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Mono Symptoms


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Hey, I'm home sick from school today and I have some symptoms that I have questions about...


For starters, somepoint last week I got up in the middle of the night and threw up for no apparent reason. I then went back to bed. Then about 2-3 days ago I started having a sore throat and today I've begun to cough a lot. My head has been really congested, I've felt like I want to throw up numerous times and I have a headache. I would think maybe just a virus or something but a friend of mine was diagnosed with mono over the weekend and we had been around each other a lot (played poker one night and ate some of the same food, lab partners in school and he site behind me in another class). Just a little bit ago, I looked in my throat and in one of the little crevices there was a little blotch. I read with mono there can be white spots or a discharge. I'm tempted to think it's cottage cheese that I had for lunch but now that I look at it more it looks sort of like pus from a pimple. There's been two or three guys in my grade who have had mono and are out for basketball, as I am. I've been told I've been feeling like they have and the last half of the day I've just wanted to go home and get some rest. Is any of this similar to mono and is that white stuff just cottage cheese (no gay porn jokes, please, there willl be plenty of time for that when Jason gets sick). I don't have a fever (yet) but I'm wondering if I should get this checked out if I feel like crap again tomorrow. I had thought two days of basketball was responsible for my aches, but last night I had to have the heating pad and it really felt like I pulled a quadricep and my groin, yet I'd done nothing to do so. Oh well, wanted to see what you guys thought...


I figure since there's a lot of college age folk around here some would have had mono. Neither of my parents are home right now, and I'm just poor city folk from NE Iowa....

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Hey I had mono awhile back, also during the basketball season. It does take a toll on your body going from school to practice to home on and on. I first went to the doctor because of these tiny white bumps that were all on my tongue, and also because of fatigue. It was mono the doc said and I was down for awhile.

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I was home sick last tuesday and wednesday with very similar symptoms excpet for the throwing up part. I never even felt like I was gunna throw up. I had a fever, headache, cough and i even had blisters on the back of my throat that hurt like hell when i swallowed. I was feeling better until the weekend when I lost my voice and couldnt talk for Saturday, Sunday and even Monday in school. Im pretty much back to normal now. Still cough bad once in a while though.


Maybe you have somethin similar to what i had :huh:

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My sister had mono in grade school/high school (can't remember when). She ended up in the hospital for a night because of dehydration due to it. All I remember about her having it was not be able to eat much, sounding like she had pneumonia and getting dehydrated.

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I've never had mono but my roommate had it a couple weeks ago. First of all, check to see if the lymph nodes in your neck our swollen (my roommate's were so swollen you could see a bump in her neck). Also check to see if your tonsils are swollen. My roommate was throwing up the first few days she had it. And she never had a fever the whole time. If you're still feeling like crap, I recommend going to the doctor. Especially b/c if it's not mono, it could still be strep. (My roommate actually had strep and mono).

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