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Artest gone for the Season


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I don't understand why people would want to vote for a thug who does nothing but cause problems? He has done nothing but cause problems throughout his career.


I don't know if I am just really conservative or just old, but it repulses me to see people championing the behaviors of a societal idiot just because he can play basketball.

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I'm happy for Artest.


You know what?


I'm happy for him.


Now, he'll have adequate time to record his rap album. I don't know about you guys, but I can't wait for this timless classic to hit stores.


It is already being compared to epics such as: The Beatles' "The White Album", Pink Floyd's "The Wall", The Rolling Stone's "Let It Bleed" and the Bee Gee's "Odessa".


Featuring hits such as: "I Smacked that Dorkey White Guy," "Don't Ya'll Be Throwing Ice At Me," "Detroit b**** City" and his hit-single "I'm a Coldcocker."


I can't wait. That's #1 on my Christmas list.

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I'm happy for Artest.


You know what?


I'm happy for him.


Now, he'll have adequate time to record his rap album.  I don't know about you guys, but I can't wait for this timless classic to hit stores. 

not only that, but now those other rappers can't call him soft... or challenge his toughness.


Thug life.

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IMO Wallace should have just as big a suspension because he started it all. If he didn't push Artest that hard none of this would have even happened. There is no way Jackson, O'Neal, and Artest should all have much longer suspensions. Ron did not foul Big Ben that hard.

Like others have said, they should just treat wallace like nothing else happened. Like any other normal fight.

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I think the league went overboard. I hate when people attempt to take the high road, and say that they would have done nothing if they were in Artest's(the rest of the Pacers) shoes. The fact of the matter is that very few people understand the emotion and situation that occured that night, yet they pretend to be experts with all the answers, and it makes me sick. People who say that Artest was not in any danger don't know what they are talking about. I don't care what was thrown at his face, anything thrown at a persons face is a threat for serious injury(trust me I have personal experience in a very similar situation were I lost vision in my right eye for 3 days). Even if Artest didn't charge into the stands, the situation would have escalated. All it takes is one stupid fan, and the rest will follow. As I mentioned before, if that one fans gets away with hitting Artest in the face with a bottle, with no consequences, than others will follow(especially when drunk).


When objects are being thrown at you, you are outnumbered by intoxicated people, and fans start charging the court, than it is an act of self defense. It makes me sick that fans can get away with this type of behavior, and the players become victims of an uncontrollable situation. Athletes are human, and I get sick of people attempting to put them on a higher level. Should Pacer fans start throwing things at Pistons players and charge the court, because I guarantee that the Pistons players(any other teams players) would react the same way the Pacers did. Yet that wasn't even taken into consideration as evidence by the suspensions. Would this situation have occured if Wallace didn't attack Artest? No. Would this situation have occured if the fans didn't throw things at the Pacers? No. Yet the Pacers are punished for the actions of Wallace and the Piston fans. The league(Stern) needs to put himself in that situation and understand that 99% of humans would have acted in a similar way. It is human nature. I am not saying that it is right for a player to go into the stands and attack fans. The Pacers players deserve to be suspended, but the league went overboard. The Pacers championship hopes have been thrown out the window because Piston fans attacked the Pacer players. Is that just?


I hope that the Pacers as an organization takes up lawsuits against the Pistons, the people in charge of the Palace, and the fans involved. I only hope that the fans involved are prosecuted the fullest extent. I hope that some of them get to spend some time in jail. They should not be allowed into another sporting event for the rest of their lives. The league has attempted to send a strong message to the players, now it is time for a message to be sent to the fans, because to often they get nothing but a slap on the wrists(if that).


It is unfortunate that Artest's previous actions were taken into consideration. I guarantee that if Garnett or Duncan would have done the same thing, that their suspensions would pale in comparison. I think Jackson's suspension was the only one that was fair. O'Neal's suspension was overboard, since fans were charging the floor. That is self defense no matter what anyone says. Furthermore, it is sickening that Wallace, who started the whole thing, despite his idiotic comments that he isn't to blame(I lost all respect for Wallace and we finally get to see the true Ben Wallace), gets a slap in the wrist by comparison.


The league made a mistake. The only justice is that Pistons fans will be seen as the most disgraceful fans in all of sports. Nothing but white trailor trash.

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I am from Indiana and disagree with almost everyone here, I guess.  d


Artest f***ed up and caused all of this.  If he does nothing, security would have stepped in and handled the person who threw the cup of ice.  Wallace would have gotten his suspension and everything would have been done.


