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Lottery winners who lost it all


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I'm not surprised at all. You have to be really careful if you come into money and you're not ready for it.

I guarantee you that I'd have the best Lottery press conference of all time:

"If I didn't know you yesterday, don't call me tomorrow. If I DO know you, but haven't spoken with you lately, let's keep it that way. Don't call me, I'll call you......maybe....."


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I guarantee you that I'd have the best Lottery press conference of all time:

"If I didn't know you yesterday, don't call me tomorrow. If I DO know you, but haven't spoken with you lately, let's keep it that way. Don't call me, I'll call you......maybe....."


You mean you wouldn't go Hulk-a-mania on us?


You know brother, with the big man upstairs and the millions of criticmaniacs watching our back brothers, I won't have to give out a dime brother. :D

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You mean you wouldn't go Hulk-a-mania on us?


You know brother, with the big man upstairs and the millions of criticmaniacs watching our back brothers, I won't have to give out a dime brother. :D

Oh, I think I'd open the sock drawer big time.....Stone, Hogan, Savage, hell, I'd probably do my Michael McDonald impression for the fun of it - best M McD impression in the world, by the way....take my word for it, since there's no more SnR to trot it out on....


That would be a LOT of fun - I'm such a whore for attention, I'd love every second of that spotlight!

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I once won five dollars in the lottery - then my ego got inflated and I lost it all. Now, I just live in my lower middle class apartment and wonder, what could have been. Financial security was *gasp* so close.


Oh, the humanity.


Dude, how do you blow FIVE BIG ONES so quickly???

You musta had a BAD financial analyst....that kinda money doesn't just FLY away, y'know....

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A former girlfriend successfully sued him for a share of his winnings. It wasn't his only lawsuit. A brother was arrested for hiring a hit man to kill him, hoping to inherit a share of the winnings. Other siblings pestered him until he agreed to invest in a car business and a restaurant in Sarasota, Fla., -- two ventures that brought no money back and further strained his relationship with his siblings.



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