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I see from your sig that you're a Pacers fan. I know there have been numerous threads already, but I think it's a great idea voting Artest into the All-Star game. The suspension for the 3 Pacers was terrible especially when Wallace only got 6 when he started it. I'm not going to get into this anymore because I can just go to the other thread. I just think that voting Artest and O'Neal to the All-Star game would should a nice rebellion against David Stern.

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I see from your sig that you're a Pacers fan. I know there have been numerous threads already, but I think it's a great idea voting Artest into the All-Star game. The suspension for the 3 Pacers was terrible especially when Wallace only got 6 when he started it. I'm not going to get into this anymore because I can just go to the other thread. I just think that voting Artest and O'Neal to the All-Star game would should a nice rebellion against David Stern.

I know a couple people disasgree with the idea, and we can just agree to disagree. However, I just don't feel this was all handled correctly.


Ron Artest wasn't right, but he certainly wasn't wrong. Artest fouled Wallace, and there was nothing hard about that. Wallace was so out of line for even pushing Artest. Wallace continued trying to get at Artest, as he avoided confrontation. If Wallace never does anything, the fan would have never felt he had to throw anything.


Jermaine O'Neal is not even close to being wrong. The fan was on the court. If you're on the court, you deserve to get the s*** beaten out of you. That's not your spot. O'Neal had every right to go after the fan on the court, because there's no questions that the fan had nothing but bad intentions by being on the court.


I would love to see Artest and O'Neal voted into the All-Star game to spite David Stern.


I created a group of the idea of voting Artest into the ASG on the facebook last night, and it's awesome. It's blown up fast. It already has 25 members, 1 being Ron Artest's brother, who goes to IU.

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I created a group of the idea of voting Artest into the ASG on the facebook last night, and it's awesome. It's blown up fast. It already has 25 members, 1 being Ron Artest's brother, who goes to IU.



Good I hope more people join it fast. And yes O'Neal wasn't wrong at all. I was saying he shouldn't be suspended for it but I was guessing 5 games. I was shocked at the 25 he got.

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LMAO...I was voting last night.  I guess they decided to take him off the ballot, because if you notice, there's one less choice for the Eastern conference guards compared to the Western conference.


:fyou Stern.

Wow, now that's bulls***. Guess that means it has to be a write in campaign.

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Can you honestly say you didn't expect them to take him off the ballot? He is suspended for the season. To me that pretty much eliminates him from eligibility immediately, so why keep him on the ballot and allow votes to be made for someone that cannot play, taking them away from someone else who can?

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Sorry, he's suspended.  No season play, no all-star play.  If he does get voted in to play the all-star game, I hope he has the good sense to turn it down.

oh wait, this is Ron artest.

The NBA has bad enough an image as it is. Allowing a thug like Artest into the AS game would only throw more gas on the fire.

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I know a couple people disasgree with the idea, and we can just agree to disagree.  However, I just don't feel this was all handled correctly.


Ron Artest wasn't right, but he certainly wasn't wrong.  Artest fouled Wallace, and there was nothing hard about that.  Wallace was so out of line for even pushing Artest.  Wallace continued trying to get at Artest, as he avoided confrontation.  If Wallace never does anything, the fan would have never felt he had to throw anything. 


Jermaine O'Neal is not even close to being wrong.  The fan was on the court.  If you're on the court, you deserve to get the s*** beaten out of you.  That's not your spot.  O'Neal had every right to go after the fan on the court, because there's no questions that the fan had nothing but bad intentions by being on the court.


I would love to see Artest and O'Neal voted into the All-Star game to spite David Stern. 


I created a group of the idea of voting Artest into the ASG on the facebook last night, and it's awesome.  It's blown up fast.  It already has 25 members, 1 being Ron Artest's brother, who goes to IU.

First, the Pacers are up by 15 and Artest pushes Wallace in the back, like a coward, while he was in the air, which is when a player is most vulnerable. Artest started the whole thing, not Wallace. If Artest doesn't shove him in the back like a coward then nothing happens. I am sick of hearing how Wallace started it, Artest started all of it. If there is no shove in the back then there is no fight. Come on now, your up by 15 points with 45 seconds to go, are you seriously telling me that that was necessary?