The Pacers players threw gas onto the fire rather than trying to put it out.  rtest went into the stands out of retaliation, not self-defense.  There is no way self-defense can be argued. 


The NBA is a thug league and has done nothing but get worse the last several years.  David Stern HAS to be harsh in order to bring some civility to his league or things will just get worse. 


The penalties HAD to be harsh.  Artest has a history.  It doesn't matter how good a player he is.  Someone has to get him under control and obviously this is the only way to do it. 


The Pacers team/fans are essentially getting punished because of their own problem child.  Blame Wallace all you want, but the situation was over had Artest not decided on his own that it was okay to retailiate against an idiot fan (who may or may not have even thrown the cup of ice).


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I think the league went overboard. I hate when people attempt to take the high road, and say that they would have done nothing if they were in Artest's(the rest of the Pacers) shoes. The fact of the matter is that very few people understand the emotion and situation that occured that night, yet they pretend to be experts with all the answers, and it makes me sick. People who say that Artest was not in any danger don't know what they are talking about. I don't care what was thrown at his face, anything thrown at a persons face is a threat for serious injury(trust me I have personal experience in a very similar situation were I lost vision in my right eye for 3 days). Even if Artest didn't charge into the stands, the situation would have escalated. All it takes is one stupid fan, and the rest will follow. As I mentioned before, if that one fans gets away with hitting Artest in the face with a bottle, with no consequences, than others will follow(especially when drunk).


When objects are being thrown at you, you are outnumbered by intoxicated people, and fans start charging the court, than it is an act of self defense. It makes me sick that fans can get away with this type of behavior, and the players become victims of an uncontrollable situation. Athletes are human, and I get sick of people attempting to put them on a higher level. Should Pacer fans start throwing things at Pistons players and charge the court, because I guarantee that the Pistons players(any other teams players) would react the same way the Pacers did. Yet that wasn't even taken into consideration as evidence by the suspensions. Would this situation have occured if Wallace didn't attack Artest? No. Would this situation have occured if the fans didn't throw things at the Pacers? No. Yet the Pacers are punished for the actions of Wallace and the Piston fans. The league(Stern) needs to put himself in that situation and understand that 99% of humans would have acted in a similar way. It is human nature. I am not saying that it is right for a player to go into the stands and attack fans. The Pacers players deserve to be suspended, but the league went overboard. The Pacers championship hopes have been thrown out the window because Piston fans attacked the Pacer players. Is that just?


I hope that the Pacers as an organization takes up lawsuits against the Pistons, the people in charge of the Palace, and the fans involved. I only hope that the fans involved are prosecuted the fullest extent. I hope that some of them get to spend some time in jail. They should not be allowed into another sporting event for the rest of their lives. The league has attempted to send a strong message to the players, now it is time for a message to be sent to the fans, because to often they get nothing but a slap on the wrists(if that).


It is unfortunate that Artest's previous actions were taken into consideration. I guarantee that if Garnett or Duncan would have done the same thing, that their suspensions would pale in comparison. I think Jackson's suspension was the only one that was fair. O'Neal's suspension was overboard, since fans were charging the floor. That is self defense no matter what anyone says. Furthermore, it is sickening that Wallace, who started the whole thing, despite his idiotic comments that he isn't to blame(I lost all respect for Wallace and we finally get to see the true Ben Wallace), gets a slap in the wrist by comparison.


The league made a mistake. The only justice is that Pistons fans will be seen as the most disgraceful fans in all of sports. Nothing but white trailor trash.

I gotta say bulls*** on your entire post. You are making excuses for players acting like thugs.



Even if Artest didn't charge into the stands, the situation would have escalated


Bulls*** again. If Artest doesn't charge into the stands, Pacers personnel get all of their players off the court and in a hurry. A few more things might have been thrown, but it would have paled in comparison.


I'm done on this subject so rip away at me all you want. Not once have I condoned anything the fans did. Yet, that does not give the players free reign to do what the hell they please. There were lots of things that went wrong that night, but the worst of all of it was Artest's decision to go into the stands.


It's funny how so many people are defending this, yet this is just a perfect example why the NBA has lost so much of its fan following in the past several years. They keep going in this direction, they will be like hockey, where no one gives a s*** if their game disappears.

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I'll add this........ there was a quote from the guy that Artest went after that said while Artest was swinging at him, he was asking him if he was the one that threw it. I think he picked the scrawniest white guy there so he could look tough.


