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Clarett rips into OSU, tells all

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4th or 5th round... hmm...


He may be a steal for some team.. but personally I dont think 1200 yards and 18 TD's on a pretty run balanced team is all that impressive for him to be thinking he should have been able to go into the draft..

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How is he "clearing his name" when he admits he couldn't pass his courses and took money/gifts while knowing it was against the rules?

he just wanted to get the truth out, but yeah.. it doesnt make too much sense how this was clearing his name

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This kind of stuff happens at alot more colleges than people realize. Maybe not quite to that extreme, but I do know it happens across the nation. Programs get as close to the edge of cheating as possible, take Tennessee for example, they offer classes such as "Walking" and "Chair Stacking" for athletes to take. I can't imagine how anyone could ever fail "Walking", maybe they just sat down?

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4th or 5th round... hmm...


He may be a steal for some team.. but personally I dont think 1200 yards and 18 TD's on a pretty run balanced team is all that impressive for him to be thinking he should have been able to go into the draft..

Keep in mind he lost some playing time that year.


I may have to change my mind about Clarett if OSU goes on probation for this.


Last year I helped pass a giant inflatable penis with claretts pic on it around the big house...this year...clarett is welcome to watch the game at my house.

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I don't think Clarett would have been a 1st round pick, even with 3 1200+ yard seasons at OSU. He's likely not going to blow scouts away with anything at the combines. He doesn't have great speed, I believe it will be around 4.55 at the combines. Speed isn't everything for a RB I know, but he just doesn't have any special quality, people have questioned his work ethic also. Maybe he will prove me wrong at the combines.

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I don't think Clarett would have been a 1st round pick, even with 3 1200+ yard seasons at OSU. He's likely not going to blow scouts away with anything at the combines. He doesn't have great speed, I believe it will be around 4.55 at the combines. Speed isn't everything for a RB I know, but he just doesn't have any special quality, people have questioned his work ethic also. Maybe he will prove me wrong at the combines.

He also seemed to be pretty injury prone in his short time there. He just didn't seem too tough.

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