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I know we have some bowlers on here...can't remember who exactly off the top of my head, but I know we do...so some can relate to this.


Anyways, I just thought let everyone know that I rolled my first 300 game tonight. It was pretty amazing, and when I got that 12th strike, it was just an insane feeling. Felt unreal...and is just now starting to sink in.


Coolest thing about it is that I beat my dad to getting the first 300 in the family. He's been bowling for like 35 years or so, and has never gotten a 300...his highest game is a 290...and me getting the first one just feels so cool.


Hopefully he can get one now too.


Anyways...anyone else got any cool bowling stories they have to tell?

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My dad got me bowling when I was just a little tyke. I never had much time for leauges or anything but I do get 170's-180's when I bowl.


My best game was a 252 which I got back in High school. I was just in a zone that time around. I hit 7 strikes in a row before I knew what the heck I was doing.

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Whoa congrats witesoxfan!! that's not an easy feat.


Last Wednesday I bowled a 277, 165, and 195 which shows you how all over the place I am. My average is 178 so I'm not used to consistantly bowling 200's.



On my 277 game, I had a 4-7, 6-10 split in the first frame and only got 2 so that was open. Then I got 10 strikes in a row and got screwed in my 11th with a 9. Anyway, the pressure was off of me gettin a 300 since I opened in the first, but still I was nervous as hell up there from like the 8th frame on and I never get nervous. I felt like I did when I was younger in speech class and had to stand in front of the class. My best game before that was like a 245 and I think the most I ever had was 6 strikes in a row.


So congrats...cause I know it ain't easy!!! :cheers :cheers


Tonight, I try it again....hahaha yeah right.

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Ditto on the congrats. No 300 games to my credit yet, but maybe someday. 279 is my high so far. Had an average night saturday, 171, 161, 181 (172 is my average), then on Sunday night, had one of the wierder nights. First game, 10 splits. All pocket shots, some maybe light, some not. Got a 129. Second and third game, left the 4-7-10 split in both games, in the 9th AND 10th frames, but still bowled a 225 and a 222. I really hate the 4-7-10 split. The funny part, I won the mystery pot with the 129!

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My highest bowling score was 250. Nothing more relaxing then bowling. Anyone ever been to one of those cosmic bowling things where they have all the lights and the music?

Oh my god, that's like all they have at the bowling alley I got to.

Holy s***, that's the most annoying thing in the world.

Whenever I leave I have the biggest damn head ache.

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Ditto on the congrats.  No 300 games to my credit yet, but maybe someday.  279 is my high so far. Had an average night saturday, 171, 161, 181 (172 is my average), then on Sunday night, had one of the wierder nights.  First game, 10 splits.  All pocket shots, some maybe light, some not.  Got a 129.  Second and third game, left the 4-7-10 split in both games, in the 9th AND 10th frames, but still bowled a 225 and a 222.  I really hate the 4-7-10 split.  The funny part, I won the mystery pot with the 129!

I picked up the 4-7-10, 3 weeks ago. First and probably last time I'll ever do it.

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My league high was a 252 on a night when the other team didn't show. It was mixed doubles and the other guy on the team told me to slow down and sandbag a little since we had won. I told him

A. I don't cheat

B. This is my best game ever.


In gym class a buddy rolled 7 straight strikes to start a game but we ran out of time and had to leave. I heard he later rolled quite a few 300 games and is a house pro at some lanes.


Three hundred is awesome. The ABA use to come out and certify them and hand out awards.

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Congrats Wite!


I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum...My dad has bowled a 300 before, I haven't. I did once throw 14 strikes in a row split between two games of course. And my high game is 262. I havent been in a league in a few years but I would like to join up again now that i've graduated college.


Oh and my best split up probably a 6-7-10

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Ditto on the congrats.  No 300 games to my credit yet, but maybe someday.  279 is my high so far. Had an average night saturday, 171, 161, 181 (172 is my average), then on Sunday night, had one of the wierder nights.  First game, 10 splits.  All pocket shots, some maybe light, some not.  Got a 129.  Second and third game, left the 4-7-10 split in both games, in the 9th AND 10th frames, but still bowled a 225 and a 222.  I really hate the 4-7-10 split.  The funny part, I won the mystery pot with the 129!

Guess if I could give you some advice is that when you get a few in a row(like 7 or 8 to start), just tell yourself you're close and that you're going to do it. That's basically all I did. Don't think about it too much, don't think about what's going to happen to you afterwards, because that's when my legs feel like jello. Just think about actually being determined and getting it. I was trying not to think about it for the first 7, got 8 and, to be quite blunt about it, just basically said "f*** it, I'm gonna get it...I'm not gonna come this far and NOT get it." And so I did.


Got real lucky with my 10th strike...I got real soft with it, and it just hung in the pocket long enough to carry the 4 pin. 11 and 12 were flush in the pocket.


Funny thing is, before this, the most I'd ever had to start a game was 6...I'm the guy who gets a few in a row, gets nervous, and becomes a deer in the headlights. I'm about as close to a headcase as you could get in bowling. And the most strikes I'd ever had in a row was 10, and my highest game was a 277, and I got both of those this past weekend in Fargo at a tournament(I beat the guy I was bowling 277-267...that was great. Of course, I had a buddy that lost that day 290-279 too, so I guess what comes around goes around, lol)


rd5...14 in a row ain't bad...more then anyone in my house in fact, lol. After thinking back on it, I'd realized I'd ended the previous game(a 148, lol, don't ask) with a strike, and then put up the 300, so I had 13 in a row. That's tied with my dad for the most(who ended a game with 6 in a row before and started the next with 7).


My brother thinks he's gonna beat my age-wise to his 300...I just told him he'd have to bust his ass, because it isn't easy.


Still thinking about it, it feels unreal. Maybe I just have to go back out there and it will sink in a little more.


And now that we got to talking about splits, I've had a thing with picking up splits that have to do with the 2-10 recently...I've picked up the 2-10 itself like 3 times in the past week, and I picked up the 2-4-10 once too. I've also picked up the 6-7-10 before, problem was, the split I left was the 3-6-7-10, and I left the 4-7-9-10 and hit it in a way that would have picked up the greek church, but instead only picked up the 4-7-9.


I hate splits...lol :D

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I'm trying to remember, but I don't recall that I've ever even picked up a bowling ball before...



I'm almost the same as you.


I’m not a real big fan of bowling (I’ve only gone bowling like three times) but this one time when I was in 6th grade I went to a party which took place in a bowling alley and I had 4 strikes in a row! I don’t know what that equals but it was the very first time I ever picked up a bowling ball.

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