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Swift Vets Still Going After Kerry


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I saw this and laughed my ass off.


At the center of the group's efforts is a $1.8 million television ad campaign that includes spots questioning Kerry's ability to make quick decisions in a fast-food line, leave adequate distance between his car and the next in heavy traffic, and take proper care of his lawn. The ads have run in heavy rotation throughout the Boston area since Kerry gave his concession speech Nov. 3, and local television affiliates confirmed that the group has purchased airtime through the summer of 2005.


In one ad, titled "Anything At All," former Navy gunner Andrew Elder addresses the camera while sitting in front of black-and-white, Vietnam-era photos of Kerry.


"John Kerry is a ruthless man who will do anything to get ahead," Elder says. "If he was willing to betray America to our Vietnamese enemies, can he really be trusted to sell you cookies at his church bake sale?"


Another ad, called "The Cheat," features first-hand testimony from Retired U.S. Navy Cpt. Charles Plumly.


"With my own eyes, I witnessed John Kerry cheating at poker," Plumly says in the ad. "If he's willing to cheat at card games in a war zone, what might he do while playing badminton at his next-door neighbor's barbecue?"


A third ad, called "War Criminal," uses silent video footage of a younger Kerry testifying before Congress, interspersed with recent footage of the senator waving to a crowd as he exits an airplane.

A Swift Boat Veterans For Truth ad questions Kerry's coffee-purchase record.

Above: A Swift Boat Veterans For Truth ad questions Kerry's coffee-purchase record.


"Mr. Kerry accused his fellow soldiers in Vietnam of war crimes," a narrator says in the ad. "He claimed they cut off ears and heads, raped women, and killed young children. What lies might he make up about you if you happen to be seated next to him on an airplane?"


:lol: :lol:

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What I don't get is how do we know Kerry was lying?

My dad went to Vietnam. He might not of admitted to any of this s*** but he did come back all screwed up. He was hooked on drugs and exposed to chemicals that later gave him cancer. Sometimes we as Americans need to take the blinders off and realize that our people can screw up too. It was hard for me to believe a bunch of guys who weren't there.

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What I don't get is how do we know Kerry was lying?

My dad went to Vietnam. He might not of admitted to any of this s*** but he did come back all screwed up. He was hooked on drugs and exposed to chemicals that later gave him cancer. Sometimes we as Americans need to take the blinders off and realize that our people can screw up too. It was hard for me to believe a bunch of guys who weren't there.

They were there.......they were his shipmates.

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Bottom line is we know some servicemen and women are liars. We know that all the pretty ribbons and medals are a big farce to make people look good. Purple Hearts and Bronze Stars are a joke. The military is as f***ed up as Enron.






Actually you're a joke because you dont have a clue what the hell you're talking about.


Do some people get awards they probably dont deserve. Now and again yes.


Dont talk to me about a Purple Heart being a joke, go take a drive to Walter Reed Hospital or hop a flight to Landsthul and run your mouth & see how far it gets you.

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psst Nuke - sarcasm.  Also, that is basically what the swift boat people have been basically saying.

Green Font was conspicuously off.



Do some people get awards they probably dont deserve. Now and again yes.


Thats my position regarding military awards but I don't subscribe to that school of thought though reference Kerry. I really dont care either.

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Actually you're a joke because you dont have a clue what the hell you're talking about.


Do some people get awards they probably dont deserve.  Now and again yes.


Dont talk to me about a Purple Heart being a joke,  go take a drive to Walter Reed Hospital or hop a flight to Landsthul and run your mouth & see how far it gets you.

s***, I'll bet half the guys lied to get them. There is no fact checking. Get a boo boo playing cards and here's a purple heart. I'm certain that only a couple guys ever faked and lied, and gee, that one guy runs for President and all these guys remember him. Can't discredit one guy and not the rest. The Swift Boat guys exposed a system of lying and false awards for bravery.


