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Artest gone for the Season


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Nuke, I believe you're thinking of Sprewell who rejected a 10 million dollar a year contract because he said he needs to feed his family.

Ok, I wasn't sure. Regardless, thats indicative of the slugs that are playing in the NBA today. The NBA is turning into a giant real-life rap video.

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Ok,  I wasn't sure.  Regardless, thats indicative of the slugs that are playing in the NBA today.  The NBA is turning into a giant real-life rap video.

OMG.. That's exactly what Jim and I said last night. "You can take the kids out of the troubled neighborhoods, but you can't take the trouble out of the kids"



A shame.

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1) How can you justify a persons actions because they have happened before(with other people)? Does that make it right or ok?


Wallace took it upon himself to send an opposing player a message, just like a million other players before him have done. Nothing new here for people who actually pay attention to basketball.


2) How can you justify giving O'Neal almost 5x the punishment that Wallace got. O'Neal's past record is as clean as Wallace(if you follow the NBA according to you). The 2 differences is that Wallace instigated his fight, while O'Neal was defending himself. The other difference is that Wallace attacked a player and O'Neal a fan. That only does not justify the punishment that O'Neal received in comparison to Wallace.


O'Neal was "defending himself" by running up on some poor idiot and throwing a sucker punch. That's hilarious!


3) You have no clue what type of person Wallace is. Are you stupid enough to believe that just because you watch the NBA that it gives you an accurate opinion of what kind of person a player is?


I guess that you can't know anything about any professional athlete in your world? Mark Buehrle is a good guy -- oh no wait, there's nothing that I can know about the man to determine that. Are you f***ing serious? How many Ben Wallace pieces have you read in your time? How much research have you done on the man? Zip.


4) If Wallace doesn't overreact, than this whole situation never occurs.


Actually, if Artest doesn't lay down on the table as though he was on the freaking beach, this situation never occurs. I have this game taped, and Artest is on the table for close to 30 seconds before the drunken idiot throws the cup of beer at him.


I'm gonna blame Ben Wallace's parents for even having him in the first place.


5) Wallace classlessly denies that he is response for anything. Talking about what kind of person he is, that is about as classless as it gets. A good person takes responsibility for their actions, but I guess you will just ignore that since you have head so far up his ass that you can't see what type of person he truely is.


Again, all he did was shove an opposing player. He took responsibility for that, did he not? Did he throw beer on someone? Did he charge into the stands? Did he sucker punch anyone on the court?

Edited by Chisoxfn
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Just another 4 kids that have a s***bag for a father.  Only difference is that this s***bag has money.


Along those lines,  wasn't it Artest who rejected a 9 million dollar contract saying he had  "kids to feed"?  I could be wrong.

No...that was Spreewell. Artest has never complained about money publicly.

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Wallace took it upon himself to send an opposing player a message, just like a million other players before him have done.  Nothing new here for people who actually pay attention to basketball.




O'Neal was "defending himself" by running up on some poor idiot and throwing a sucker punch.  That's hilarious!




I guess that you can't know anything about any professional athlete in your world?  Mark Buehrle is a good guy -- oh no wait, there's nothing that I can know about the man to determine that.  Are you f***ing serious?  How many Ben Wallace pieces have you read in your time?  How much research have you done on the man?  Zip.




Actually, if Artest doesn't lay down on the table as though he was on the freaking beach, this situation never occurs.  I have this game taped, and Artest is on the table for close to 30 seconds before the drunken idiot throws the cup of beer at him.


I'm gonna blame Ben Wallace's parents for even having him in the first place.




Again, all he did was shove an opposing player.  He took responsibility for that, did he not?  Did he throw beer on someone?  Did he charge into the stands?  Did he sucker punch anyone on the court?

Wow, something must have been wrong with your post HJ if Jason edited it...

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I read this on ESPN's page 2 Top Ten Turkeys of the past year:


What could have been an ugly, uncalled-for act by a fan was turned into a disgraceful melee when Artest chose to react the way he did. Artest was provoked, but provocation isn't an invitation that allows for anything goes.


Nobody is holding players to a higher standard. There is the shoving on the court. The punching on the court. The choking on the court. Although I didn't see the last two. And there is the punching, shoving, choking IN THE STANDS. The standard is set by society. David Stern has no jurisdiction to punish the fans. But he sure as hell can, and did, punish the players. It is up to the Detroit police and Pistons organization to punish the fans. If they don't, you surely can't blame the NBA.


Again, it's called inciting a riot and by going into the stands, Ron Artest did just that, which i believe is a felony in itself, forget the battery charges. I'll re quote the part of the article so you know exactly what I am saying:


What could have been an ugly, uncalled-for act by a fan was turned into a disgraceful melee when Artest chose to react the way he did. Artest was provoked, but provocation isn't an invitation that allows for anything goes.
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Furthermore, what Wallace did was more than shoving, so please quit this, all he did was shove someone BS. He took multiple swings at Artest and rapped his hands around Artest neck. That is not shoving junior. I can s*** and hit someone with a higher IQ then 50(like yourself). You can't handle the heat, than get the f*** out of the kitchen(or I could personally show you what Wallace did if you would prefer that).

