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Shane Reynolds?

Chris B

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I was just going to post this Chris. Nice find. I'm all in favor of Reynolds. Really good veteran. He's coming off an injury, so he may take a little time, but the Astros expected him to be their 3rd starter. I like Shane a lot, and as a veteran he should be able to get back. Very good signing, imo, if we got him.

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Okay the way we look at it, we got:


Mark and Colon they are going to be strong.


Garland is young and will improve, he has great stuff.


Loiza, Wright and Stewart? I dont see any guaranteed W's every time they go out.


We need one more legit MLB starter.


Loaiza could be a nice pick up, but historically he is .500 or hovering around there.


Wright has shown to be terrible at times.


Stewart is unproven, but could have great upside.


Remember dont get carried away with Spring Training stats they are just that.

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Okay the way we look at it, we got:


Mark and Colon they are going to be strong.


Garland is young and will improve, he has great stuff.


Loiza, Wright and Stewart? I dont see any guaranteed W's every time they go out.


We need one more legit MLB starter.


Loaiza could be a nice pick up, but historically he is .500 or hovering around there.


Wright has shown to be terrible at times.


Stewart is unproven, but could have great upside.


Remember dont get carried away with Spring Training stats they are just that.

I agree with you Chris. Had Wright been 100% I wouldn't worry, but right now I am going to look at it as we have Loazia and Stewart. Loiaza pitched great, but isn't really anything special although we can all hope and there is a good shot that he pitches much better now that he's matured. Then Stewart, who knows. That leaves two big ?, why not sign Reynolds as a backup plan, cause when he's healthy, look out, he'd be tremendous. Not saying he needs to be with the team right away, but give him a contract where if in 3 weeks he isn't on the roster, he can go elsewhere if he wants.

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Reynolds is an overall decent guy but has an ERA of 5.22, 4.34, 4.86 ERA in the last three years. If we didn't get Loaiza, I think we should go for him. But right now, we have too many excessive pitchers battleing for the job and have enough decisions to make. If we get Reynolds, it will decrease the opportunies for guys like Rauch, Stewart, Wright...

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If you pick up Shane, who do cut/send down? Stewart? Do you cut Loaiza? Or do you try and get Reynolds to be a reliever?

minior league deal :)

Sign Reynolds to a minor league deal?

Im sorry but he is way too old and will just take away the opportunities of our younger guys down there.

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I don't think we need to sign every pitcher that comes down the turnpike. Could he even make our Charlotte team? Or Birmingham? We have five young guys will be set in a rotation at both places. We need to keep our young pitchers pitching for us. If Shane is still a quality pitcher, he should go to Tampa.

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Ok but I think Matt Herges is good and didn't the Buckos release him?  I'd get him.

Yes they did. I like Herges. Real good a few years ago with the Dodgers, BUT, I'd only sign him to a minor league deal. He's had injury problems and the bullpen is set. That being said, Herges has handled a closers role, can pitch quite a few innings and is a hard thrower. He's pretty damn good when healthy.

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Ok but I think Matt Herges is good and didn't the Buckos release him?  I'd get him.

Yes they did. I like Herges. Real good a few years ago with the Dodgers, BUT, I'd only sign him to a minor league deal. He's had injury problems and the bullpen is set. That being said, Herges has handled a closers role, can pitch quite a few innings and is a hard thrower. He's pretty damn good when healthy.

He had good #s this spring didn't he?

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If you pick up Shane, who do cut/send down? Stewart? Do you cut Loaiza? Or do you try and get Reynolds to be a reliever?

minior league deal :)

He's not going to sign a minior league deal. There's probably 3 or 4 teams offering him a garentted contract right now.

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How about we give him a fifty cent cd?

Just want you to know I caught that and that it was damn funny! :lol:


Naturally I have the 50¢ cd and it is pretty good! 50¢ calls Em his favorite white boy, but he should talk sweet to the guy who produces his stuff, huh? :lol:

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Everyone we need to wake up and hit the reality button.


The likelihood of Wright or Rauch becoming quality MLB pitchers is very, very slim.


I am not bashing just speaking the truth.

I disagree with you on Danny Wright. He's already proven himself to be a decent pitcher. If he can get his health back in a relatively short time, He'll be a solid ML pitcher. Jon Rauch still has a way to go yet.

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