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"Dan Rather got smeared"


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Saw that. Interesting piece. Makes a good point though. Carl Cameron files a fake news story on foxnews.com during the campaign, but there were no "Carl Cameron Must Go" commercials anywhere. Dan Rather makes a mistake, retracts and apologizes for it, even though the documents don't invalidate the rest of the story - and he's basically lynched for it.


I'm no Dan Rather fan, or O'Reilly fan, but he's right - the guy was smeared. Too bad O'Reilly didn't speak up when it counted.

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Saw that. Interesting piece. Makes a good point though. Carl Cameron files a fake news story on foxnews.com during the campaign, but there were no "Carl Cameron Must Go" commercials anywhere. Dan Rather makes a mistake, retracts and apologizes for it, even though the documents don't invalidate the rest of the story - and he's basically lynched for it.


I'm no Dan Rather fan, or O'Reilly fan, but he's right - the guy was smeared. Too bad O'Reilly didn't speak up when it counted.

Comparing Carl Cameron to Dan Rather is like comparing Mark Eaton to Lebron James

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Let's bring up Neil Cavuto saying "Am I slanted and biased? You damn well bet I am" or saying that OBL was wearing a Kerry button in his Nov. 1 speech. Or how about Ollie North who should be rotting in a prison right now being given a show, or Sean Hannity's numerous lies and distortions that he doesn't apologize for.


If one is angry at Rather for making a mistake then one should also take the entire Fox News Channel to task for their lax policies in fact checking and being "fair and balanced". And for journalistic integrity: A report in the Los Angeles Times on November 1, 2003 quoted Charlie Reina, a former FOX News producer, saying FOX News executives require the network's on-air anchors and reporters to cover news stories from a right-wing viewpoint and distributed a daily memo explaining what stories to highlight and how to report them. You can read the memos online.

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Really? Carl Cameron is the Chief Political Correspondent at Fox News.


Or are you just saying that the Fox News news gathering organization simply pales in comparison to CBS?

sh*t Fox News simply pales in comparison to The Springfield Daily Shopper. (think Simpsons)


Shutton: Uh, Dave Shutton, Springfield Daily Shopper. Who are you?

Where are you going?

Kent: Oh, do your research, Shutton! Uh, Kent Brockman, Channel Six

News. How does it feel to be accused of the attempted murder

of your boss and mentor?

Smithers: Kent, I...I feel about as low as Madonna when she found out

she missed Tailhook.

Kent: Oh. I'm going to say "Ouch" for Madonna!

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