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SS reform thread.......


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No, no. What I am asking is to clarify what you mean by

ss cannot be saved.


Will it be replaced by anything, or do you believe the government will get out of all retirement plans for senior citizens?

They can't afford it. As I said before, there are only two ways to "save" social security. One raise taxes or two find more people to work and pay into the system.

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They can't afford it. As I said before, there are only two ways to "save" social security. One raise taxes or two find more people to work and pay into the system.


Do we agree that SS has some serious financial challenges ahead?


Do we agree that the US government would never shut down a government run retirement program (regardless of what name it has) leaving workers with zero income?


Do we agree that the government cannot continously run deficits to pay for all this without collapsing?


Do we agree that SS should be the last piece of the retirement planning. That basic needs should be first met by your own investments, 401K, etc? But SS would keep someone from starving and freezing to death?


Do we agree that Americans have ample opportunity to direct their non-SS retirement savings via investments, choices with-in their 401k, if they choose to buy or lease a home, life style while working, and other such avenues?

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What exactly do you mean by that?


Do you mean we will just stop sending checks? We will not pay $1 to any retirees? What do you see for retirees in 2010, 2020, etc.?


I believe we can provide retirement help for all citizens. I believe we can provide enought to keep someone from starving or freezing to death. Can they play golf 4 times a week, and take an Alaskan cruise? Nope, not fully funded by their SS checks.

What do I see for SS recipients in 2010-2020? ZERO, NOTHING. That's why I save money as aggressively as I do right now so I wont have to care what happens to it.

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What do I see for SS recipients in 2010-2020?  ZERO, NOTHING.  That's why I save money as aggressively as I do right now so I wont have to care what happens to it.

So you believe the government will just leave retirees with nothing? Those individuals that are living on SS will suddenly have nothing to pay the rent, buy food, medicine?



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