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Radio Host Calls Rice 'Aunt Jemima'


Fri Nov 19,12:33 AM ET U.S. National - AP


By JAMES A. CARLSON, Associated Press Writer


MILWAUKEE - A radio talk show host drew criticism Thursday after calling Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites) an "Aunt Jemima" and saying she isn't competent to be secretary of state.


John Sylvester, the program director and morning personality on WTDY-AM in Madison, said in a phone interview Thursday that he used the term on Wednesday's show to describe Rice and other blacks as having only a subservient role in the Bush administration.



Rice has served as President Bush (news - web sites)'s national security adviser and was named this week to replace the departing Colin Powell (news - web sites) as secretary of state.



Sylvester, who is white, also referred to Powell as an "Uncle Tom" — a contemptuous term for a black whose behavior toward whites is regarded as fawning or servile.



He said Thursday night that he was referring to remarks by singer and civil rights activist Harry Belafonte that the price of admittance for blacks to the Bush White House was subservience.



As for Rice, "they're using her for an illusion of inclusion," he said, adding that he feels her history as national security adviser showed a lack of competence.



Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz called the remarks "racially insensitive," while Sen. Russ Feingold (news, bio, voting record), D-Wis., said in a statement he joined "all Wisconsinites in rejecting" the statements.



Linda Hoskins of the NAACP's Madison branch said she could not comment on Sylvester's remarks until she had heard them in their entirety.



The station's corporate office received about 100 calls about his comments, Sylvester said.



He added that he has a long history of commitment to civil rights and has supported Madison's black community.



He said he was planning a giveaway on Friday's show of Aunt Jemima pancake mix and syrup. "I will apologize to Aunt Jemima," he said.



The incident came after a radio host in Milwaukee had his talk show taken off the air all of last week after he used word "wetback" to refer to undocumented Mexican immigrants, sparking protests from Hispanics.

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Here's what I see. Bush had the most diverse cabinet in history. He now has the highest postion ever held for a black woman. 4th step away from the presidency. All I have heard on the news since Condi has been named are negative reports. Alomst every report starts like this...


"President Bush named Condolezza Rice his secretary of state to replace Colin Powell, but is he now surrounding himself with too many people that share his own views" then they go on to talk about the president's views. What about the significance of the postion she is holding.


The media portrays this "Uncle Tom" theme or "token" blacks in the cabinet bulls***. Powell was the first black Secertary of State. Rice was the first black National security advisor, and Paige was the first Secretary of Education. These are not phony postions to just have a black face on and these are highly educated people, so to assume that they are just going along with the role of "token black person" is an insult to them.

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Radio Host Calls Rice 'Aunt Jemima'


Fri Nov 19,12:33 AM ET U.S. National - AP


By JAMES A. CARLSON, Associated Press Writer


MILWAUKEE - A radio talk show host drew criticism Thursday after calling Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites) an "Aunt Jemima" and saying she isn't competent to be secretary of state.


John Sylvester, the program director and morning personality on WTDY-AM in Madison, said in a phone interview Thursday that he used the term on Wednesday's show to describe Rice and other blacks as having only a subservient role in the Bush administration.



Rice has served as President Bush (news - web sites)'s national security adviser and was named this week to replace the departing Colin Powell (news - web sites) as secretary of state.



Sylvester, who is white, also referred to Powell as an "Uncle Tom" — a contemptuous term for a black whose behavior toward whites is regarded as fawning or servile.



He said Thursday night that he was referring to remarks by singer and civil rights activist Harry Belafonte that the price of admittance for blacks to the Bush White House was subservience.



As for Rice, "they're using her for an illusion of inclusion," he said, adding that he feels her history as national security adviser showed a lack of competence.



Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz called the remarks "racially insensitive," while Sen. Russ Feingold (news, bio, voting record), D-Wis., said in a statement he joined "all Wisconsinites in rejecting" the statements.



Linda Hoskins of the NAACP's Madison branch said she could not comment on Sylvester's remarks until she had heard them in their entirety.



The station's corporate office received about 100 calls about his comments, Sylvester said.



He added that he has a long history of commitment to civil rights and has supported Madison's black community.



He said he was planning a giveaway on Friday's show of Aunt Jemima pancake mix and syrup. "I will apologize to Aunt Jemima," he said.



The incident came after a radio host in Milwaukee had his talk show taken off the air all of last week after he used word "wetback" to refer to undocumented Mexican immigrants, sparking protests from Hispanics.

Typical Blue state mentality. They preach tolerance and preferential treatment of minorities.........unless they happen to be conservatives........then they are the lowest form of scum on earth.



I was reading the other day about a bunch of racist political cartoons the NY Times and Washington Post. One of them depicted Condi Rice as parrot with huge "n***** lips" sitting on Bush's arm taking orders and another where Bush was admonishing her to "watch it brown sugar".



Personally I'm sick of the left and the way they treat certain minorities. Seems they only care about certain minority people who mindlessly vote the party line and anyone who thinks for themself is an "Uncle Tom". Nobody calls them out on this either.


Tolerance and Pluralism indeed........just as long as you mindlessly follow the party line.


No wonder the Democratic party is losing support big time among hispanics.

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Here's what I see.  Bush had the most diverse cabinet in history.  He now has the highest postion ever held for a black woman.  4th step away from the presidency. All I have heard on the news since Condi has been named are negative reports.  Alomst every report starts like this...


"President Bush named Condolezza Rice his secretary of state to replace Colin Powell, but is he now surrounding himself with too many people that share his own views"  then they go on to talk about the president's views.  What about the significance of the postion she is holding. 


The media portrays this "Uncle Tom" theme or "token" blacks in the cabinet bulls***.  Powell was the first black Secertary of State.  Rice was the first black National security advisor, and Paige was the first Secretary of Education.  These are not phony postions to just have a black face on and these are highly educated people, so to assume that they are just going along with the role of "token black person" is an insult to them.

To be against Paige -- he had no background in education and the NCLB policy is one of the worst for schools (prepping to be a high school teacher, 2 semesters before student teaching) and I can say along with most people in the department, NCLB and the rest of the education legislation being passed/supported sucks balls.

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I was reading the other day about a bunch of racist political cartoons the NY Times and Washington Post. One of them depicted Condi Rice as parrot with huge "n***** lips" sitting on Bush's arm taking orders


Maybe you should have actually looked at the cartoon, rather than just reading Rush Limbaugh's opinion of it. She didn't have "huge n***** lips". It was a characature and her mouth was stretched out to look like a beak. The fact that she was taking orders implies that she -gasp- is like a parrot, not that she is a slave.

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