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I am done with you tonight. TOmmorrow I go 10-1 in fantasy football, so I will take a break from the sox board. Off course I will come up with more ideas which you can steal...on monday.

Don't forget to read the papers and listen to the radio ... :lol:


And of course none of the rest of us read the paper or listen to the radio either


8:15 a.m. Sunday: "Hello Harry Teinowitz, TQ from Naperville calling ... "


:cheers :bang :lol:

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Ive been thinking about getting rj and beltran(which I doubt would happen as we have little chance at getting one of them)


Anyways, say we deal konerko and garland for RJ, we then add 3-4 million to our payroll. Losing maggs and including raises, I'd guess we save around 7-8 million. So lets say reinsdorf is adding 15 million to payroll and we have gone about 3 million under last years payroll we then sign beltran for 18 million per.



This will never happen because kenny and reinsdorf are to stupid to realize the opportunity of getting arguably the best pitcher and best hitter in the majors.


I always hear reinsdorf talking about how he'd trade in all the bulls rings for a sox world championship and that he'd do anything to win a world championship for us as long as the organization doesnt lose money. Well, they made a nice profit last season, and the acquisition of these 2 guys will boost ticket sales and merchandise sales as well as future tv deals so much that they would be making more money than they probably ever had.






It's to bad what could be only if.........

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I don't even know if these two are arguing or not... but if they are, I request that you two please leave it off of these threads. You guys have hijacked almost every thread I've read on this board just mocking each other, its getting old to read.

No we're not arguing. I think you're just looking for a reason to be pissed off at me. Note: when you see :lol: :D :bang :lolhitting that means no one is arguing. Go read the Koskie thread, that was one of the best threads on here in a while, with us two supplying much of the commentary.


We'll leave it off the boards, sorry for bringing a little humor here, I guess you are the judge and jury of what's getting old and what isn't zero.

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I don't even know if these two are arguing or not... but if they are, I request that you two please leave it off of these threads. You guys have hijacked almost every thread I've read on this board just mocking each other, its getting old to read.

I will make sure we are more intellectual like yourself. We will stick to posting fantasy lineups and fantasy rotations. That's productive as well.

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I will make sure we are more intellectual like yourself. We will stick to posting fantasy lineups and fantasy rotations. That's productive as well.

Mr. Quickman, did you notice no Sox article in the Daily Southtown today?


I would be interested in your opinion of said situation.




Jim H.

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Mr. Quickman, did you notice no Sox article in the Daily Southtown today?


I would be interested in your opinion of said situation.




Jim H.

I have not noticed that because I cannot receive the southtown where I live. By the way what does that have to do with this thread. Lets not take our eye off the ball so to speak. You should have started a new thread.




The Quickman ™

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I have not noticed that because I cannot receive the southtown where I live. By the way what does that have to do with this thread. Lets not take our eye off the ball so to speak. You should have started a new thread.




The Quickman

Of course, one can check the Southtown via internet, which I did. I am truly sorry, I can't figure things out in terms of what people want to talk about and read and what they don't. Seeing as the thread is entitled "talkin baseball" I thought maybe this would be the place. I'm sorry and I'll try to be more intellectual as well. Thank you for pointing that out.


Thought it was interesting, a Cubs article basically doing speculating but nothing on the Sox. Southtown usually digs up a few Sox items.


I guess KW is really keeping things under the radar.




Jim "anyone can steal my ideas and I don't care" H.

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I don't like reading about the whitesox on the Internet. Anyway, I think its great that we are flying under the radar. maybe we will get some stuff done. Lets see we need:





relief pitcher

starting pitcher.


thats it.

2B or SS-Uribe will be a starter.

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We'll leave it off the boards, sorry for bringing a little humor here, I guess you are the judge and jury of what's getting old and what isn't zero.

I think people have gotten too straight forward on this board and there should need to be some excitement...literally, any humor should be accepted as long as there is no harm involved, which I clearly see there is none...


Its kind of funny, and you know who cares where a thread goes anyway, theres too many other threads that aren't hijaked...so why complain?

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He won't do that with the Sox...

Why is that.




The league leader for k's the past 2 seasons have been a little more than 200-Johnson consistantly hover around 300.


He might not get sub 3 era but he'd get close if he came to the sox.





BTW, why do you think this-is there anything you can point to that would lead you to this explanation?

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No we're not arguing.  I think you're just looking for a reason to be pissed off at me. Note:  when you see  :lol:  :D  :bang  :lolhitting that means no one is arguing.  Go read the Koskie thread, that was one of the best threads on here in a while, with us two supplying much of the commentary.


We'll leave it off the boards, sorry for bringing a little humor here, I guess you are the judge and jury of what's getting old and what isn't zero.

Actually, I said "but if you are (as in arguing), please leave it off the threads".


If you two are just heckling each other, fine by me.

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Ya, no s***. I wasnt going to say anything,but his entire argument was based on 4 word posts like "he wouldnt be go here" or "say no to RJ" I might actaully agree with him if he bring up good points, because im not sold on RJ coming to the Sox for the price, but not with 4 word posts...........


Enlighten me Knuckle............

To tell you the truth, I expected no different from him, but oh well...


Go Bears, huh? :)

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I really didn't like it when I heard his name floating around is...


16 million for a guy who won't lead us into the playoffs isn't worth it.


sign free agents...don't bother dealing...yet...

I am getting so sick and f***ing tired of this pathetic argument.


The Sox don't have $16 million to spend on free agents, so people think we can't afford Randy. The deal for Randy would most likely include Konerko (making $8.75 million for the Sox in 2005) and Jon Garland ($3.4 million in 2005.) This means the Sox would less than $4 million to the payroll.


Who could we sign for $4 million that would improve our pitching staff?

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I am getting so sick and f***ing tired of this pathetic argument.


The Sox don't have $16 million to spend on free agents, so people think we can't afford Randy.  The deal for Randy would most likely include Konerko (making $8.75 million for the Sox in 2005) and Jon Garland ($3.4 million in 2005.)  This means the Sox would less than $4 million to the payroll.


Who could we sign for $4 million that would improve our pitching staff?

Problem is, if the Sox are gonna deal PK and JG, they'll most likely be looking to LOSE payroll in the process.

Doesn't matter anyway, IMO, because I can't imagine that the Sox will be on RJ's approved list.

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I am getting so sick and f***ing tired of this pathetic argument.


The Sox don't have $16 million to spend on free agents, so people think we can't afford Randy.  The deal for Randy would most likely include Konerko (making $8.75 million for the Sox in 2005) and Jon Garland ($3.4 million in 2005.)  This means the Sox would less than $4 million to the payroll.


Who could we sign for $4 million that would improve our pitching staff?

And then you have the question of whether Randy, who has some of the money deferred, would still get the money deferred, which in a sense could be something the Sox would like and would open up some options.

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