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Ashcroft, Evans Resign, White House Says


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Ashcroft, Evans Resign, White House Says



WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Attorney General John Ashcroft and Commerce Secretary Donald Evans resigned in a post-election shake-up of President Bush's Cabinet, the White House announced on Tuesday.


"The president accepted their resignations," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said.

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It's official.  The resignation was accepted and Ashcroft is out.


http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6446686/  -- The resignation letter


It's a good day for civil liberties.  :headbang

John Ashcroft through out history....


At the Crusades

"Destroy the infidels"


At the inquisition...

"Aw come on Christianity ain't so bad...nevermind, quarter him."


At the Salem witch trials

"She's a witch, burn her!"


With his buddy McCarthy

"The Reds are around us everywhere, we must purge them"


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