Don't have a clue? I read everything the Swift Boat guys wrote. I listened to Rush and Hannity and they convinced me that the military loves to decorate themselves in brightly covered ribbons and really don't care if anything could be proven. It's harder to get a subscription to Sport Illustrated than a Purple Heart.


:lolhitting :lolhitting I stubbed my toe, quick get me a Purple Heart form. Two more and I'm out of here. :lolhitting Damn I pinched my finger when I was torturing that woman, quick get me a form, 1 more and I'm going home. :lol:


I am certain that now and again some guys really were hurt and deserve the award. To bad there isn't one that isn't tainted they could wear. When it's that easy to fake it, what is it really worth? Hell, I could buy one at the last gun show I was at for $15.00.

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s***, I'll bet half the guys lied to get them. There is no fact checking. Get a boo boo playing cards and here's a purple heart. I'm certain that only a couple guys ever faked and lied, and gee, that one guy runs for President and all these guys remember him. Can't discredit one guy and not the rest. The Swift Boat guys exposed a system of lying and false awards for bravery.


Don't have a clue? I read everything the Swift Boat guys wrote. I listened to Rush and Hannity and they convinced me that the military loves to decorate themselves in brightly covered ribbons and really don't care if anything could be proven. It's harder to get a subscription to Sport Illustrated than a Purple Heart.


:lolhitting  :lolhitting I stubbed my toe, quick get me a Purple Heart form. Two more and I'm out of here.  :lolhitting Damn I pinched my finger when I was torturing that woman, quick get me a form, 1 more and I'm going home.  :lol:


I am certain that now and again some guys really were hurt and deserve the award. To bad there isn't one that isn't tainted they could wear. When it's that easy to fake it, what is it really worth? Hell, I could buy one at the last gun show I was at for $15.00.

This is a poor attempt at sarcasm. From the looks of things you spend a lot more time listening to Rush and Hannity than I do BTW.

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I differentiate between a meaningless award and the injury. I am certain that every person at Walter Reed would gladly exchange their Purple Heart for the ability to see, or walk, or s*** through a colon instead of a colostomy bag. Imagine the bs of paying a high price for service to our country, perhaps losing your eye sight, and some officer shows up to hand you a Purple Heart. You know that back in your unit, Bobby receive the Purple Heart when he tripped over his shoe laces running back to get more beer. Or you hear Swifties telling you how this guy lied to get his. I am not saying that the injuries are meaningless, I am saying the awards have become meaningless.


Yes, I do listen to Rush, O'Reilly, some Hannity, and a bit of Laura Ingrams. Amazingly, the biased media, in an area that the GOP could not find anyone willing to run against the incumbent Dem for congress, the only two talk radio stations play GOP campaign speeches 24/7. So it's my only choice.

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I differentiate between a meaningless award and the injury. I am certain that every person at Walter Reed would gladly exchange their Purple Heart for the ability to see, or walk, or s*** through a colon instead of a colostomy bag. Imagine the bs of paying a high price for service to our country, perhaps losing your eye sight, and some officer shows up to hand you a Purple Heart. You know that back in your unit, Bobby receive the Purple Heart when he tripped over his shoe laces running back to get more beer. Or you hear Swifties telling you how this guy lied to get his. I am not saying that the injuries are meaningless, I am saying the awards have become meaningless.


Yes, I do listen to Rush, O'Reilly, some Hannity, and a bit of Laura Ingrams. Amazingly, the biased media, in an area that the GOP could not find anyone willing to run against the incumbent Dem for congress, the only two talk radio stations play GOP campaign speeches 24/7. So it's my only choice.

I only mention it because unless you've listened to Rush less than twice in the last 4 years and Hannity once........ever you've listened to them more than I have.


Regarding the swifties, I dont agree with the way they tried to slam Kerry about the validity of his awards. As far as I'm concerned if someone higher up in his chain of command recommended him for an award thats good enough for me. I am in no position to judge. I have stated that many times before BTW and was also not the one that politicized what was supposed to have been a funny satire thread.

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