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ACC basketball question concerning ESPN

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Palehose, interesting argument here. I'm a duke fan and I'll tell you what I agree with you 100 percent that JJ is an overrated player but I don't think he's an overrated shooter. Both McCants and JJ are absolutely great shooters but obviously Rashaad is the much better player. The reason I think more people think of JJ are because of the absolutely beautiful stroke he possess. If I had to take one guy to shoot a 3 I am taking JJ. The reason I say this, is because Redick is constantly getting pressured around the 3 point stripe because defenses know the only thing he can do is shoot, while with Rashaad can create his own shot that can give him a bit more room to get a clean shot off. Either way I don't think you can go wrong but IMO I still think Redick is the better shooter, just my 2 cents. :)

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I can see your point Rowand, JJ is a great outside shooter, the best in the nation though is questionable to me.


I do think I have some room to complain. UNC received alot of bad pub and was largely ignored ever since the Doherty 2001 meltdown after being #1 for so long and then losing to Clemson. After that it was two bad years of basketball and alot of smack being talked about UNC. Everyone jumped off the bandwagon, including Vitale and the entire ESPN network outside of Stuart Scott. Every night they showed clips of UNC and how far they had fallen etc etc. I've heard ridiculous comments from ESPN for 5+ years now, including one this year that was just hilarious. They said several times that Duke dominated the ACC since the 80's, just hilarious. I've heard Jay Williams and Chris Duhon were the best backcourt in ACC history, I've heard all about coach K turning down the Lakers job and how great it was, yet they never mention Roy was offered the job before and turned it down without any second thought.


I think alot of teams are ignored when they focus solely on the ACC and mainly Duke. I was watching the Duke-Princeton game last year, and they announcers had the audacity to say that these two teams had the type of student athlete that the NCAA needed. They neglected to mention Duke's basketball team was in the middle of the ACC SAT wise at around 1000 while Princeton's players are in the 1380-1500 range, even Duke's football standards are similar to the overall student population which is 1350+, Duke basketball is held on a much lower standard suprise suprise. Maryland's team actually had a higher SAT average than Duke, Sean Dockery made it into Duke with a 2.3 gpa and 15 ACT score. I know all ACC schools get some bad students into the program, just don't try to tell me Duke is above everyone.


I'm not even gonna mention the fact that Corey Maggette played at Duke while he was a professional due to payments he received from AAU, yet the NCAA chooses to ignore this, suprise suprise.

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