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Another day


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I really hope we dont see a thread like this EVERYDAY, it will get old fast.

While creating threads following the daily inactivity of the White Sox is unneccessary, an optimistic view of "wait till Winter meetings" gets just as old.


I've said before I wouldn't complain following every FA signing, but with our numerous holes I expect (atleast) ONE move by Winter Meetings. Two months passing without any substantial move won't hold off my criticism.

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I expect one to, but lets wait and see instead of b****ing about something that we dont know about. What purpose does it serve by b****ing about something that still might happen????????

There is no reason to b****. I'm not justifying anyone who does. Understand this: you're argument is "lets wait until something happens before we b****," while others say "we'll continue to b**** until a move is made." Not one is more correct then the other. History supports both beliefs.


I guarantee it's going to be difficult to control your emotions when numerous FA's are passed by this club. If this organization has any clue on the method of upgrading our team, why wait until winter meetings? Explain to me why Williams acts so quickly in midseason trades, yet stalls in the offseason?


Last seasons stale offseason completely severed my trust with this organization. Yes, I'm sure many of you will say, "it took you this long to realize that!" With a 2003 team SO close to a divisional championship I expected a great winter. Wrong. Approaching opening day, the people who said "offseason is far from over" were replying "Lets give this team a chance! No one else in the division made great moves. We'll win by default!"


I rather eat crow then expect a fulfilling offseason.

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honestly... would you rather have Joe Crede and Willie Harris or Vinnie Castilla and Christian Guzman?

Wow I can't believe somebody actually asked that, considering the money involved in the 4 players' contract. This little piece about Castilla and Guzman sums up my feelings on the subject pretty well;


First, the Expos/Nationals. How damning is it when the multiyear contract you gave to Vinny Castilla is the good deal you made that day? Castilla is 37 years old, and, in his entire 14-year career, he's had exactly one decent season outside of Coors Field. So new Expos GM Jim Bowden has decided that Castilla merits a two-year contract.


Castilla has terrible plate discipline and inadequate power when he's not playing half his games in arguably the best hitter's park in baseball history. Perhaps the worst part about Castilla's acquisition is that it forces prospect Brendan Harris to the bench or back to the minors for more unnecessary seasoning. Castilla will be in the bottom tier of NL third basemen in the upcoming season, which makes this a lousy move.


Of course, that pales in comparison to throwing more than $15 million Cristian Guzman's way. Guzman had a legitimately good year in 2001, but that's been book-ended by a total of five squarely sub-optimal seasons. In other words, 2001 was the outlier, and Guzman's established level of play is not what you want from a major-league regular, even a shortstop. If he were a stellar defender, the acquisition might be defensible, but he's not. He's a cipher at the plate, and his defense is middling at best. The Expos have four years of him to look forward to.


For the Expos, the bottom line is that this is a team that won't be contending in 2005 (or 2006, for that matter). Signing these veterans before the arbitration deadline not only squanders draft picks, but also blocks prospects who might have some hope of being a part of the next good Expos team. In other words, these moves fail on a number of different levels.


If there's a GM who had a worse week than Bowden has over the past seven days, his name escapes me.

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