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Found this on WSI... wondered if anyone else saw this.


Apparently Gammons' source in the D-backs is reporting it will happen next week. R.J. for Vasquez, Gordon, and either a minor leaguer from NY or a pitcher from another team.

Interesting. Great deal for the Yanks and if I'm the Sox I'd have some interest in finding a way to acquire Gordon.


Horrible deal from the Dbacks perspective, imo, since they are getting a bad contract and not much future for their superstar.

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ESPNEWS reports Russ Ortiz is close to signing with the Nationals, but they don't know if they can fit his salary into their budhget.  His agent is looking for $10 million per.

Is this like one of those things where someone does an absolutely pathetic job in the hopes that he can be fired and collect unemployment insurance? Cause Bowden can't possibly last long at this rate.

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Is this like one of those things where someone does an absolutely pathetic job in the hopes that he can be fired and collect unemployment insurance?  Cause Bowden can't possibly last long at this rate.

The plan was to only have him there the first year. But i agree he cannot possibly last much longer. Should already be fired for signing guzman and castilla to terrible contracts and thinking about it with ortiz. :headshake

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The plan was to only have him there the first year. But i agree he cannot possibly last much longer. Should already be fired for signing guzman and castilla to terrible contracts and thinking about it with ortiz. :headshake

Supposedly, RFK is going to be a cavernous balpark, so the walks shoudn't hurt Ortiz as much... and he stays in the NL... Ortiz would actually be Bowdens best signing of the off-season.

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Supposedly, RFK is going to be a cavernous balpark, so the walks shoudn't hurt Ortiz as much... and he stays in the NL... Ortiz would actually be Bowdens best signing of the off-season.

I heard it was gonna be a hitters park. That was the reasoning I heard on the radio for the Castilla signing.


But I could be completely wrong.

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How are the Angels not interested in him at that price?


I gotta think someone is pulling our leg here and the Angels are interested.  $13 mill is less money then what Vlad has, and Beltran's arguably the better player.

I think Anaheim is going to get him too.


The guy who worte that is Richard Justice, who is often a guest on PTI.

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Mike Leiberthal might be available. I don't see him as a fit for the Sox (too much money at $7.1Mil) but it's possible he could accept a trade.

From the Philly Daily News:


There have been whispers since the end of the season that the Phillies are somewhere between willing and anxious to trade their longest-tenured player. Lieberthal has heard those rumors loud and clear.


He's also given the matter some consideration since as a 10-5 player - 10 years in the big leagues, the last 5 with the same team - he has the right to veto any deal. And he said this week that he wouldn't rule out the possibility of accepting a trade from the only organization he's ever been with.





Also, the Phillies will not sign any free agents that receive arbitration offers:


Ed Wade said yesterday that he's getting closer to filling some of the holes in the roster, but repeated that he isn't interested in free agents who are offered arbitration, thus requiring compensation, by next Tuesday's deadline. "A precondition of all our discussions is that we're not going to give up any draft picks," he said. "And we don't have any desk-drawer deals done." Last year, the Phillies had a contingency deal with reliever Tim Worrell that went into effect only when the Giants failed to offer him arbitration.

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On another topic, has anyone heard anything lately on J. D. Drew? He seems to flying under the radar these days with all the rumors flying around.  And we all know who is lurking around "under the radar".

I certainly can't see the sox taking on two injury risks in Wright and Drew. Besides, signing Drew to a 4 yr deal doesn't make sense if the Sox are as high on Sweeney as they claim to be. Sweeney should be ready in 2 yrs. Going for a short term option like Dye would seem a safer bet.


But Drew could be less expensive than some people think, due to his injuries. I wouldn't build a team around him. But some club could get him at a decent price and be pleased w/ his production

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I certainly can't see the sox taking on two injury risks in Wright and Drew. Besides, signing Drew to a 4 yr deal doesn't make sense if the Sox are as high on Sweeney as they claim to be. Sweeney should be ready in 2 yrs. Going for a short term option like Dye would seem a safer bet.


But Drew could be less expensive than some people think, due to his injuries. I wouldn't build a team around him. But some club could get him at a decent price and be pleased w/ his production

You make a good case here. I have to admit this grudgingly, because I've always wanted Drew on the Sox.

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You make a good case here.  I have to admit this grudgingly, because I've always wanted Drew on the Sox.

Thanks. Drew and Adrian Beltre are the Jaret Wright of position player FA's. The light may have finally kicked on, as well as good health. But a long term deal is risky. It'll be interesting to see what team signs Drew. Maybe a team like Pitt. will take a chance on him, seeing him as the guy to build around. It would be cheaper then getting a "sure thing" like Beltran. yet risky for a low budget team to put all their cash into one guy.

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Mike Leiberthal might be available.  I don't see him as a fit for the Sox (too much money at $7.1Mil) but it's possible he could accept a trade.

From the Philly Daily News:





Also, the Phillies will not sign any free agents that receive arbitration offers:

Is Lieb's contract still sitting on $7.5M for '05 and a team option of $7.5M (or $1.25M buyout) for '06? A bit pricey for someone of his questionable health performances.

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According to the New York Post, the Yankees and Jon Lieber are getting close to an agreement on a three-year, $21 million contract.

It looks like the Yankees should have just picked up Lieber's $8 million option. Maybe the Mets' decision to overpay for Kris Benson was just part of some elaborate strategy to drive up the price tags of a bunch of starters they had no interest in.

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"Maybe the Mets' decision to overpay for Kris Benson was just part of some elaborate strategy to drive up the price tags of a bunch of starters they had no interest in."







After the comments Anna made on Howard Stern.. I bet the Mets.. all the way down to the bat boy.. want to keep him and his wife around. :lol: ;)

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I certainly can't see the sox taking on two injury risks in Wright and Drew. Besides, signing Drew to a 4 yr deal doesn't make sense if the Sox are as high on Sweeney as they claim to be. Sweeney should be ready in 2 yrs. Going for a short term option like Dye would seem a safer bet.


But Drew could be less expensive than some people think, due to his injuries. I wouldn't build a team around him. But some club could get him at a decent price and be pleased w/ his production

Drew was healthy all year last year and put up very good numbers.. he has always had the potential and even so put up good numbers although hurt..


I would love for the Sox to sign drew.. Sweeney might be 2-3 years away, so I dont really think that signing him would interfer much with that seeing Drew can play all outfield posistions..


I just think he would be a great addition, he is a LH bat with power and a high OBP.. Led the league in unintentional walks last season too

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