting two different crops in the same field or wearing garments made of two different kinds of threat.  The penalty?  Lev. 24:10-16 suggests we stone people to death.


Maybe some Americans want to return to the days of slavery, devout observance to the Sabbath, long hair, all cotton clothes,  and stoning people... I would prefer that our society move forward.


And the best way to move any society forward is to strengthen the family. I adore my family and consider them to be the greatest best part of my entire life. And I'm absolutely convinced that "marriage" fosters social cohesion, emotional security, and economic prudence.  That's why I'm baffled as to why we would keep such an institution away from anybody. (I'm not talking about "religion-sanctioned marriage," I'm referring to the civil institution of marriage—the kind that involves a "state-sponsored" license.)


The fact is, the couple down the street... whether they are straight or gay, has no bearing what so ever on my marriage or yours.  Gay marriage could only undermine or delegitimize straight marriage if it were a real alternative.  But, do you know any heterosexuals who could be persuaded by law (or anything else for that matter) to have sex with or marry someone of their own sex?  I don't.


Any intelligent and logical thinking person must know that gays are not going away.  So why not coax these human beings into traditional values? Marriage reinforces a healthy social trend... and it provides stability.  Isn't that what conservatism stands for?


If we really want to improve and strengthen the institution of marriage, instead of passing laws that exclude couples, shouldn't we be focused on why 50% of all marriages end in divorce?  Why not pass a law that requires all couples (as some churches do) to meet with a pastor and talk about hundreds of issues before the marriage.  Or how about a law that says you can't marry anybody you met in the last 24 hours?


Unfortunately, logic and common sense to be in short supply these days. Instead, we have an endless supply of hatred and fear.  Why is that?

Because everything lately is "us against them" and if you make "them" seem too much like "us", then "we" wouldn't have an opponent to beat and feel superior to.

That's why "they" can maybe have their civil unions.....MAYBE....but they can't have "OUR" word MARRIAGE.

Who Wants To Marry A Millionaire = okay.

Wife Swap = okay.

Drive-Thru wedding chapels = okay.

50% divorce rate = okay.

7, 8, 9 marriages for one person = okay.

Gay marriages????? NOT okay.

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like it or not, this issue will not go away anytime soon. In my opinion this is the 3rd wave of the Civil Rights movement in this country.


First conservatives and many dixie-crats wanted to keep women in the home and unable to vote. This failed.


Second conservatives and again many dixie-crats were against giving African Americans the right to vote and equal opportunities. This failed.


This is the third leg of the race. Again many conservatives and dixie-crats are against this idea too. They in the end will fail again, it's just a matter of time.

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