Tell me, how do you s*** and hit someone?




/Not a personal attack, just an honest question.

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If this is what you mean :ph34r:  :lol:





Hammerhead rubs some people the wrong way.  And that's precisely his intention.  Yesterday afternoon, Hammerhead showed up on the front steps of Chicago police department headquarters and lit a marijuana cigarette -- or in his words, a "giant bomber" -- that he then passed among about 75 onlookers.




As others fired up joints and pipes and pot smoke swirled toward police headquarters, Hammerhead claimed that smoking pot is not only legal, but morally and ethically right.


"Marijuana does not impair," he told the crowd.  "Marijuana enhances!"


Rub rub rub.

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Wallace took it upon himself to send an opposing player a message, just like a million other players before him have done.  Nothing new here for people who actually pay attention to basketball.




O'Neal was "defending himself" by running up on some poor idiot and throwing a sucker punch.  That's hilarious!




I guess that you can't know anything about any professional athlete in your world?  Mark Buehrle is a good guy -- oh no wait, there's nothing that I can know about the man to determine that.  Are you f***ing serious?  How many Ben Wallace pieces have you read in your time?  How much research have you done on the man?  Zip.




Actually, if Artest doesn't lay down on the table as though he was on the freaking beach, this situation never occurs.  I have this game taped, and Artest is on the table for close to 30 seconds before the drunken idiot throws the cup of beer at him.


I'm gonna blame Ben Wallace's parents for even having him in the first place.




Again, all he did was shove an opposing player.  He took responsibility for that, did he not?  Did he throw beer on someone?  Did he charge into the stands?  Did he sucker punch anyone on the court?

You have failed to answer the 1st question that I presented.


1) Just because other people have acted a certain way in the past does NOT under any circumstance give Wallace the reason to act that way, nor does it make it right for him to do so. How is this simple concept so hard to understand?


2) Wallace does NOT have the right to take matters into his own hands in that way. Just as Artest does NOT have the right to do what he did. How is this simple concept so hard to understand?


3) A hard foul(wasn't even that hard) is NOT reason enough to act the way that Wallace did, nor does it justify the actions that Wallace took. How is this simple concept so hard to understand?


The fact is that Wallace had no right or justification to act the way that he did. Do you find it kind of odd that you are the only one defending Wallace? I guess that makes the rest of us unknowledgible people who must not watch/follow the NBA, or have the expertise that you possess(get a clue).


In regards to question 2, as I have shown(along with the help of another poster), O'Neal most certainly used self defense. Fans have absolutely no right to charge the court, ESPECIALLY in a situation like that. Furthermore, I love how people say that the Pacers players should have taken the high road and walked away, but what about the fans? They should be held accountable as well. When a fight breaks out they should also take the high road and walk away. The intent of the fan that charged the court was as clear as day. He presented an immediate danger to the players. What if he had a weapon of any kind? This certainly gives O'Neal the right to use force in order to defend himself, and if taken to court, I guarantee that he would get off because of self defense. You can maybe make the arguement that he used excessive force, but when his well being is threatened, he most certainly has the right to defend himself.


Once again, you missed the entire point in question 3. Unless you personally know Wallace or someone very close to him, you don't really have an accurate idea of the person he is or the personality that they possess. A perfect example is Kobe. Before the rape incident he was seen as an angel, a poster boy for the NBA, a guy that could do no wrong. There were litterally dozens of articles written about the quality of Kobe's character and personality. He then gets charged with rape(which alone brought down his character/personality), and all of a sudden the same reports that wrote the articles about how good Kobe was as a person began to write articles about how bad he was. Examples of questionable things that Kobe did were brought to the public, and this golden boy image feel apart. The point is that you/I/most reporters have no clue what type of person Wallace is, and to think that you know him because you see him play or you read a couple of articles on him has to be one of the stupidest things I have heard since you last posted. For the record, I have read(similar to the ones written about Kobe) and followed Wallace for some time. He use to be one of my favorite player, so please quit pretending like you are the only expert on the matter.


You have got to be kidding me. You blame this situation on the fact that Artest was man enough to back away and make Wallace look like the punk that he is. That has to be some of the dumbest logic I have heard(since your logic in response to question 1). Wallace DRASTICALLY overracted to a foul. That started the whole altercation and caused fans to get excited.


