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Jim Fainter

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I was more upset at him b****ing about going to AAA after he gave up the HR's to Cameron. It was obvious that he wasn't healthy, for god sakes his fastball was in the low 80's! You are obviously hurting the team, just take the assignment and go get things right. Instead he openned his mouth, and sealed the fate that he wasn't coming back to the Sox.

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I was more upset at him b****ing about going to AAA after he gave up the HR's to Cameron.  It was obvious that he wasn't healthy, for god sakes his fastball was in the low 80's!  You are obviously hurting the team, just take the assignment and go get things right.  Instead he openned his mouth, and sealed the fate that he wasn't coming back to the Sox.

He b****ed way before that shelling too southsider. I remember a whole piece in the Chicago Sun-Times..... all it was was a Butter b****-fest. Good riddance to Butter and his 83 mph fastball. He'll be extremely lucky to finish .500. Doesn't say much for the D-Rays pitching staff either.

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I was more upset at him b****ing about going to AAA after he gave up the HR's to Cameron.  It was obvious that he wasn't healthy, for god sakes his fastball was in the low 80's!  You are obviously hurting the team, just take the assignment and go get things right.  Instead he openned his mouth, and sealed the fate that he wasn't coming back to the Sox.

Agreed. I never had much problem with Parque other then his huge mouth. He thought he was awesome, yet the numbers wouldn't say so, but he kept complaining. I really think Williams was right, but Parque couldn't stand Kenny sending him down and being very honest. Parque must of thought and arm injury is easier to recover from or something. I think he learned just how hard it is, and if he's back to 100% he'll be a pretty solid pitcher for the Devil Rays. I think Lou is gonna want him to get deeper into games, but Parque always seemed like a battler and Lou likes those kind of guys.

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