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More Proof of Military Industrial Complex


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Air Force Secretary James G. Roche asked a lobbyist for Boeing Co. to use the company's Washington contacts to "quash" a deputy undersecretary of defense and make him "pay an appropriate price" for objecting to the Air Force's decision to lease Boeing 767 tanker aircraft, according to e-mails released yesterday by a Republican senator critical of the tanker deal.


Roche also pressured independent military cost analysts who questioned the high price of the lease, described other internal Pentagon critics as "animals," and ridiculed executives at European Aeronautic Defense and Space Co. (EADS) and its Airbus division, the consortium that offered a competing plan, the e-mails show. He told his top public relations aide to "blow . . . away" the EADS chairman for raising questions about the Air Force decision to work with Boeing.


More and more -- its what Eisenhower warned us about.

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You'd think you guys would at least consider a warning issued by General Eisenhower.

We've had this discussion before. Someone has to make our weapons and someone is *GASP* going to make money off of it.


Was the tanker deal bad.....yes. Thats why it was shot down (blatant pun ) and Boeing paid a pretty steep price for their shenanigans ( they were fined, several top people who worked with the Air Force were fired and they were suspended from bidding on AF contracts for a number of months ).

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