I would like you to tell me how avoiding a guy bigger and stronger than you is ok especially after he just punched you in the neck. To me he avoided him because he is a coward. However, it is ok to go after a fan 1/2 his size that throws a cup of ice. There is a bit of hypocrisy there.


The guy that threw the cup of ice is definately at fault as well, especially when you see him sucker punching Artest in the back of the head later.


Artest is the biggest f*** up in the NBA today. I am not saying he is a bad guy, but he is a damn moron! He deserved the punishment he received. Something had to be done with him as he has done too much to shame himself as well as the NBA.

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You can't honestly believe that Artest started the whole thing. I have seen much harder fouls than that, and the guy that was fouled didn't push the guy in the face. It wasn't like Artest knocked him to the ground, this is f***ing Ben Wallace here, he's supposed to be tough, just rub it off and don't be a pussy about it. I'm not a Pacers fan or a Ron Artest fan, and I actually kind of liked Ben Wallace before this incident. But he was clearly in the wrong this time.

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I'm not gonna get into this again, but I have to refute this.


First, the Pacers are up by 15 and Artest pushes Wallace in the back, like a coward, while he was in the air, which is when a player is most vulnerable. Artest started the whole thing, not Wallace. If Artest doesn't shove him in the back like a coward then nothing happens. I am sick of hearing how Wallace started it, Artest started all of it. If there is no shove in the back then there is no fight. Come on now, your up by 15 points with 45 seconds to go, are you seriously telling me that that was necessary?


If you watch ANY NBA game, you will atleast 5 fouls as hard or harder than that foul. Second, Ron Artest just doesn't give up easy shots to anyone at anytime, thats the type of defender he is, its what makes him a great defender. It wasn't a cheap shot, it wasn't even a hard foul. Ben was just upset at being destroyed by an arch rival, and let his temper out. With that said, I think everyone has shown what side they are on over this issue over and over again, its not gonna do any good to argue on it anymore. I don't see any of us changing our minds, nor should we. Now we get to see whether the PA will get their way and Artest's suspension will be cut to 35 games. I think it will.

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I'm not gonna get into this again, but I have to refute this.




If you watch ANY NBA game, you will atleast 5 fouls as hard or harder than that foul. Second, Ron Artest just doesn't give up easy shots to anyone at anytime, thats the type of defender he is, its what makes him a great defender. It wasn't a cheap shot, it wasn't even a hard foul. Ben was just upset at being destroyed by an arch rival, and let his temper out. With that said, I think everyone has shown what side they are on over this issue over and over again, its not gonna do any good to argue on it anymore. I don't see any of us changing our minds, nor should we. Now we get to see whether the PA will get their way and Artest's suspension will be cut to 35 games. I think it will.

Obviously you and bones don't understand my points.


First of all how does it make someone a great defender by pushing someone in the back while he is in the air. I never said it was a hard foul, however it was cheap and uneccessary and it hits a player at his most vulnerable point, while he is in the air. Artest is a pussy from walking away from Wallace but then taking on a guy half his size in the stands. COWARD!


Second, the Pacers are up by 15 points with 45 seconds to go, was it really necessary to do what he did? He with out a doubt started the whole thing. If he never pushes Wallace in the back like a coward with 45 seconds to go while his team is up by 15 points then nothing like this happens.


Artest's suspension will not get cut down. The NBA players association is not as strong as the MLB PA and Stern is a great comissioner. He takes a stand on things and does not back peddle. This needs to be done.


Artest is getting what he wants anyways, time off to promote his album and free publicity for it.

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Since this is never going to end, I will stop arguing. You think it was a bad foul, I don't. You think Artest is a pussy because of it, and I don't. Thats fine.

If yuo can explain how he is not a pussy for avoiding a confrontation with Ben Wallace but then goes after a fan in the stands half his size then please go right ahead. I find it a tough argument to make.


If you can tell me why he is committing such an uneccessary foul with 45 seconds to go then please tell me. I would love to hear that explaination. 45 seconds to go and up by 15 he is going to push someone in the back while he is in the air going for a layup? That is not only a bad foul, but it is stupid. Go ahead and please explain why that is a good foul. I am waiting to hear this explaination of why that would ever be considered a good foul or something you would want your player to do. Utter nonsense.


If you say he is defending himself by going after the fan that threw a cup of ice at him then why doesn't he defend himself against Ben Wallace? Whatever though, I really coudn't give two s***s. To each their own.

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