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Pacers Suspensions

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If anyone has seen the clip of Argentina basketball where the player sucker punches the ref about half his size, that is probably the hardest punch I have ever seen.  The ref I believe lost sight in one eye and had to retire.

haha i use that have that downloaded it was funny as s***..


Either way, I hope no one gets suspended except Ben Wallace.. That b**** started it all, everyone else was in self defense..


When Artest got hit in the face with the FULL cup, it was self defense.. After that the fans went nuts, so Ide say the Pacers fans were in a VERY hostile enviornment and were protecting themselves from thrown objects and crazed fans..

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I hate to see all of this, but I can't sugar coat the way I think.  I hate the NBA for this type of thing.  The NBA is a thug league and they market it that way.


Incidents like these are why 75% of American could give a s*** less about their game.  If you live outside an NBA city or outside of an urban area, then the NBA is about as meaningless as hockey. 


The only team I even halfway follow is the Pacers and that is because I used to think they were above all of that.  Obviously, the makeup of their team has changed in the past few years, very much so for the worse.


The problem is, the NBA is so pigeonholed as an urban game, it will be hard for them to clean it up, without losing the fans they have now.

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

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I hate to see all of this, but I can't sugar coat the way I think.  I hate the NBA for this type of thing.  The NBA is a thug league and they market it that way.

haha thats exactly what my mom said when I told her about the fight.. all she ever does is say the NBA is a thug league

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they just said on SportsCenter that they would be surprised if any player got more than a 5 game suspension due to the fact that all acts were provoked...


I agree with that, I personally dont think any Pacer player should be suspended.. they were clearly in a dangerous enviornment

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I personally dont think any Pacer player should be suspended.. they were clearly in a dangerous enviornment

They were in a dangerous environment, but they also should have had the sense not to go into the stands. I think it'll be 10 games or so for both Artest and Jackson and 2-3 for O'Neal. I don't think the NBA should even look at what happened on the court, if a fan was stupid enough to go on the court, especially as this was all going down they deserved what they got.



Does anyone know if they've identified the big black guy w/press credentials that sucker punched Jones in the stands?

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They were in a dangerous environment, but they also should have had the sense not to go into the stands.  I think it'll be 10 games or so for both Artest and Jackson and 2-3 for O'Neal.  I don't think the NBA should even look at what happened on the court, if a fan was stupid enough to go on the court, especially as this was all going down they deserved what they got.



Does anyone know if they've identified the big black guy w/press credentials that sucker  punched Jones in the stands?

If they ignore anything that happened on the court, O'Neal doesn't deserve that. If you're a fan, and you went on the court, you got what you deserved.

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I hate to see all of this, but I can't sugar coat the way I think.  I hate the NBA for this type of thing.  The NBA is a thug league and they market it that way.


Incidents like these are why 75% of American could give a s*** less about their game.  If you live outside an NBA city or outside of an urban area, then the NBA is about as meaningless as hockey. 


The only team I even halfway follow is the Pacers and that is because I used to think they were above all of that.  Obviously, the makeup of their team has changed in the past few years, very much so for the worse.


The problem is, the NBA is so pigeonholed as an urban game, it will be hard for them to clean it up, without losing the fans they have now.

So true.


I hate what the NBA has become. It was a lot cooler when the players wore normal shorts that didn't hang to their ankles, but rather above their knee, didn't have tatoos, stupid headbands, corn rows in their hair, and most of all, their ATTITUDE.

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No, it wasn't that guy.  (Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeetroit Basketballllllllllllllllll) 


You could hear him telling the fans to stop throwing stuff and to not come on to the court throughout the incident.

oo thanks for clearing that up a bit with me.


my thoughts on this whole thing is no pacers should be suspended over 5 games (personally i dont think they should be suspended at all, but they will) this was all provoked so they should not get a suspension. and that guy who got decked on the court got exactly what he deserved..you come on the court, you should expect that. the players didnt know if he was coming for one of the players.

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I agree with that, I personally dont think any Pacer player should be suspended

Stephen Jackson definetely should for the fact that he was trying to fight w/ a pistons player before it got into the fans. And Artest deserves a small suspension.

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Stephen Jackson definetely should for the fact that he was trying to fight w/ a pistons player before it got into the fans.  And Artest deserves a small suspension.

Yeah, I would think that's what the NBA will do. Althought I don't agree.

And then Ben Wallace longer than that.

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they just said on SportsCenter that they would be surprised if any player got more than a 5 game suspension due to the fact that all acts were provoked...


I agree with that, I personally dont think any Pacer player should be suspended.. they were clearly in a dangerous enviornment

There is a line crossed. They cannot allow a fight with fans to happen like that. No doubt they were provoked, but you cannot go into the stands period. Fan on the court or field, fine, beat the s*** out of him. Fan in the stands, no way. There should be at least double digit suspensions for everyone.

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I guess this shouldn't be as much of a shock to me considering how crazy some NBA players and how they have such huge ego's as well as the fact that there are tons of drunks. The NBA has unfortunately turned into a league w/ individuals w/ huge ego's, very few teams are a TEAM.

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Where was this reported?


Miami could of just became the East favorite.

David Stern will want ratings. He may be upset right now at his BUSINESS. However, he knows a lot of this could have been prevented with the prevention of beer sales after halftime. But that would kill profits. He knows if all these players aren't in the Pacers-Pistons game on X-mas he'll lose some monster ratings. He'll make sure they're back.

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