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Who is owned by whom?

Rex Kickass

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Which party is in the pocket of corporations? According to public record, it would appear to be the GOP.


Top Corporate PACS favored GOP


Of 268 corporate PACs that donated $100,000 or more to presidential and congressional candidates from January 2003 through the middle of last month, 245 gave the majority of their contributions to GOP hopefuls, according to an analysis released Wednesday by the nonpartisan Political Money Line campaign finance tracking service.
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I'm sorry but lobbists are going to give money to whatever group has the most power. Right now the GOP is running the show so of course they are going to be getting the most money. If the Dem's were in charge we'd be reading about how they were in the corporate pocket. It's all relative.

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I don't know if it is the case about the PACs and helping the side in power. The best way to figure that out is to look at PAC donations from 1994 and see where the bread was buttered. I will say this, that the Democrat party is beholden to special interests as well. Some of these are funding 527s sure, but these PACs are corporate PACs, which is to say they are set up and funded by the individual corporation - as far as I'm aware.


Democrats are given big helping hands by organized labor. Far more than Republicans. So there are some advantages to the Dems.


But I think it's important to know who is getting all this fundage. It provides a nice clue as to who is repaying a favor - and who is simply making a policy decision.

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It isn't always that easy. In fairness to all politicos there may be very good reasons they favor policies that help their biggest donors.


Let's say, for example that I am a congressman and ChiSoxFn has turned this into a media empire, wealthy and powerful, and reaches millions of voters. He knows what a liberal asshole I am, and what a GOPerbot Nuke is. He and Nuke share a lot of values and opinions. ChiSox donates millions, writes editorials on Soxtalk, and campaigns for Nuke. Nuke wins. Later a bill comes up that would help ChiSoxFn. Since Nuke respects ChiSoxfn, they share many of the same values, it would be no surprise that Nuke would vote for the bill, regardless of the donations.


If you respect each other and otherwise agree, the votes and donations, should line up.


It's the slimy corporations that work both sides of the aisle with their donations.


The sell out is in the party politics. When junior congressman and senators are forced to vote party lines or risk having opposition and no money in their next primary. Vote against party lines and get low level nothing committee appointments. Vote against party lines and never be able to sponsor a bill.

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