Will you get it through your thick head that he did more then shove him. He took a semi-swing at Artest's throat. Knowing anything about hand to hand combat(of any form), you will know that a humans throat is arguable the most fragil/sensitive part of their body. Furthermore, he took multiple swings at Artest afterwards, and continued to chase Artest despite the fact that Artest backed away and didn't retaliate. It was more then just a shove junior. Wallace did sucker punch Artest. Are you blind? That is what started the entire situation. Not only did Wallace's action spur the fans, but him failing to back down or walk away only escalated the situation. A better man would have walked away, but Wallace is nothing more then a punk.

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You have failed to answer the 1st question that I presented.


1) Just because other people have acted a certain way in the past does NOT under any circumstance give Wallace the reason to act that way, nor does it make it right for him to do so. How is this simple concept so hard to understand?


2) Wallace does NOT have the right to take matters into his own hands in that way. Just as Artest does NOT have the right to do what he did. How is this simple concept so hard to understand?


3) A hard foul(wasn't even that hard) is NOT reason enough to act the way that Wallace did, nor does it justify the actions that Wallace took. How is this simple concept so hard to understand?


The fact is that Wallace had no right or justification to act the way that he did. Do you find it kind of odd that you are the only one defending Wallace? I guess that makes the rest of us unknowledgible people who must not watch/follow the NBA, or have the expertise that you possess(get a clue).


In regards to question 2, as I have shown(along with the help of another poster), O'Neal most certainly used self defense. Fans have absolutely no right to charge the court, ESPECIALLY in a situation like that. Furthermore, I love how people say that the Pacers players should have taken the high road and walked away, but what about the fans? They should be held accountable as well. When a fight breaks out they should also take the high road and walk away. The intent of the fan that charged the court was as clear as day. He presented an immediate danger to the players. What if he had a weapon of any kind? This certainly gives O'Neal the right to use force in order to defend himself, and if taken to court, I guarantee that he would get off because of self defense. You can maybe make the arguement that he used excessive force, but when his well being is threatened, he most certainly has the right to defend himself.


Once again, you missed the entire point in question 3. Unless you personally know Wallace or someone very close to him, you don't really have an accurate idea of the person he is or the personality that they possess. A perfect example is Kobe. Before the rape incident he was seen as an angel, a poster boy for the NBA, a guy that could do no wrong. There were litterally dozens of articles written about the quality of Kobe's character and personality. He then gets charged with rape(which alone brought down his character/personality), and all of a sudden the same reports that wrote the articles about how good Kobe was as a person began to write articles about how bad he was. Examples of questionable things that Kobe did were brought to the public, and this golden boy image feel apart. The point is that you/I/most reporters have no clue what type of person Wallace is, and to think that you know him because you see him play or you read a couple of articles on him has to be one of the stupidest things I have heard since you last posted. For the record, I have read(similar to the ones written about Kobe) and followed Wallace for some time. He use to be one of my favorite player, so please quit pretending like you are the only expert on the matter.


You have got to be kidding me. You blame this situation on the fact that Artest was man enough to back away and make Wallace look like the punk that he is. That has to be some of the dumbest logic I have heard(since your logic in response to question 1). Wallace DRASTICALLY overracted to a foul. That started the whole altercation and caused fans to get excited.


Will you get it through your thick head that he did more then shove him. He took a semi-swing at Artest's throat. Knowing anything about hand to hand combat(of any form), you will know that a humans throat is arguable the most fragil/sensitive part of their body. Furthermore, he took multiple swings at Artest afterwards, and continued to chase Artest despite the fact that Artest backed away and didn't retaliate. It was more then just a shove junior. Wallace did sucker punch Artest. Are you blind? That is what started the entire situation. Not only did Wallace's action spur the fans, but him failing to back down or walk away only escalated the situation. A better man would have walked away, but Wallace is nothing more then a punk.


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From your link:



It was also before everyone got so angry, and we're not talking about sports. We flip each other off in the car more, and fire off angry e-mails, and it's no surprise that when some of us go to a game, we're not just looking for entertainment, we're looking to let off steam.


To be totally honest, it's been that way here on Soxtalk lately. I've been guilty of it too and, yes, alcohol has been a contributing factor. We really need to try and be more civil with each other. Overlook when someone takes that first shot and try to turn the conversation back to a more civil tone. Just something for everyone to think about.

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From your link:





To be totally honest, it's been that way here on Soxtalk lately.  I've been guilty of it too and, yes, alcohol has been a contributing factor.  We really need to try and be more civil with each other.  Overlook when someone takes that first shot and try to turn the conversation back to a more civil tone.  Just something for everyone to think about.

No question about it. I just reviewed my posts from the past week, and the majority of them were unnecessary.

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From your link:





To be totally honest, it's been that way here on Soxtalk lately.  I've been guilty of it too and, yes, alcohol has been a contributing factor.  We really need to try and be more civil with each other.  Overlook when someone takes that first shot and try to turn the conversation back to a more civil tone.  Just something for everyone to think about.

f*** you Yas!











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