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A Must read for GOPers!


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They send you to Iraq yet?  :pray


Of course it's the liberals that are dividing this country


You like conservative, one p,arty governments based on religious principles, stay in Iraq.

You've intimated at one of the great ironies of right wing Christian fundamentalism, Tex. The Religious Righties who think God talks through President Chimpy are cut from the same damn cloth as the Islamic fundamentalists. And, amazingly, they cannot see it.



I think you two are taking this a little too seriously. It's parody for crying out loud. Relax. :rolly

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You've intimated at one of the great ironies of right wing Christian fundamentalism, Tex.  The Religious Righties who think God talks through President Chimpy are cut from the same damn cloth as the Islamic fundamentalists.  And, amazingly, they cannot see it.

That's a big statement, Jim. How many "Religious Righties" have beheaded someone? Flew planes into a building? Suicide bombed? Dragged burned bodies through the streets? You make me sick.

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Christian conservatives are cut from the same cloth as Islamic fundies huh?


Yeah,  they send suicide bombers into night clubs ,  they blow up buses full of women and children, they behead people and play videos of it on the internet and the 700 club,  they hang people off bridges and drag them through the streets of.....oh......Akron.


I think your comparison falls flat.



As for you Tex.......Been there, done that.

I guess I should have read ahead. :D

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You make me sick.

Sorry to hear it, Eye. I understand the sentiment though. It is the same feeling I get when I see the power a mobilized and agendized American UberChristian movement has to f*** up the country.


Yes, the comparison between our fanatics and theirs is hyperbole. But the truth is that the GOP has been hijacked by religious fanatics, and we are starting to see the fallout from that. When the Christian right is telling moderate GOPers that if they don't like what the GODGOP stands for then maybe they should become Democrats, then it's a good sign that all is not well with the party.


It should have scared a lot more of us when Bush 41 basically said back at the start of Gulf War V1.0 (I'm paraphasing), with God's help we're going to be victorious in our battle against 'those religious fanatics.'


The call for legal and constitutional prohibitions on gay unions and abortion are, largely, born of religious beliefs that are not shared by all. But they are increasingly being foisted on us all nonetheless. A single-minded religious viewpoint is shaping the American social and political landscape.


And you fool yourself to think there are not extremist elements in the Christian Right. Recall the John Birch Society, finding Godless Commies under every bed and passionately asserting that the UN was the active agent in an international communist conspiracy. Their motto: "Less Government, More Responsibility, and – With God’s Help – a Better World." Problem is it's a very one-dimensional God they've tagged to help shape that world. What about the Christian Identity movement's belief that white Anglos are the true Israel, and Jews are really just satanic pretenders as God's chosen people? Yes, these are extremes, but so are the radical Islamists currently beheadding people. Those actions are as vocally and vehemently renounced by mainstream Muslims as they are by the rest of the world.


And that 'extremist minority' element regularly bubbles right to the surface of the Christian conservative mainstream. Crap like Fallwell's crusade against the purple Tellytubby because he was so obviously a "gay role model" (for 1-2 year olds no less!), or people like Buchanan that so openly hate anyone who doesn't look, act or think like them, or people who carry a "God Hates Gays" sign at the funeral of a gay man killed in a hate crime (implying God approved of the murder!)... Mainstream extremism?


There's a distinctly Calvinist flavor to it all today. God's chosen ones are the ones in power. He speaks through President Chimpy (which suggests God's not much of a thinker either?). But like Ralph Reed said after 2000, it was always pretty much in the bag: "He (God) knew that George Bush had the ability to lead in this compelling way."

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I agree that there is an extreme Christian right that are of their rockers - bombing abortion clinics, holding the gay sign at the funeral. But, they are not the majority and are not the ones "ruling" the country.

Hey, I'm the first to admit I appreciate that I probably won't be kidnapped and decapitated today, even by the Christian Coalition! :)

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I think comparing Islamic Extremists to the Christian Right is wrong. The Christian Right may do some extreme things but not like the Islamic Extremists. That being said Islam has it's extremists, but that's not to say Christianity hasn't. Here's something to think about:


Islamic extremist is to Islam as KKK is to Christianity.

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I think comparing Islamic Extremists to the Christian Right is wrong.  The Christian Right may do some extreme things but not like the Islamic Extremists.  That being said Islam has it's extremists, but that's not to say Christianity hasn't.  Here's something to think about:


Islamic extremist is to Islam as KKK is to Christianity.

There is nothing inheritly wrong with comparing one thing to another. In a comparison such as this, we noted the differences. Comparing doesn't always default to similarities. One could compare Valentin's contribution to baseball with Hawking's to physics. We would find one is grossly different than the other. We could also compare Lee's and Konerko's contributions to the Sox and find a great deal of similarities. I believe you mean that drawing a conclusion that both are equally the same in evil deeds is wrong.


I like your analogy regarding the KKK. Extremism, to anything is usually unhealthy.


Check and balance works.

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BTW, since we are discussing beheadings. I recently read that there is a black market business in these kidnappings. The guys that actually kidnap the person sells the person for $X and then they move again for $X+, on up the line. The ones doing the snatching and reselling are not motivated by religous views, they are motivated by greed and easy money. Many of these people are just criminals. We do not think of most crimes in this country as being committed by religous extremists. Last year 599 people were murdered in Chicago. Were any of these religous fanatics? If this was Iraq and not Chicagp, how would we view these murders?

Edited by Texsox
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