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Pacers Suspensions

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I want to look at the Pacer brawl from a differant angle. WHo gets suspended and fro how long?


If I remember right, Rodman got 11 games for kicking a camerman. Isnt this like 3 times worse than that. Granted Rodman was unprovoked, but still. Players went into the stands and assulted fans. SOmeone has to be suspended for at least 20 games.

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I would say Jackson, Artest 20 games. O'Neal 15 games. Ben Wallace 15 games for intiating the whole thing.

I agree with Artest and Jackson. THey will be gone for a very long time. Remember, Artest not only took out the guy in the stands, he also punched out a few fans on the court. As for Wallace, I dont think 15. Maybe 5. It had pretty much calmed down when Artest went nuts.

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Yep but Wallace initiated it for no reason. Artest's foul wasn't even that bad, Ben continually tried to fight Artest, while Artest just layed down on the side.


Also everyone watch what the Players Association does, they could have some fans arrested tomororow, will be interesting.

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Jackson better have a good lawyer, that's all I can say... He can't even argue at all that he was provoked.

It was no longer self-defense what he did. He just went in and took people out. If he was truely trying to defent Artest, we would have tried to break up the fight and get people to back off, not come in fists-a-blazin.

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Stephen Jackson will definetely get the longest one by trying to start a fight w/ a player on the court and vicously hitting a fan right in the face-I'd say 15.


Artest will get 3-5.....He got away from the feud on the court and was only brought back in when a fan threw a water bottle at him.


Wallace will get 2-4......He instigated all of this.

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In a moment of sheer instinct, Washington turned and crushed Tomjanovich with a vicious right hand that Lakers assistant coach Jack McCloskey called "the hardest punch in the history of mankind."


Tomjanovich suffered fractures of the face and skull. His nose was broken, and he suffered a separated upper jaw, a concussion and lacerations around his mouth. He was leaking spinal fluid into his nose.

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I hate to see all of this, but I can't sugar coat the way I think. I hate the NBA for this type of thing. The NBA is a thug league and they market it that way.


Incidents like these are why 75% of American could give a s*** less about their game. If you live outside an NBA city or outside of an urban area, then the NBA is about as meaningless as hockey.


The only team I even halfway follow is the Pacers and that is because I used to think they were above all of that. Obviously, the makeup of their team has changed in the past few years, very much so for the worse.


The problem is, the NBA is so pigeonholed as an urban game, it will be hard for them to clean it up, without losing the fans they have now.

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