There is a difference between self-defense and retaliation. In baseball the players head immediately toward the dugout when things start flying onto the field from the stands. Getting the hell out of there is a lot more rational thought that starting a riot by jumping right in....

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I gotta say bulls*** on your entire post.  You are making excuses for players acting like thugs.





Bulls*** again.  If Artest doesn't charge into the stands, Pacers personnel get all of their players off the court and in a hurry.  A few more things might have been thrown, but it would have paled in comparison. 


I'm done on this subject so rip away at me all you want.  Not once have I condoned anything the fans did.  Yet, that does not give the players free reign to do what the hell they please.  There were lots of things that went wrong that night, but the worst of all of it was Artest's decision to go into the stands. 


It's funny how so many people are defending this, yet this is just a perfect example why the NBA has lost so much of its fan following in the past several years.  They keep going in this direction, they will be like hockey, where no one gives a s*** if their game disappears.

Rex, we have already gone through this. I personally think you are bulls*** and totally disregard what you have to say. Ever since you showed your true self by attempting to personally attack me for no reason you proved that you are nothing more then a want to be thug yourself.


You are making excuses for fans to act like thugs. You are an old time who has no grasp of reality in regards to current societal trends(ect). You are one of those people that I was refering to. One of those people with no personal experience playing a sport at a high level. The only perspective that you have a clue about is that of a fan, so that doesn't give you the right to accurately comment on this matter, since you lack the ability to understand the situation from the other perspective. As I mentioned before, I was involved in a similar situation. My college football team was playing our division rivals, and after the game, the fans started throwing things at us. I was struck in the eye with a rock and lost vision in my right eye for 3 days. Do you have that kind of experience that allows you to accurately comment on this type of situation from both perspectives? So please don't tell me that Artest wasn't threatened(when objects were thrown at his face), or that the players weren't in any danger, or that you would have the ability to take the high road and walk away from the situation(as always you have an elevated opinion of yourself that makes me want to puke).


How do you know that the Pacers personal could have gotten the players of the floor? That is just like saying the security did a good job of preventing the situation from escalating. It took a matter of seconds for things to get out of hand, so please don't pretend that it was a guarantee that the Pacers would have had the ability to get off the court, or that the fans would have remained relatively calm.


Once again, you have no clue what you are talking about. I wish you could come to some of our football games and see the type of abuse that players take from fans. You never hear about the 99.9% of things that fans do to player because often the players take the abuse, but the truth of the matter is that some of the things that are done would be grounds for fines and potential jail time. The fans get away with so many things that it is unbelievable(you couldn't even begin to comprehend). Sometimes fans cross the line, and they need to be held responsible for their actions. And please don't give me this, "let the police deal with that BS", because they get a slap in the wrist(if that). A message needs to be sent to the fans that this type of behavior will not be tollerated. Answer me this, would the incident have occured if that fan didn't throw a bottle at Artest's face? So how can you defend the fans for instigating the matter? How is it not self defense when a players personal health is put in danger? How is it not self defense when fans start charging the court and threating player? You have no clue what you are talking about. I think it is past your bedtime gramps. Stick to talk about the Great Depression and other events that occured when you had an accurate grasp of reality and society, because you sound like one of those old people talking about how stamps were 2 cents, politicians were noble, kids respected their elders, ect.


What are you talking about? The NBA has received some of its highest ratings over the past couple of years. Once again you have no clue what you are talking about. Are you suggesting that fans should have the right to do whatever they please just because they bought a ticket? You sound like a typical fan who never had the athletic ability to play sports at a high level, but who feels that they have a right to comment and treat athletes as they please(even though they have no experience or understanding), but what else would I expect from you. You are always right. You always take the high road. Open your eyes to reality and take a good look in the mirror old man.


With that said, the players deserve to be punished. However, I just don't think it is fair that the Pacers should take on most of the punishment for the Piston fans actions. I think the Pistons as an organization should be held responsible for their fans actions. I would almost go as far as to say that the Pistons should be forced to forefeit the remained of the season. The Pistons organization needs to be punished and severely, if you want to help prevent future outcomes. Maybe fans would think twice about their actions if they knew that the team that they rooted for would be punished. Because when you boil it down, the Pacers are essentially forefeiting because of the actions of the Piston fans. What is going to stop Pacer fans from doing the exact same thing to the Pistons when they come to town(besides class)? Knowing that the potential punishment that they face is minor(if any) and the consequences for the Pistons players is severe. Until a strict message is sent to fans that this kind of behavior is unacceptable, you will continue to see similar incidents.

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